
Ultimate Health and Prosperity Booster Package

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US $ 99.00
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  • Powerspot Abishekam and Archana (Hydration and Light & Sound Ceremony) to archetype Vaithyanathan for 11 Days (Starting from May 28th)
  • Apadhu Dharana Stotram (Hymn) Chanting
  • 7 Priest Grand Beejashara Sampuditha Amirta Mrityunjaya Homa
  • Product: Energized Health Bracelet

Participate in Apadhu Dharana Stotram Chanting with Beejashara Sampuditha Amirta Mrityunjaya Homa to invoke the combined preserver and destroyer energies of Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva to remove fear, overpower untimely death and bestow roga nivarana (get rid of diseases) and longevity blessing. The 7 sacred herbs offered to Lord Shiva as Mrityunjaya calls upon his divine healing energy to rejuvenate mind, body and soul and to provide the willpower to fight against chronic illness and untimely death in the family. It is one of a rare opportunity for you to connect with Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva as Mrityunjaya for Ultimate Fearless Health & Prosperity Blessings.

7 Priest Grand Beejashara Sampuditha Amirta Mrityunjaya Homa

7 Priest Grand Beejashara Sampuditha Amirta Mrityunjaya Homa

Powerspot Abishekam and Archana to archetype Vaithyanathan for 11 Days

Powerspot Abishekam and Archana to archetype Vaithyanathan for 11 Days

Product: Energized Health Bracelet

Product: Energized Health Bracelet

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