
Group Parashuram Avatar Homa Package

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US $ 69.00
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Parashuram is the sixth avatar of Lord Vishnu. According to scriptures, during Treta Yuga, Vishnu took this form as a warrior-sage to avenge the arrogant and unrighteous Kings (Kshatriyas) and establish dharma (righteousness). Worshipping Parashuram avatar can help you gain mental strength and courage and grant progress, prosperity and freedom from fear. 

Abishekam & Archana (Hydration and Light & Sound Ceremony) to Lord Vishnu at Powerspot

Abishekam & Archana (Hydration and Light & Sound Ceremony) to Lord Vishnu at Powerspot

Energized 2 Inch Statue of Parashurama Avatar

Energized 2 Inch Statue of Parashurama Avatar

Parashurama is the sixth incarnation of Vishnu, the Warrior Sage who took down the tyranny of Kshatriyas who misruled and inflicted hardship on their subjects. He is depicted with an axe, which symbolizes uprooting evil and negativity. Parashurama is one of the seven Chiranjeevis (those who have conquered death). Worshipping Vishnu as Parashurama mitigates Venus afflictions, grants progress and prosperity, eliminates fear, enhances skills.

Group Parashuram Homa on Oct 1st

Group Parashuram Homa on Oct 1st

Offering Tulsi Garland to Lord Vishnu

Participate in Hayagriva homa on his birthday to invoke the blessings of the Lord of Knowledge, Hayagriva, and can increase intelligence, insight, intuition and improve analytical and instinctive knowledge.

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