
Elite Rituals for Thai Amavasya 2019

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US $ 289.00
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  • Group Tarpanam at Kerala
  • Gokarna Bhagvata Saptaha Reading
  • Food Feeding for 5 people
  • Feeding Cows with Agathi Leaves (Spinach)
  • Individual Karuppasamy Homa

Participate in elite package rituals as you get to sponsor food feeding for the poor and needy as it is considered the highest form of charity, which enables you to receive the blessing of your ancestors and all celestial beings to invite prosperity into your life. The most powerful way of feeding the souls of your ancestors is by performing individual Tarpanam ritual at this most auspicious place. These sacred rituals prescribed in Vedas can help free the souls of your ancestors, the greatest act to remove hardships in your life.

Please Note: We will not be shipping any Prasad after the Tarpanam, as it is generally considered inauspicious to possess the Prasad.

Feeding Cows with Agathi Leaves

Feeding Cows with Agathi Leaves (Spinach)

Food Feeding For 5 Person

Food Feeding For 5 Person

Gokarna Bhagvata Saptaha Reading

Gokarna Bhagvata Saptaha Reading

Group Tarpanam at Kerala

Group Tarpanam at Kerala

Individual Karuppasamy homa at AstroVed Remedy Center

Individual Karuppasamy homa at AstroVed Remedy Center

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