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Shreem Brzee Wealth Powertimes

August 2022

pink and purple sunset

August is alive with powerful energy, providing many astrological openings that can help you manifest wealth with Shreem Brzee. We have auspicious opportunities to connect with abundant Goddess energy on Aadi Fridays and Aadi Perukku, several Moon phases that help us obtain wealth and clear negativity and obstacles, powerful archetype birthdays, and much more. Read below to discover more about these cosmic events and learn how to tune into their special energies to support your Shreem Brzee practice.

Watch the August Powertime Forecast replay here.


Aadi Perukku | August 2

Aadi Perukku is the day when Shiva and Vishnu appeared in a single form as SankarAnarayana at the request of Goddess Parvati. It is considered a highly auspicious day to have your authentic desires fulfilled and your life to be enriched with increased abundance. 

During Aadi Perukku, Lakshmi, the Goddess of Abundance, and Kubera, the Banker in Heaven, are often invoked to bless all of humanity with peace, prosperity, and happiness.

What to Do on Aadi Perukku

  • Offer sincere prayers to Lakshmi for blessings of peace, abundance, and joy.
  • Chant Shreem Brzee 108x


Aadi Velli (Goddess Fridays) | August 5 & 12

All Fridays are filled with Goddess energy and blessings, but Aadi Goddess Fridays are even more alive with feminine power.

The entire month of Aadi (mid-July to mid-August) is particularly sacred for invoking the blessings of the dynamic divine Goddess energy called “Shakti.” The month is filled with blessings from the Supreme Goddesses for abundance of all kinds including prosperity, protection, vitality, and fortune.

August 5 is also Varalakshmi Vratha. Vara means boon, and Lakshmi in this form is a wish-fulfiller, so this day is referred to as a “boon-bestowing Friday.” Flowers have great purity, so offering flowers to Varalakshmi can enable prayers to reach her in the akash or causal plane.

What to do on Aadi Velli

  • Pray to the goddess during this auspicious month of Aadi to develop a strong connection with her
  • Chant Shreem Brzee 108x


Shreem Brzee Fridays | August 5, 12, 19 & 26

Venus is the planet of prosperity and ruler of Fridays. Goddess Lakshmi is the overlord of Venus. Abundant wealth energy from both the planets and the divine are highly present.

On August 5 and 12, the Sun is in Cancer, which creates unconditional loving energy that can enhance our Shreem Brzee practice when we connect to it. 

On August 19 and 26, the Sun is in Leo, which creates a royal and powered energy. This can add great strength and empowerment to our manifestation efforts.

What to Do on Shreem Brzee Fridays

  • Chant Shreem Brzee 1008x 
  • Offer hydration to a Shreem Brzee yantra with water and/or milk


Anuradha Star Day for Wealth and Purity | August 6

Anuradha star holds qualities of purity and prosperity. On this day, the Moon will be in Anuradha, offering combined abundant energy.

Anuradha star is the birth star of Vishwamitra, the great Rishi and Siddha who gave the Brzee mantra to Dr. Pillai. It is also the birth star of Lakshmi, the Supreme Goddess of Wealth. 

These deities and their respective cosmic being (Anuradha star) are very much connected with what we want. Sometimes we cannot achieve our goals on our own because we get stuck in the ego. Once we connect with the divine or the planet, we pacify and satisfy them, which invoke their blessings in return.

Anuradha is ruled by Saturn, which brings much wealth and rules everything on the Earth. To harness blessings from Saturn, you must follow your duties and responsibilities (dharma), and wealth will come to you.

What to do on Anuradha Star Day

  • Chant Shreem Brzee 1008 times
  • Hydrate a Shreem Brzee yantra or Vishwamitra statue
  • Pray to Vishwamitra and/or Lakshmi for blessings of prosperity


11th Moon for Wealth | August 7 & 22

The 11th Moon is the Moon of Vishnu, who is Lakshmi’s consort. Together, the divine couple is responsible for bestowing health, wealth, happiness, and material comforts on the Earth plane. 

The 11th Moon is one of the most fortunate times of the month, so it is a day that is considered to work in your favor. It is in the 11th House, which represents wealth — it can bring income, gifts, lottery wins, or anything connected to amassing wealth. Planets in the 11th House, no matter their nature, usually bring wealth and material fortune.

What to Do on the 11th Moon

  • Pray to Lord Vishnu to receive blessings of abundance.
  • Chant Om Namo Narayanaya 108x
  • Chant Shreem Brzee 1008x


13th Moon for Karma Clearing | August 9 & 24

The 13th Moon (Pradosham) is an ideal time to release unwanted karmic thoughts, behaviors, and habits that may hold you back from materializing abundance. On this day, it is ideal to pray to let go of these hindering karmic impressions.

The 13th Moon on August 9 is on a Tuesday. When a 13th Moon falls on a Tuesday, it is called “Runa Vinochana Pradosham” and is especially favorable for dissolving negative karma of debts.

What to Do on the 13th Moon


Full Moon for Abundance | August 11

The Full Moon day is one of the most auspicious days of the month to practice Shreem Brzee. The Full Moon phase represents peak abundance, and its full energy reflects material and spiritual abundance on Earth. On this day, your practices are multiplied with divine and cosmic support.

What to Do on the Full Moon

  • Chant & write Shreem Brzee 1008x
  • Chant Om Namo Narayanaya 108x


4th Moon for Obstacle Removal | August 14 & 30

The 4th Moon represents Ganesha, the archetype who specializes in obstacle removal. Connecting with him and praying to him can help you clear obstructions and delays to your wealth manifestations. Ganesha is also known for his power to accelerate, meaning he can help expedite your manifestations.

What to Do on the 4th Moon

  • Chant Om Gum 108x
  • Chant Shreem Brzee 108x


Vishnupati | August 17

Vishnupati marks the first 48 hours (or first sunrise) after the Sun enters a fixed sign (Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio, or Taurus). In this case, the Sun will move into Leo. During this time, the Sun’s energy is more focused, so it is easier to manifest transformational miracles of all kinds.

Vishnupathi means that Lord Vishnu is more available to you, so it is easy to connect with him and pray for wealth. It is ideal to connect with both Vishnu and Lakshmi during these significant 48 hours. With pure belief, devotion, and meditation or rituals, you can experience many miracles, especially those relating to wealth.

What to Do on Vishnupati

  • Chant Om Namo Narayanaya 108x
  • Chant Shreem Brzee 108x


Krishna’s Birthday | August 18

Krishna can give you a 200% Life—100% material and 100% spiritual. His energy is abundantly available on his birthday, so it is ideal to establish a connection with him.

Krishna is the God of Kali Yuga and is considered the perfect embodiment of material wealth.. 5,000 years ago, he left the Earth plane, stating that he had left behind meaning and that Kali Yuga was starting. He reassured the people that they are not on their own, and that he will be there to help.

Krishna returns when Satya Yuga begins, which Dr. Pillai says has already started. 

We can invoke Krishna’s blessings by being dharmic (fulfilling our duties and doing the right thing). In other words, if you are kind, understanding, and compassionate, Krishna will help you—he always helps righteous people. 

Krishna is also an avatar of Vishnu, who bestows blessings of material wealth and comforts.

What to Do on Krishna’s Birthday

  • Pray to Krishna and ask for wealth
  • Chant Krishna’s mantra, “Hari Bol” 1008x


New Moon for Ancestral Blessings | August 26

The Moon is very quiet in the New Moon, giving us an opportunity to find silence and peace within ourselves. We are so subdued in our mind, and sometimes we just need to stop, meditate, and pacify our ancestors.

The New Moon is the best time to clear negative ancestral patterns that are holding you back. In Vedic Astrology, which is also a teaching of Dr. Pillai, it is custom to honor and celebrate our ancestors, help them evolve, and release them to higher realms. In return, they reciprocate their blessings. 

During the New Moon, the Moon becomes brighter as it approaches the waxing phase. This provides a favorable opportunity to change our mindset, explore new beginnings, and harness the power of creation.

What to Do on the New Moon

  • Perform Tarpanam to your ancestors (during daylight hours only).

At-home Tarpanam guide | Year-long Tarpanam performed on your behalf


Ganesha’s Birthday | August 30

Ganesha’s energy is abundantly available on his birthday to help you remove obstacles, including those that prevent you from acquiring prosperity and wealth consciousness.

According to the Siddhas, Ganesha is considered the first and primordial deity who can remove obstacles from all areas of your life. 

You can join us for Ganesha’s birthday rituals to establish a connection with him during this time. (Details coming soon. Check pillaicenter.com in the coming week for more information and participation details).

What to Do on Ganesha’s Birthday

  • Chant Om Gum 1,008x


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