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Are you a glass-half-full kind of person? If so, the upcoming Saturn retrograde period between April 6 and August 24 will find you prepared.

According to Vedic astrology, however, many will be nursing a sinking feeling during Saturn’s backward motion, because his retrogrades often bring some tense moments. This is due to Saturn’s general inclination to deliver important yet unpleasant lessons, acting more erratically in retrograde.

But Saturn also brings us amazing opportunities for spiritual growth and long-term benefits.

It’s generally accepted that Saturn’s return to Scorpio isn’t the greatest news for most. Scorpio is the natural 8th house of havoc and loss that is ruled by inimical Mars. Here, Saturn seems a bit tougher and its lessons harder to digest.

Of course, I’m a firm believer in a silver lining in all situations and this retrograde is no exception.

So to benefit from Saturn’s teachings and succeed in your career and grow both your wealth and spiritual self, here for you, three fairly easy ways to make huge progress in your relationship, work and finances.

Straighten your trajectory

Vakri (or retrograde) planets are considered crooked and generally behave badlyespecially when they are already cruel in nature like Saturn.

Moreover, even the best effects of Saturn can feel like a heavy burden on our emotions.

You can imagine the hard work it takes to get a good relationship through commitment and seriousness, or to acquire the knowledge necessary to land your ideal job.

That is Saturn on its best behavior.




More often than not, Saturn prompts us to work harder and grow up. His lessons can come through delays in reaching our goals or worse, through painful losses. The pain we feel turns us softer towards others and we start wishing no one ever goes through the same suffering we’ve experienced.

Being willing to go the extra mile, committing to a 100-percent ethical path, working to help the poor and alleviate the suffering of the least fortunate people can put you on Saturn’s good list and, trust me—you want to be on it.

Replay mode

Can you remember the last two and half years and what were your major experiences?

Or more importantly, can you remember what happened 30 years ago?

You’ll then have a general idea of how Saturn is going to treat you in the next five months.

Of course, life moves on and we are wiser and more evolved than we were then. And you’re now likely to tackle any issue with more composure and more informed responses.

In terms of relationship, Saturn likes commitment. In many cases, this means a lifetime union through marriage. You might now feel pressure to comply and make your relationship last.

It’s also said that retrograde planets make you do a task three times! I know this sounds difficult, but there’s opportunity in every situation.

Saturn likes maximum steadiness and perseverance—which we risk overlooking as we engage in constant multitasking.

A new trend—monotasking—could actually be an intelligent solution to our declining attention spans.

So persistence and longer hours to perfect both your skills and your product might solve many of the issues brought by Saturn’s retrograde.

For this reason, in the following months—mastering your priorities will be key.

The rewards: maximum growth in your business; getting a promotion; improving your relationship; experiencing the benefits of silence and meditation.

 Vedic approach

Traditional methods for appeasing Saturn stem from the Siddha and Vedic traditions. These techniques include easy at-home steps, and more elaborate and powerful solutions.

Below is a list of tips for longevity, getting a promotion, financial rewards and relationship bliss.

  • On Saturdays, fast or eat lighter, vegetarian foods.
  • Burn a Saturn incense and offer a sesame oil lamp to an image of Saturn.
  • Feed animals.
  • Feed the poor.
  • Donate black clothes to disabled or poor men.
  • Help elderly people.
  • Sponsor Fire Labs to Saturn and Hanuman.
  • Recite OM SHANECHARAYA NAMAHA 108 times on Saturdays (or during the Saturn hora).

Enjoy the energies!

Lalitha Head Shotby Lalitha Devi

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