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Hayagreeva Webcast with Dr. Pillai

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"This is a very important day in my teaching career. I have been revealed a secret that I will share with you...to change the human mind."

Initiation Now Available On Demand

Free Hayagreeva Birthday Empowerment

What Can Hayagreeva Do for You?

Hayagreeva is the Teacher of Teachers. He brings wisdom and advanced intelligence so that you can Master Your Mind.

  • Improve Clarity
  • Increase Memory Retention
  • Identify Previously Hidden Solutions to Tough Problems
  • Acquire Divine Intelligence
  • Expand Your Knowledge Base
  • Refine Problem Solving Skills

One Hour Webcast Seminar

  • Receive Guided Hayagreeva Meditation
  • Understand Why Your Brain Doesn't Function Properly
  • Teachings On The Mythology and Importance Of Hayagreeva
  • Techniques To Transform Your Consciousness At The Highest Level
  • INITIATION by Dr. Pillai and Teachings on How To Connect With Hayagreeva and Merge With Him for Wisdom and Higher Consciousness

Take Home:

  • Webcast Audio
  • Hayagreeva Meditation Audio
  • Mantra Loop Audio

Dr. Pillai on Hayagreeva

"What I am going to do is introduce you to a meditation on a very powerful archetype. The archetype will completely overpower you soul, your intellect, your being. The archetype will change you."

Why Now?

" August 20th is the birthday of Archetype Hayagreeva. That is the decent of the archetype into the consciousness of the world.

I am going to make this available to everyone so that you can benefit from it.

This is going to be a very important landmark in my teaching."

Who is Hayagreeva?


Hayagreeva is an incarnation of Vishnu, depicted with a human body and a horse's head, brilliant white in color, with white garments, seated on a white lotus. >>More

Legends of Hayagreeva

 "He has four lotus hands, with one in the mode of bestowing knowledge; another holds books of wisdom, and the other two hold the Conch and Discus. His beauty, like fresh cut crystal, is an auspicious  brilliance that never decays. >>More


"Everyone becomes intelligent, everyone becomes compassionate and we can find solutions for the world..."



Initiation Now Available On Demand

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