
The Science of Miracles Program: Mystery School Payment Plan

US $ 495.00
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Receive Dr. Pillai’s Highest Teachings for Miracles, God-Power & Enlightenment

As the year unfolds, Dr. Pillai will reveal spontaneous, in-the-moment teachings as he is inspired by the Divine. Because of this, we cannot provide specific details about the curriculum other than it will be associated with accessing the power of the “Year of Miracles,” which Dr. Pillai has shared is the 2020 time.

In some cases, he may send you a personally energized artifact, like a yantra or amulet, with instructions on how to use it.

As a member of Dr. Pillai’s 2020 Mystery School: The Science of Miracles Program, you will have the opportunity to benefit from the following offerings:

Group Webcasts with Dr. Pillai

As of 2020, Dr. Pillai has announced he will be remaining in a state of silence to better help humanity. As a result, he is withdrawing from creating new content for the general public. Because of this, live interaction with him is now a precious opportunity. The only program he plans on teaching this year is this 2020 Mystery School. As a member, you will have the opportunity to receive up to twelve brand new webcasts, one per month, with teachings directly from the Divine. These teachings can include, but are not limited to initiations for secret:

  • Mantras
  • Meditations
  • Rituals
  • Mindset technology
  • And much more

However, according to the siddhas, the greatest gift is the ability to experience Dr. Pillai’s Darshan, or Divine radiation. Dr. Pillai has revealed that just by seeing his form you can be confronted with Divine energy that, alone, can change your destiny.

Group Calls with Dr. Pillai

In addition to the webcasts, you will be able to participate in live calls with Dr. Pillai. Because Dr. Pillai travels so frequently, and because the space he is in allows him to access special energies which he can pass on to you, being able to tap into his consciousness live can be life changing. During the calls, Dr. Pillai will supplement the teachings from the webcast, add to them, or a combination of both.

Vedic Astrology Consultations

Vedic Astrology is known as “Jyotish” in Sanksrit. It means the science of light. A well-trained Vedic Astrologer can shed light on your karmic circumstances based on your individual birth chart and the current positioning of the stars and planets. In doing so, they can give you precise guidance on steps you need to take in order to fulfill your desires in any area of life you would like to focus on, such as healing, finances, relationship, enlightenment, and more.

The astrologer will be able to share exactly when you should act, when you should not, and which Angels you should invoke for overcoming your current undesirable karma and manifesting what you want. They can also give you practical instructions based on what celestial bodies are playing a prominent role in your life. In Dr. Pillai’s 2020 Mystery School, you will have an opportunity to receive a reading with a Vedic Astrologer who has been blessed by Dr. Pillai.

Custom Karma-Transmutation Proxy Remedies

Dr. Pillai has personally selected 25 types of karma-transmutation technologies to be performed on your behalf at specific powerspots in India, with a monthly total average of 175 different remedies, and approximately 2,100 total for the year. Specialized proxy technology using seven surrogate yantras will be used. Surrogate yantras are small copper plates inscribed with your personal natal birth chart, which capture your energetic signature and enable the remedies to reach you via proxy. The type, times and locations of each technology to be performed are carefully selected to give you maximum benefits.

Private Group Events and Community Interaction

Weekly Group Meditations: Weekly group meditation sessions can provide a powerful experience of group synergy which has been researched to magnify the power of meditation. Each week, you will have the opportunity to come together to share Dr. Pillai’s teachings and practices for the month and enjoy a safe space for personal discussion and questions.

Mystery School Forum and Facebook Group: You will have more opportunities to interact with teachers and members outside the weekly group calls through both a private Facebook group and community forum hosted on your private membership portal.

Special Savings

You will receive the highest level of savings on select Pillai Center powertime services, and other offerings that are available throughout the duration of the program. This enables you to more easily supplement your journey with blessings from Angels and other Divine beings who become active during special times throughout the year.

Your Science of Miracles Program includes:

  • 8 Teachings with Dr. Pillai
  • 4 Live Group calls with Dr. Pillai
  • Weekly Group Teaching calls
  • Daily Remedy package
  • Private Facebook group
  • Special savings on select Pillai Center service
  • Vedic Astrology Reading

Early Bird item

  • Ascension to Bliss Program

30 Minutes Live Astrology Consultation 1

30 Minutes Live Astrology Consultation

30 Minutes Live Astrology Consultation 2

30 Minutes Live Astrology Consultation 2

Ascension to Bliss Course

Thai Poosam Course

Birthstar Yantra to be shipped to members

Birthstar Yantra to be shipped to members

Horoscope yantra placed under Dr. Pillai empowered statue in India

Horoscope yantra placed under Dr. Pillai’s empowered statue in India

MSS: 11th Moon (Ekadasi) Fire Lab for Vishnu: Archetype of Prosperity

Payment Plan: 11th Moon/Ekadasi Fire Lab for Vishnu: Archetype of Prosperity

MSS: 13th Waning Moon Pradosham Archetypal Activation

Payment Plan: 13th Waning Moon Pradosham Archetypal Activation

MSS: 13th Waxing Moon Pradosham Archetypal Activation

Payment Plan: 13th Waxing Moon Pradosham Archetypal Activation

MSS: 14th Wanning Moon Coconut Smashing

Payment Plan: 14th Wanning Moon Coconut Smashing

MSS: 14th Waxing Moon Coconut Smashing

Payment Plan: 14th Waxing Moon Coconut Smashing

MSS: 8th Moon (Waning) Activation of Bhairava: Archetype of Time

Payment Plan: 8th Moon (Waning) Activation of Bhairava: Archetype of Time

MSS: 8th Moon (Waning) Feeding of Dogs

Payment Plan: 8th Moon (Waning) Feeding of Dogs

MSS: Daily Activation of the 9 Planetary Archetypes

Payment Plan: Daily Activation of the 9 Planetary Archetypes

MSS: Daily Elemental Invocation for Health and Light Body

Payment Plan: Daily Elemental Invocation for Health and Light Body

MSS: Daily Elemental Invocation of Archetypes

Payment Plan: Daily Elemental Invocation of Archetypes

MSS: Daily Pradosham Archetypal Activation

Payment Plan: Daily Pradosham Archetypal Activation

MSS: Daily Soul Genetics Technology

MSS: Daily Soul Genetics Technology

MSS: Full Moon Birth Star Activation

Payment Plan: Full Moon Birth Star Activation

MSS: Full Moon Elemental Invocation of Archetypes

Payment Plan: Full Moon Elemental Invocation of Archetypes

MSS: Full Moon Fire Lab for Lakshmi Archetype of Wealth

Payment Plan: Full Moon Fire Lab for Lakshmi Archetype of Wealth

MSS: Full Moon Fire Lab for Parvati Archetype of Attraction and Manifestation

Payment Plan: Full Moon Fire Lab for Parvati Archetype of Attraction and Manifestation

MSS: Full Moon Fire Lab for Saraswati Archetype of Learning and Wisdom

Payment Plan: Full Moon Fire Lab for Saraswati Archetype of Learning and Wisdom

MSS: Full Moon Fire Lab for the 9 Planetary Archetypes

Payment Plan: Full Moon Fire Lab for the 9 Planetary Archetypes

MSS: Full Moon Shreem Brzee Fire Lab for Abundance Consciousness

Payment Plan: Full Moon Shreem Brzee Fire Lab for Abundance Consciousness

MSS: Monthly Birth Star Activation

Payment Plan: Monthly Birth Star Activation

MSS: Monthly Birth Star Feeding of Ants

Payment Plan: Monthly Birth Star Feeding of Ants

MSS: Monthly Birth Star Feeding of Poor

Payment Plan: Monthly Birth Star Feeding of Poor

MSS: New Moon Birth Star Activation

Payment Plan: New Moon Birth Star Activation

MSS: New Moon Chrono technological Activation

Payment Plan: New Moon Chrono technological Activation

MSS: New Moon Fire Lab for Karuppasamy: Archetype of Justice

Payment Plan: New Moon Fire Lab for Karuppasamy: Archetype of Justice

MSS: New Moon Soul Genetics Technology

Payment Plan: New Moon Soul Genetics Technology

MSS: Weekly Friday Feeding of Cows

Payment Plan: Weekly Friday Feeding of Cows

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