
Payment Plan Shreem Brzee Immersion Silver Program

US $ 65.00
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Shreem Brzee is the sound that can change your mindset, from a limited mindset—to an unlimited mindset.

You are born and wired with that consciousness. It doesn’t have much to do with good education. It has nothing to do with how intelligent you are naturally. It is a matter of your mindset.

Dr. Pillai’s ‘Shreem Brzee Immersion’ is a 6-month intensive program designed to radically transform your money mindset. The Shreem Brzee Immersion program contains teachings from Dr. Pillai to help you more closely vibrate with the frequency of abundance for both inner and outer wealth.

In this course, Dr. Pillai will guide you through the use of Siddha spiritual technology to create an intimate relationship with the Divine archetype behind Shreem Brzee, the ultimate prosperity mantra. These secretive techniques can take you beyond what you can accomplish by chanting alone, and will be organized into different levels of a daily practice.

As a Shreem Brzee Immersion Program Silver member, you will receive:

  • 6-month live program with lifetime membership site access
  • 24 Weekly Sunday Teaching Calls
  • 24 Weekly Monday Miracle Calls
  • 24 Weekly Wednesday Chanting & Time-Energy Guidance 
  • 24 Weekly Friday Fire Lab Webcasts
  • Private FB group
  • Pillai Center Academy $100 gift card
  • Pillai Center $23 gift card
  • Financial Karma Remedy Packages 20% gift card

Program begins May 15th.

1 Monthly 108 Lotus Flower Offering Fire Labs for Supreme Shreem Brzee Archetype

1 Monthly 108 Lotus Flower Offering Fire Labs for Supreme Shreem Brzee Archetype

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