“Until now you have not asked for anything in my name.
Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.”
- John 16:24

If you’ve been following along and participating in Dr. Pillai’s 50 Days of Asking Challenge, you won’t
want to miss this follow-up LIVE teaching webcast on Pentecost Day, June 4th.

Even if you haven’t participated in the Challenge, you’ll still want to tune in to this webcast for
valuable in-the-Now teachings from Dr. Pillai about:

About Pentecost, Dr. Pillai says:

“What happened on that day was — there was a gust of wind that came ... That wind is the Holy Spirit
coming in and occupying the body, mind, and soul of the people. And after that day, miracles started

Pentecost is a Christian holiday celebrating the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples of Jesus after his Ascension, held on the seventh Sunday after Easter – June 4th in 2017.

The Holy Spirit continues to descend upon all who put their faith in Jesus, answering their heartfelt, faith-filled requests, and bestowing many blessings on them.

Similarly, other Archetypes and Deities will descend upon those people who put their faith in them, and will likewise answer those people’s heartfelt and faith-filled requests.

Pentecost is a highly impactful powertime for receiving the blessings of the Holy Spirit and the Archetype Karuppaswamy (especially if you’ve spent the previous 50 days consistently asking one or both Deities for one or two things you deeply desire).

About the Connection Between the Holy Spirit and the Archetype Karuppaswamy:

“The Holy Spirit corresponds to the God Karuppasamy.
Karuppasamy has Wind and Breath just like the Holy Spirit.”

Karuppaswamy is a Universal God known to different ancient civilizations and called by various names. Within the Hindu tradition, he embodies the combined power of Kala Bhairava, Narasimha, Veerabhadra and Rudra.

Karuppaswamy is the God of Righteousness, who upholds ‘Dharma’ or Right Action. He embodies the energy to answer prayers in a relatively short period of time, and in some cases, almost immediately. He has the ability to bring your desired results to you very quickly. Karuppaswamy can remove your pain and suffering, and he represents the ability to manifest miracles and produce fast results.

Dr. Pillai has also observed that one of the fastest and easiest ways to connect with Karuppaswamy is by feeding the poor and hungry.

About Feeding the Poor and Hungry:

“The fastest way to melt the heart of God is to feed a hungry person.”

Dr. Pillai also teaches that the fastest path to spiritual enlightenment is feeding the poor. Jesus taught compassion for those less fortunate. Karuppaswamy is particularly moved to bless you when you offer food to the hungry in his name.

As part of Pillai Center’s offerings to honor the Advent of the Holy Spirit and Karuppaswamy on Pentecost day, we will provide food to poor and hungry people on your behalf.

About Fire Technology to Invoke Karuppaswamy’s Energies & Blessings:

“Through the medium of fire, your sincere thoughts, intentions, and prayers are given to Archetypes such
as Karuppaswamy, with special and sacred offerings. Due to the Universal Law of Reciprocity, the
Archetype feels compelled to respond by fulfilling your wishes.”

When you participate in Pillai Center’s Interactive Fire Labs, our expert priests invoke the blessings of Archetypes on your behalf. Due to proxy technology, you are able to receive the benefits no matter where you are, or whether or not you tune in to the Interactive Fire Lab webcast as it happens. Fire Technology is one of the oldest and most evolved spiritual techniques in the world.

Join our group Karuppaswamy Interactive Fire Lab to further enhance and deepen your connection with this wish-grantin Archetype. This ceremony allows you a dynamic way to access Karuppaswamy’s power and blessings in your life, and carry on the momentum you’ve built up over the 50 Days of Asking Challenge.

Three Pentecost Packages Available:

Webcast Only

  • Pentecost Webcast with Dr. Pillai on June 4th at 8 am PT
  • $21

Webcast + Feeding the Hungry

  • Pentecost Webcast with Dr. Pillai on June 4th at 8 am PT

  • Food Feeding done on your behalf
  • $47

Webcast + Feeding the Hungry + Group Karuppaswamy Fire Lab

  • Pentecost Webcast with Dr. Pillai on June 4th at 8 am PT

  • Food Feeding done on your behalf

  • Group Karuppaswamy Fire Lab performed on your behalf
  • $95

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