Discover Shreem Brzee Immersion

4 Steps to Creating Joy &

Wealth Consciousness


Early Bird Offer Expires December 5th

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Meet Dr. Pillai

Dr. Baskaran Pillai, also known as Dattatreya Siva Baba or Siva Baba, is an accomplished master of the Tamil Siddha tradition and one of the first of his lineage to bring secretive knowledge of the Tamil Siddhas to the West. Wayne Dyer was the first celebrity to follow and publicize Pillai’s manifestation teachings through his book, Manifest your Destiny, which he dedicated to Dr. Pillai.

The Tamil Siddhas are spiritual renegades who believed in 200% life, i.e. living a 100% material and 100% spiritual life simultaneously.

Dr. Pillai has been an invited speaker in over 40 countries around the world spreading the message of the need of unifying science and religion to enhance personal transformation and promote world peace.

Putting Money Back into the Hands of the Spiritual People

In general, spiritual people shy away from money and this is a historic truth. Examine a statement like the following: It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. Examine the life of the Buddha that led him to leave the palace and his wife and child in order to become a monk. Somehow the world has put God on one side and money on the other. You go to church/temple/mosque and all of a sudden you become very grave. You seem to think that God might love long faces because your concept of God is that he is a kill-joy. It is time that spiritual people change their negative attitude towards money and material life.

My commitment in this lifetime is to put money and power back into the hands of the spiritual people. Currently, money is in the wrong hands. Spiritual people want to share whatever they have with those who are in need.

The World is Changing

We are living on the threshold of a New Age in which there will be a paradigm shift. I need to prepare the world for this change, because it will not see any substantial progress unless money and power change hands. From time immemorial, money has always remained in the hands of the wrong people. No more can we allow this to happen. Already the world has suffered. Let us bring all the spiritual people together and work towards this goal.

What is the Shreem Brzee | Immersion Extension

The Shreem Brzee Immersion Extension program is an intensive four-month online course from Dr. Pillai created with the intention to help you manifest wealth consciousness with the Shreem Brzee mantra. The program will begin on December 9, 2018 and conclude on March 31, 2019 .

It is designed to move you through four components to help you successfully align with the manifesting power of the Shreem Brzee mantra. Anyone can chant the mantra at any time. However, this program will provide you with newly revealed techniques that will accelerate your progress and connection with the mantra and the divine beings behind it.

Who Can Join?

Anyone can join the program. If you have been in Wealth Rising or Shreem Brzee Immersion, then you are equipped with a series of teachings and techniques to carry into this program and continue to use. If you are new to the program, we will be providing everything you need to get up to speed on mindset repatterning, establishing a daily practice, yantra use and connecting with the Shreem Brzee archetype.

What Is The Goal?

To empower you with the freedom to live authentically in joy and abundance.

The collective unity of those who join this program can have a lasting positive impact upon the entire world. How? The more we come together to attune our minds to happiness and abundance, the more we can reflect these mindsets in our everyday lives, thus creating a ripple effect in the lives of those we affect.

Shreem Brzee | Immersion Extension Will Instruct You On The four Components To Creating Wealth Consciousness

Step 1

Daily Practice Fundamentals

A daily consistent practice is key to your success with Shreem Brzee. Whether you are new to Shreem Brzee or have been in prior programs, we will establish fundamental principles for helping you to manifest your desires.

This includes:

  • karma clearing techniques
  • mindset repatterning
  • your core meditation
  • the three-step manifesting formula
  • and working with a yantra,

Step 2


Dr. Pillai teaches: “You cannot just go and do things randomly. That’s the reason why we don’t succeed. We know that doing something at the right time is Siddha wisdom. This is the wisdom of the Yogis. They don’t force anything. They just wait for the right time, because time is everything.”

Celestial timings, or ‘powertimes,’ occur throughout the year. They facilitate health, wealth, love, and enlightenment, and can have a major impact on your life, provided you know when they will occur, and how to use them.

Step 3

Fire Prayers

With Dr. Pillai’s unprecedented blessing, learn how to do at-home Fire Labs! You will have the option of performing them at home while watching the weekly Shreem Brzee Fire Lab being performed (either live or on replay). Dr. Pillai recently revealed that sitting before a fire helps prevent negative thoughts from coming to you. It is said to protect you from your own karma. He wants us to get together and sit before the fire regularly.

Step 4


Dr. Pillai teaches: “Faith is utter positivity,”, and nothing is possible without faith. Learn to become aligned with your own inner truth and faith. With that awareness, you will then have the potential to open yourself to the grace of faith increasing in you, allowing more and more abundance into your being.

“Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.” – Saint Augustine

What Is Included In Shreem Brzee | Immersion

Community Support is one of the most important elements of the Shreem Brzee Immersion Extension Program. You will receive ongoing interaction with members and Pillai Center teachers to help foster your transformation. Click below to see all the ways you will be supported in the program on a weekly and monthly basis.

Click Here To See All The Ways You Will Be Supported On A Weekly And Monthly Basis

16 Weekly Sunday Teaching Calls

Connect with community members and your program teacher to experience a group practice of your current meditation, and to ask questions and receive mentoring from teachers.

Weekly Sunday Teaching call Occurs at 8 am PST | 11 am EST
*Included in Silver, Gold & Platinum Packages

16 Weekly Wednesday Chanting & Powertime Guidance

Experience the multiplication effect of collective group chanting, and receive mentoring from our trained astrologer on how to harness upcoming wealth powertimes for enhancing your program benefits.

Weekly Wednesday Chanting call Occurs at 6:30 pm PST | 9:30 pm EST
*Included in Silver, Gold & Platinum Packages

16 Weekly Friday Chanting Calls

This is an opportunity for those in the UK and other European time zones to participate in a live weekly chanting and group prayer session.

*Included in Silver, Gold & Platinum Packages

16 Weekly Friday Fire Lab Webcasts

Multiply your Shreem Brzee blessings and manifesting power by tuning in to a live Shreem Brzee Fire Lab during weekly powertime. Fire Labs are considered the most powerful spiritual technology on the planet.

Weekly Friday Fire Lab Webcasts Occurs at 7 pm PST | 10 pm EST
*Included in Silver, Gold & Platinum Packages

Weekly Shreem Brzee Powertime Alert Mailers

Each week you will receive email notifications for upcoming Shreem Brzee powertimes, along with guidance on how to harness them to help you maximize the wealth potential from the week ahead.

*Included in Silver, Gold & Platinum Packages

Community Support

Receive support from your community and program teachers and team. You will be part of a private facebook group where you can share your experiences, ask questions and be inspired by fellow program members.

*Included in Silver, Gold & Platinum Packages

Private Membership Site Lifetime Access

You will have full access to a private membership area containing all program content, live-stream webcasts, and where you can connect with other members.

*Included in Silver, Gold & Platinum Packages

12 Weekly Platinum Group Coaching Calls

During these mastermind calls you will be able to connect with a small, highly-focused group of people to help each other manifest their goals and to receive intimate support from a teacher and fellow members.

*Included in Platinum Packages

1 Hour Astrology Reading

Astrology is a scientific method that analyzes how the celestial influences are impacting you, based on the time and location of your birth. It can identify specific obstacles preventing wealth consciousness, as well as shortcuts you can use to acquire it. You will receive one-on-one guidance from an astrologer including personalized remedial measures designed to meet your individual needs.

*Included in Platinum Packages

Shreem Brzee | Immersion Extension Spiritual Technology

Spiritual technology was discovered by ancient seers, and has been used for thousands of years to transform consciousness in accelerated ways. In the Shreem Brzee Immersion Extension Program, you will have an opportunity to benefit from technologies chosen by Dr. Pillai to support your transformation at the level of your soul.

Click Here To See The Spiritual Technologies And How You Can Benefit

8 Bi-Monthly Karma-Clearing Ceremonies

Each month there are two celestial powertimes for clearing unwanted karma manifesting as negativity in your life. Trained specialists in India will perform an ancient ceremony on your behalf during these powertimes to help accelerate the creation of a new reality.

*Included in Silver, Gold & Platinum Packages

4 Monthly Full Moon Fire Labs

Fire Labs are considered to be the most advanced spiritual technology on the planet. These Fire Labs will be performed in India on your behalf by our trained Vedic specialists during the Full Moon wealth powertime, to empower you with Shreem Brzee wealth consciousness.

*Included in Gold & Platinum Packages

16 Weekly Shreem Brzee Hydration Ceremonies

Hydration is yogic alchemy to build and strengthen the life-force energy in an image or icon of a Divine Archetype. This energy can then be transmitted to you via subtle radiation (Darshan). These hydration ceremonies will be performed to the Shreem Brzee Archetype on Fridays, a Shreem Brzee powertime.

*Included in Gold & Platinum Packages

4 Monthly New Moon Soul-Genetic Cleanses

One of the primary causes for blocking wealth consciousness is Soul-Genetics. Just as you inherit biological genes from your parents, the ancient seers discovered you also inherit subtle genes, or soul genes, from your ancestral lineage. Soul-Genetic Cleanses will be performed on your behalf during the New Moon powertime to cleanse negative influences coming from your ancestors.

*Included in Gold & Platinum Packages

Enjoy Member Discount Benefits

Enjoy special gift codes to help you save on programs, products, and services offered by Pillai Center.

Enjoy special gift codes to help you save on programs, products, and services offered by Pillai Center. Click Here To See Savings Benefits Exclusive for Members

Pillai Center Academy

You will receive a discount code to apply to Dr. Pillai’s online programs.

$50 off – Silver / $100 off – Gold & Platinum

Pillai Center

You will receive a discount code to apply to energized items and spiritual technology services.

$25 off – Silver / $50 off – Gold & Platinum

Financial Solutions

You will receive a discount to apply to one of the financial solutions packages.

20% off Financial Karma Solutions Package – All Levels

Read What Happened In The Last Program

"My life is evolving at a rapid speed, financially, yes but beyond that my prayers and intent for passion and purpose through love, generosity, compassion and service are unfolding. Shreem Breeze and my other most beloved mantras are looped in my head and wake me up whenever I move into unconscious sleep walking. My gratitude for this practice is immense!!"

Jillanne Cistaro Steelman

"I simply love being in the SBI program. I have been looking for a job for the past 6 months without getting any results. After doing a week of the meditation, I am now employed and loving what I do."

Karen B

"I wanted to manifest $1000.00 today, not knowing how it would come through. I am not in the middle of a sales conversation with anyone and my husband's remodels are not complete and he just received payment on them last week.

I kept chanting, feeling wealthy, like the Goddess!!! I kept hearing to have faith. At 4:52pm my husband called me to chat as he was on the way to the bank with a $1000.00 cheque he had received from one of his clients!!! I thought OMGoddess! Shreem Brzee! Yes!"

Kaeleya Baerwyn Rayne

“I am experiencing such tremendous joy in the transformation of my life, in myself, and my ancestors’ or whatever levels of dimensions that I exist on through Brzee. It’s just a whole new world because it’s changing our karma. A lot of things I did not expect to happen, happened with Shreem Brzee when I chanted. It just seems like now it’s just beginning. I am very, very grateful. This is joy, this is total joy, the whole thing.”

Patricia Wood

"This program has been fabulous! I have learnt so much and have gotten so close to Babaji. Babaji has just been really fabulous and taken me deeper than I had ever gone before. The yantra was one of the things that fascinated me because of it pulsating, and the pulsation was not, I mean it was unreal."


Registration for the program is currently closed. Please contact us at [email protected] for any questions.

Step 2: Add A Financial Booster Package To Your Program

Choose from three unique financial booster remedy packages. Depending on which money mindset you are trying to break through, different kinds of proxy spiritual technology will be performed on your behalf to support your transformation. Proxy technology invokes your energetic signature to be present for the empowerment ceremonies, and works to transform your money karma at the most fundamental level.

Note: The Spiritual Technology Packages are add-ons and do not include program access.


Essential Financial Booster Package

See Essential Components
  • Sound & Flower Offering for prosperity at Kerala Powerspot, once a month for 12 months
  • Sound & Flower Offering for luck and fortune at Kerala Powerspot, once a month for 12 months
  • Unique Success Ceremony for success in all endeavors to Obstacle-Removing Archetype at Kerala Powerspot, once a month for 12 months
  • Food Feeding & Honoring for health & wealth to 3 Vedic Brahmins on 12th Moon, once a month for 12 months
  • Unique Wish Fulfilling Ceremony to Wish Fulfilling Archetype and Cow Feeding on New Moon Day, once a month for 12 months 
  • Light & Sound Ceremony of 108 names for Shreem Brzee Archetype on all Fridays for 12 months
  • Light & Sound Ceremony for all around prosperity to Supreme Archetype at Powerspot for 11 Mondays
  • Special Light Offering for Shreem Brzee Archetype and Obstacle-Removing Ceremony for Good Luck & Fortune, once a month for 12 months
  • Shreem Brzee Fire Lab with Group Shreem Brzee Chanting, once a month for 6 months
  • Complimentary Product: Energized Jade Mala

Use the Following Code at Check Out for 20% Off:


One-Time Payment of $706 $565

Enhanced Financial Booster Package

See Enhanced Components
  • Live Astrology Consultation, twice a year
  • Sound & Flower Offering for prosperity at Kerala Powerspot, once a month for 12 months
  • Sound & Flower Offering for luck and fortune at Kerala Powerspot, once a month for 12 months
  • Unique Success Ceremony for victory in all endeavors to Obstacle-Removing Archetype at Kerala Powerspot, once a month for 12 months
  • Food Feeding & Honoring for health & wealth to 3 Vedic Brahmins on 12th Moon, once a month for 12 months
  • Unique Wish Fulfilling Ceremony to Wish Fulfilling Archetype and Cow Feeding on New Moon Day, once a month for 12 months 
  • Light & Sound Ceremony of 108 names for the Shreem Brzee Archetype on all Fridays for 12 months
  • Light & Sound Ceremony for all around prosperity to Supreme Archetype at Powerspot for 11 Mondays
  • Special Light Offering for Shreem Brzee Archetype and Obstacle-Removing Ceremony for Good Luck & Fortune, once a month for 12 months
  • Shreem Brzee Fire Lab with Group Shreem Brzee Chanting, once a month for 6 months
  • Complimentary Product: Energized Jade Mala
  • Light & Sound Ceremony for changing destiny to the 9-Planetary Archetypes at Kerala Powerspot, once a month for 12 months
  • Sound & Flower Offering for partnership and relationship success, once a month for 12 months
  • Light & Sound Ceremony for all around prosperity to Supreme Goddess Archetype on all Fridays for 12 months
  • Light & Sound Ceremony for prosperity, recovery of wealth & business success to Kartavirya Arjuna Sacred Yantra with Tulsi and Basil Leaves on all Saturdays for 12 months
  • Sacred Offering for financial gains, material comforts & good fortune to 200% Life Archetype at Kerala Powerspot
  • Group Fire Lab for Prosperity & Wealth, once a month for 6 months
  • Group Fire Lab for changing destiny to the 9-Planets, once a month for 6 months
  • Group Fire Lab for creating new wealth karma to Shreem Brzee & Banker of Heaven Archetypes, once a month for 12 months
  • Complimentary Product: Energized Shreem Brzee Archetype statue

Use the Following Code at Check Out for 20% Off:


One-Time Payment of $2,400 $1,920

Elite Financial Booster Package

See Elite Components
  • 2 Royal Astrology Sessions, twice in a year
  • Sound & Flower Offering for prosperity at Kerala Powerspot, once a month for 12 months
  • Sound & Flower Offering for luck and fortune at Kerala Powerspot, once a month for 12 months
  • Unique Success Ceremony for success in all endeavors to Obstacle-Removing Archetype at Kerala Powerspot, once a month for 12 months
  • Food Feeding & Honoring for health and wealth to 3 Vedic Brahmins on 12th Moon, once a month for 12 months
  • Unique Wish Fulfilling Ceremony to Wish Fulfilling Archetype and Cow Feeding on New Moon Day, once a month for 12 months
  • Light & Sound Ceremony of 108 names for Shreem Brzee Archetype on all Fridays for 12 months
  • Light & Sound Ceremony for all around prosperity to Supreme Archetype at Powerspot for 11 Mondays
  • Special Light Offering for Shreem Brzee Archetype, & Obstacle-Removing Ceremonies for good luck & fortune, and wealth Gains, once a month for 12 months
  • Shreem Brzee Fire Lab with Group Shreem Brzee Chanting, once a month for 6 months
  • Light & Sound Ceremony for changing destiny to the 9-Planetary Archetypes at Kerala Powerspot, once a month for 12 months
  • Sound & Flower Offering for partnership and relationship success, once a month for 12 months
  • Light & Sound Ceremony for all around prosperity to Supreme Goddess Archetype on all Fridays for 12 months
  • Light & Sound Ceremony for prosperity, recovery of wealth & business success to Kartavirya Arjuna Yantra with Tulsi and Basil Leaves on all Saturdays for 12 months
  • Sacred Offering for financial gains, material comforts & good fortune to 20% Life Archetype at Kerala Powerspot
  • Group Fire Lab for Prosperity & Wealth once a month for 6 months 
  • Powerful Group Fire Lab for changing destiny to the 9-Planetary Archetypes, once a month for 6 month
  • Group Fire Lab for creating new wealth karma to Shreem Brzee and Banker of Heaven Archetypes, once a month for 12 months
  • 3 Types of offering to God in ceremonial vessel for relief from poverty, prosperity, fame, and good food at Kerala Powerspot, once a month for 12 months
  • Rare Royalty- Consciousness Ceremonies, twice in a year
  • Group Fire Lab for creating new wealth karma, acquisition of desired property, inheritance, and resolution to litigation to Bhu Varaha, twice in a year
  • Sacred Coin Offering for prosperity & abundance, once a month for 12 months
  • Individual Fire Lab for prosperity boons & spiritual awakening to Extreme Wealth-Bestower Archetype, once in a year
  • Group Fire Lab for wealth boons and spiritual awakening to Extreme Wealth-Bestower Archetype, once in a year
  • Special Light Offering and Obstacle-Removing Ceremonies for good luck & fortune, wealth gains, and all around prosperity, once a month for 12 months
  • Group Fire Lab for money & riches to Gold-Giving Archetype, once a month for 12 months
  • Complimentary Product: Energized Extreme Wealth-Bestower Archetype statue

Use the Following Code at Check Out for 20% Off:


One-Time Payment of $6,462 $5,170

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