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Online Course

How does the online introductory course work?

The online introductory course is an ideal at-home way to learn foundational subjects such as mind process techniques, karma and thought control. For optimal results, it is designed to work with support materials such as Dr. Pillai’s Yogic Sleep instructions on the Mind Processes and Affirmations with a Master, Track 2 (Evening Mind Process – Yogic Sleep). This is available for download in the Store in Downloads – Audio. You can also work with the course material as stand-alone teachings.

Dr. Pillai

What are the course materials?
Click on each link below for Dr. Pillai’s introductory teachings on each course topic.
The Purpose of Mind Process Techniques
Developing Control of Your Thought Process
The Nature of Karma
Quantum Sound Frequency

What are my next steps after completing this course?

Reexamine your needs at this point and then consider the many options that are available.

Dr. Pillai’s Study-At-Home Program – a set of study paths with graduated levels of teachings that enable you to study with Dr. Pillai in your own home at your own pace.

Monthly Teleclass with Dr. Pillai- an ongoing at-home study program that includes one live monthly session with Dr. Pillai via telephone that can include teachings and mind process techniques from Dr. Pillai.