
Accumulate Positive Blessings for Material Prosperity Interactive Fire Lab on June 4th/5th

US $ 36.00
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This Interactive Fire Lab will be on an 11th Waxing Moon when energies are potent for the archetype Vishnu and his wealth-creation energies for prosperity. On this day, the Moon will be in the star Chitra, which is ruled by Mars – a giver of courage and physical energy.  Chitra carries an energy to help you accumulate good karma, and Mars provides you the energy to take action. So, this day and your participation in this Fire Lab offer you the blessings and best energies to seek opportunities to accumulate positive blessings for material prosperity in your life.

Join us for Live Interactive Fire Lab on June 4th at 6.00 pm PDT / 9.00 pm EDT / 6.30 am IST (June 5th)

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