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  • Kleem Brzee Brain Activation
  • Pillai Center YouTube Membership
  • Divine Product Sale
  • Ganesha’s Birthday Remedies
  • Aadi Amavasya
  • Sharaba Fire Labs

Dr. Pillai's Mission

Dr. Pillai is a Spiritual Scientist, Academic Scholar, Philanthropist, International Speaker, and World Thought Leader who is dedicated to bringing science and Religion together to alleviate the pain and suffering of the human race.

Daily Quote

Before you rebuild your destiny, you will have to erase old thought patterns, that is, karma removal.

~ Dr. Pillai

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Current Events

Dr. Pillai’s Kleem Brzee Brain Activation Initiations

Dr. Pillai’s Kleem Brzee Brain Activation Initiations

Dr. Pillai’s Kleem Brzee Brain Activation Initiations will reveal how to use an advanced Kleem Brzee mantra in four key areas of the brain. Live on July 28.

How You Can Have Ultimate Protection From Negativity

How You Can Have Ultimate Protection From Negativity

Participate in this empowering webinar and discover sacred techniques to build a shield of divine protection, neutralize negativity, and equip yourself with spiritual tools. Live on July 28.

Aadi Amavasya Remedies

Aadi Amavasya Remedies

Pacify your ancestors & seek their blessings for you and your future generations through the Aadi Amavasya remedies. Live on August 3.

Fire Lab to Celebrate Enlightenment of Women

Fire Lab to Celebrate Enlightenment of Women

During this Fire Lab, the Moon will be in Purva Phalguni, a star with blessings for relationships and prosperity, as well as rest and relaxation. Live on August 6.

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Creating New Realities Through Consciousness and Ancestral Rituals

Creating New Realities Through Consciousness and Ancestral Rituals

Introduction In a world where reality seems fixed and unchangeable, the idea that we can create new realities might sound like a far-fetched dream. However, Dr. Pillai’s teachings suggest that...

Shreem Brzee: The Power of Faith in Manifestation

Shreem Brzee: The Power of Faith in Manifestation

The journey towards understanding the power of Shreem Brzee is one marked by skepticism, faith, and eventual acceptance. Dr. Pillai, the proponent of Shreem Brzee, shares his personal experiences and...

Aadi Amavasya: Honoring Ancestors through Tarpanam Rituals

Aadi Amavasya: Honoring Ancestors through Tarpanam Rituals

Introduction Aadi Amavasya is a significant day in the Hindu calendar, particularly for those who seek to honor their ancestors through special rituals known as Tarpanam. This New Moon day...

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