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Shreem Brzee

Success Stories

See What People Say About the Sounds for Wealth Manifestation

Be inspired by Veronica’s life transforming testimonial

How Lisa Manifested an unexpected

“When you practice Shreem Brzee, it is not only going to give you material wealth, but the greater wealth of consciousness. Material wealth will be only a by-product. You will get what I call a 200% Life—100% Material and 100% Spiritual.” — Dr. Pillai

Since releasing the mantra Shreem Brzee in 1998, people from all over the world have been reporting about incredible results they have experienced. Everything from winning the lottery and receiving unexpected windfalls, to healing diseases and gaining priceless peace. Below you can see some of the testimonies people have shared.

Join the Shreem Brzee Community 

Join the Shreem Brzee social community to participate in group discussions, ask questions, and receive new teachings from Dr. Pillai.

Shreem Brzee Testimonial Videos

Shreem Brzee Success: Ayanna’s Dream Home & Life Purpose Fulfilled

Laila’s New Home, Business Success, New Home, Quadrupled Income

Shreem Brzee Success: Danisa’s New BMW & Fruitful Spiritual Life

Brice Built Million $$$
Trading Business

How Adam Increased Creativity & Business 100+%

How I Manifested Money With
Shreem Brzee

Alok’s Miracle Story While Chanting Shreem Brzee

Andre Brzee Testimonal and Experience

Shreem breeze miracle mantra miracles and testimony

Get out of Debt fast with Shreem Brzee Mantra Testimony

My Shreem Brzee Success story- Mitali Saini

End Financial Worries without a Job. Manifest Miracles

Shreem Brzee Testimonials

I started saving money with Shreem Brzee’s help.

“It’s been almost a year that I started chanting Shreem Brzee and I am ever so grateful to Babaji (Dr. Pillai) for enlightening me about the benefits of this mantra. I could never save enough money but after chanting Shreem Brzee. I am actually saving my money. For past 4 years I never won prizes in games, but as I started chanting I started winning prizes for the first time. And lastly, I got a job with with a good salary. Thank you Babaji. Thank you Almighty”

Zinià Banerjee

Shreem Brzee will make you a money magnet

Shreem Brzee is a Holy Mantra and it protects you from money loss because it is a money magnet. I have several good and positive experiences of using this mantra. I suggest that everyone in the world should chant this mantra to be a money magnet.

Shreem Brzee

Today I received a huge Shreem Brzee money miracle! Let’s keep chanting.

Lalitha Devi

Shreem Brzee manifested profits and made me more energetic

Shreem Brzee is a magical mantra. Not only did I make good profit in the stock market but I’m also feeling very energetic throughout the day. This change in energy may be the reason for financial success.

Kamal Pardeshi

I manifested $2 Million with Shreem Brzee

“Hi I want to share my amazing story with you all. I have been chanting this mantra and visualizing money in my third eye for many years. About 3 months ago l was able to manifest 2 million dollars. So far 600,000 thousand dollars has been given to me in cash. The rest of the money is in a family company l get $1000.00 dollars a week that will increase over time for the rest of my life. I have bought a brand-new car, gone to India, travelled and bought things that l haven’t been able to get for 9 years. I am a single parent with a 9 year-old son and we were on the poverty line for all those years. I was living on $250 per fortnight for everything.
I also did a palm Vedic reading with Astroved. I get regular homas and l am now going to do the new wealth program. I have helped so many Peoplee with the money and shared my blessings. This does work l am proof that it does.”

Ma Nithya Hridyananda

Shreem Brzee manifested my dream house

By the grace of Maa Lakshmi ji and Dr Pillai, I manifested my dream house.

Deepty Chaturvedi

My car manifestation with Shreem Brzee

Well, it works. I have been chanting for a car, it’s been made to order and being delivered in April. Jean Salia Mwachilenga


We manifested a new car

We manifested a new Vehicle. Our cars are always used and old about 14 years old. We have never owned a new vehicle. We have always wanted new Toyota sienna, but too expensive over $40 thousand dollars, now my husband’s car is falling apart. We were in desperate need, with little money and only one person working. We checked many dealers, getting frustrated. I told my husband lets go back to the first dealer, saw the same salesman who helped us before. He told us to wait he will pass us on to the senior salesman, because he can help us get a better deal. Long story short, the senior salesman got us an amazing deal, he went to his manger and negotiated about 4 times, we were there for 4-5 hours. We were told there were no more of that vehicle in stock, that we had to order which will take about 3 months to get, after some time we were told there is one vehicle left, someone who wanted to purchase it, didn’t get approved. We got our brand new Toyota sienna 2017, costs over $40 thousand dollars, we got a discount. Affordable monthly payments, extremely low interest rate under 1% and to make it all better, my husband’s boss told him that he has some unused vacation money amounted to over $4 thousand dollars. I chant my mantra during my day and at night, before I went back to the first dealer, I chanted my mantra, even when we were at the dealer, I chanted in my mind and I said to myself, God will never let us down. Chant and have faith on the divine that is present within you.

Sondra Persaud

Shreem Brzee Christmas Gifts

I have gifted an Apple Watch for Christmas. At the time I didn’t even have an iPhone so SHREEM BRZEE granted me both a new iPhone and Apple Watch in lovely Rose Gold (aka Pink)! Now I get to be with Lakshmi all day and the watch reminds me of the planetary hora changes via AstroVed Hora Watch app.

Gina Guerrieri

A win in my book for Shreem Brzee

I have been listening to the Shreem Brzee Mantra sound through ear plugs on my computer almost constantly for about the last 3 weeks. Even when I watch a movie on it I will still have the sound playing low in the background on another media player. I was in an auto accident some months ago and my van was totalled. I was moderately injured but I have mostly recovered now. The other motorist did not have insurance. My medical bills were covered thru workman’s compensation. I have underinsured motorist coverage on my auto insurance. From the beginning, I have been told that most of the underinsured motorist coverage amount would have to go to my workman’s compensation to reimburse them for some of my medical bills. Today I got a call saying none of the amounts has to go to workman’s compensation, so at least I get some money for my pain and suffering. A win in my book for Shreem Brzee! Cheryl


I received an offer for a dream job.

I received an offer for a dream job, all expenses paid to house, car, and travel Shreem Brzee.

Sarah Jayne Scott

I won a lotto Ticket

I won $20.00 on a 50 cent lotto?ticket!

Christine Swift Blythe

Shreem Brzee’s miracle for my daughter

Well, I was chanting Shreem Brzee in front of my altar and praying for my daughter to get into the sorority she wanted. It was really hard because there were more than a 1000 girls for 580 spots and she got dropped from 4 out of 8 already. Then, the malae beads broke and at that time I got a text from her, telling me she had been re-invited. Yesterday she got the house that she wanted to be in. It may be a small thing, but with she had gone through in her life, to me and to her it means the world. Babaji, at your feet as always. OM SHREEM BRZEE!

Ruth Smith

Shreem Brzee manifested money and a job for me

Let me share what I have notice since chanting Shreem Brzee. I light a candle while chanting and I noticed the candle flame gets bigger after I chant?Shreem?Brzee. Also, after I started chanting I had someone to pay for my food for two days in a row and I also had someone to pay the remaining balance on some food I had ordered a few days ago. I got an offer for a month and a half job from a family member with pay. I start this job in two weeks. I am also received money from what someone owed me. Shreem Brzee works I am so thankful. I know the amounts are going to get bigger and bigger.

Contessa Etheridge.

Shreem Brzee really works!

“I have been practicing for about a week now and yesterday I received a tip at work for 20 swiss francs. Shreem Breeze really works!

Oscar Theodros

Shreem Brzee manifested a new project and a new house.

Totally surrendered myself to Shreem Brzee, following the steps given by Jai Radha and Babaji’s word Commitment and Faith. Doing regular chanting in the morning and evening, things are changing positively, Experience 1: got a new big corporate client Thomson Reuters for regular Project Management Training workshops in UK, happened without asking them. Experience 2: Relocating my house in London by the end of this month finally (shifting my surroundings) Experience 3: My sister is suffering from Lupus and she is always in my prayers and meditations, seeing some positive improvements Experience 4: most importantly I am asking the mantra to link with the circle of Dr.Pillai students and its helping to connect with new people. Experience5: I used to be more Anxious?at times now its reduced. The list keeps piling up. My intention is to tell you guys humbly that never lose faith and keep practicing this will help. Thank you Babaji .

Vijaya Avula

In one month I manifested a new vehicle

I have been chanting for one month. I have manifested a brand new $40k vehicle, I have not been working for over 6 years, and I had only $100 left in my bank account it was getting frustrating, cause every little money that came my way gets eaten up by expenses. I have now $2100 in just one month and it keeps growing. This mantra helped me realize all the blockage & karmic blockages, so now I am dealing with those to clear path for more abundance in my life.

Sondra Persaud

I received blessings all around

I’ve been doing this mantras for two weeks, 6 am and 6:30 pm daily. I have blessings coming from everywhere. I picked up an extra hour with a client that I see twice a week. I took my daughter to see a counselor and she didn’t charge me. That’s just to name a few. Dr. Pillai is truly a blessing from God. Namaste

Missty Hoo

Received bonus and gift card out of the blue

Did it 5 days ago and I got good tip money from clients this weekend, but today on my payday with my other job I got a nice bonus for the month, over $200. All I can do is laugh, because I used it before and it worked in people giving me a job and gift card out of the blue but forgot how effective it is. I give thanks!!

Miss Lady

Unexpected money miracles

This mantra works magic! My dad gave me $400 for no reason! I won $50K in a contest after 3 months of chanting this mantra every day on Venus horas!

Raphie Elle

I could pay off my credit card debt

After doing this chant for 2 weeks suddenly I was informed that next week there will be money coming .. More than enough to pay off my credit card !!! GRATITUDE.

Sumida Ryogoku

I received $2,500 bonus within 15 hours

Shreem Brzee works, within 15 hrs my boss gave me a$ 2,500 bonus and more work hours


Received random money

Something amazing happened for me again my brother randomly called me and gave me $100! Wow, believe me this is powerful

Tammy Bolden

Received unexpected gifts

I’m only 4 days in chanting Shreem Brzee and people are surprising me with gifts.

Kevan Fitzgerald

I went from being broke to buying 4 houses in no time

Shreem Brzee mantra works. I was broke with no job borrowing money from people sleeping from house to house. Now in only ten months I’ve bought land and built 4 houses – quantum leap prosperity – and I won lotto on Christmas day for $24,000

Kevin Brown

I bought a car for my daughter without money!

“I want to share with you that I bought a car for my daughter without money!!!! Thanks Dr. Pillai and the Shreem Breeze company for [strengthening] me.”

Marion Patra

Ever since I have started this challenge, many things changed in my life…

““Yesterday (Tuesday) I have got again money without any expectation. I do Shreem Brzee and my husband gets extra jobs that pays well. This is the magic of Shreem Brzee…. Ever since I have started this challenge, many things changed in my life: both my fulltime and part time jobs are doing fantastic, and now money [is] coming through unexpected ways.
Thank you, Ma Lakshmi—having invited you in my life is indeed the best thing I have ever [done].””

Sabrina Dhookit

Literally 1 SECOND after I finished my mala / last repetition of Shreem Brzee, I receive a call…

“Okay, this is a pretty incredible Shreem Brzee testimony. Thought I’d share!
So, during the month of August, I got set back financially due to unforeseen obstacles in my business. Last night I chanted and prayed to Lakshmi for assistance to help me fulfill my financial obligations to my partners/employees which were all due next week, so that I can continue to have a good business relationship with them, and to keep my business moving in a positive direction.
Well, as you might know today is Friday which is an auspicious day to worship/chant to Lakshmi, and during Venus Hora times, Lakshmi’s energy is doubly as abundant. So just a moment ago, I was chanting Shreem Brzee during Venus Hora… and right after I was done chanting, like LITERALLY 1 SECOND after I finished my mala / last repetition of Shreem Brzee, I receive a call from a wedding planner, and the first thing out of her mouth is, “Hi, is this David? This is Lacey. I want to make a credit card payment for my client. I’d like to pay in full if that’s possible.”
My response: “Sure! That would be fantastic! I never say no to clients that want to pay in full.”
I just wanted to share this testimony to shine a light on the power of Shreem Brzee, especially for those who need a little encouragement. This actually happens to me often, especially after chanting for a long time and praying to Lakshmi for assistance. So, stay positive, and keep chanting everyone!””

David Wang

I received money last minute when I needed it.

This does work. It worked for me when I needed money last minute.

Velvit Monroe

I manifested my thought within 4 days of chanting Shreem Brzee

I am extremely grateful with all of my heart. This mantra works. I’ve been trying to move up as the captain of my vessel, I’ve tried every law of attraction exercise here is, and I was losing hope. Within FOUR days of doing this mantra every night before I go to sleep, I just got that phone call. I now went from making $40,000 to $135,000 a year. Thank you so much Doctor Pillai. Love & God bless.

Charlie Rourke

My Son got a better Job

After I started chanting SHREEM BRZEE mantra within 30 days, my son got a better job offer with more salary and a higher position than his present job. I am very happy. It is a miracle! Anybody can chant, the result is 100 percent. I also started writing SHREEM BRZEE mantra.

Asha G

Shreem Brzee not only doubled my income but I also received a money blessing and a raise at work.

Shreem Brzee has blessed me so well in the last few months. First in the 45 day challenge my income doubled with a new job. Received a promotion at work for $1.10 more per hour. A $1600 check showed up about 3 weeks ago. Was handed $500 cash last weekend. Now I’m told I’m moving up again at work for another raise of $1.50 per hour. I’m so happy to have Shreem Brzee in my life.

Jesse Roop

Money Surprises

“Hello People!
Wanted to share 3 manifestations which happened this month
Started chanting Shreem Brzee casually but continuously in the beginning of December.
1. Just a few days later my cousin gave me 1000₹ out of the blue.
2. A relative of mine wanted to pay 60,000₹ to someone through me. He transferred 1000 dollars which is 63,600₹. He gave the additional 3600₹ to me.
3. There is an online wallet called PayTM. I logged into it with my new number and it says I have 3000₹ in it! I never remember putting money into this account!
The only thing I am doing is chanting Shreem Brzee as much as I can and a few visualizations of money coming to me!
This cannot be co-incidence at all!
It’s all Shreem Brzee
Another manifestation through Shreem Brzee!! I forgot the password of my credit card netbanking! So was just sorting it out. Once I got into my account, I got an option to redeem points! I never knew that we get points in hdfc too! As I went into the redeem points option, there was another option called convert to cash! And I converted all my cash and got 1500₹ Everything happened out of the blue”

Coming back to Shreem Brzee and miracles!

I RE-started shreem brzee after many years and literally the next morning I received money and every day since I’ve been receiving. I’m grateful and I know it’s real

Kesha Marie

I received a check after writing Shreem Brzee for 2 days.

Wrote the mantra 108 times two days in a row. Received a $300.00 check (from some unknown lawsuit). It works!

Lisa Lisa

Shreem Brzee helped us in our family business

So far Shreem Brzee has helped me in our family business, and for that I thank Shreem Brzee. Hopefully Shreem Brzee would also help me win the lottery.

Nino Amozon

I received unexpected gifts by chanting Shreem Brzee

I’ve received more clothes and more groceries, after dedicating myself to this mantra. I have even received unexpected gifts from my loved ones, This mantra works and never stops surprising me.

Rodrigue Balenda

I manifested money by only chanting the mantra for few times

I said this mantra only few times and my mom gave me money without me asking


I manifested $1800 out of no where

Just want to say just manifested $1800 this week out of nowhere. Thank you, Shreem Brzee, I’m still in shock.


Shreem Brzee manifested a new car for me.

Shreem Brzee! I finally got approved for a new car. No co-signer, with messed up credit from divorce. This is all happening from Shreem Brzee. Thank you Goddess Shreem Brzee.

Kimberlee Meader

Goddess Lakshmi’s Blessings Top of Form

Lakshmi has given me $20 twice in the past two weeks. I have 30,000 + Shreem Brzee chants so far and 103,000+ of another Lakshmi mantra that I started almost a year ago. At work a customer forgot his wallet and I ran out to give it to him, he handed me $20. Then today I went to an ATM to get cash to buy a lottery ticket and there was $20 in it, I thought about turning the $20 in but then I wondered but isn’t this a blessing for me from Lakshmi? I decided it was.

Christopher Good

Not only is my business improving but Shreem Brzee manifested money I need for my surgery

I started chanting Shreem Brzee at the end of November. The first week out of the blue a client gave me an extra $100 in a very thoughtful card. Then my mother and father sent me $588 that they receive each year from a small pension which they never told me about before. Today my mother called and a friend of hers wrote me a check for $1000. My mom was just as surprised as I was. I am preparing for surgery in about 6 months from now which may have prompted receiving some of the funds but I’ve not asked anyone to give me money except the Goddess -and Kuber But I honestly do not think any of these would have happened if I wasn’t chanting Shreem Brzee. Also, my business has picked up too.

Sarah J Burns

I attract money whenever I chant

I started chanting and listening to Shreem Brzee two weeks ago I won on a scratch lotto $30 I stop because I had distraction .I started two days ago and a friend text me and say pick up $300 from MoneyGram. Thank You Dr. Pillai, I am grateful.

Denise Thierens

I received multiple miracles in my life

“For anyone who doubts that this mantra works, take it from me. This mantra 100% works! The past 30 days have been nothing less than life-changing. I started December 1st, chanting 108+ times every day and writing Shreem Brzee 108+ times in my notepad, every day and without missing a day. I would also listen to this exact, same audio while driving, going for my hour morning or night walks, and occasionally, I would fall asleep with it playing in my ear buds.
The first thing that happened was my neighbour offered me some work paying me at $10/hour doing stuff around the house, painting, cleaning gutters, etc. I would average $30-50 about 5 days out of the week. And on some occasions, he’s even treated me to dinner, and given me extra money for a job well done – that I was not expecting at all.
Another, amazing thing that happened was this. I went to re-open a bank account that I closed a few years back. On a Saturday night, I called the 24/7 support line of this bank and they told me that a negative balance of $47 needed to be paid before my account got opened back up. (I was expecting this, because I attempted to re-open the account back in March and they told me the same thing) So, on the following Monday, I called again with my card in hand ready to pay over the phone, but the rep told me that there was no negative balance and that all I needed to do was go into the branch and open an account. 2-minute drive up the street, I was in and out of the bank in 30 minutes with new checking and savings accounts – unbelievable!
The only explanation that supernatural forces were in play. One day, I got an inner hunch that told me to look on craigslist to find a quick way to make some money and I came across this “gig” where a guy was paying $75 via PayPal to run fb ads on accounts for his clients. I contacted the guy and he set up fb ads for one of his clients’ automotive shops on my account. I shared my screen, he did the work and in 15 minutes, I received $75 via PayPal – awesome! On top of my mom sending me money, my brother sent me $100 which NEVER happens. I also received 2, anonymous checks in the mail from Clickbank – again, awesome!!!
It’s been a great month and things are doing nothing but picking up. I will keep you guys posted. Please chant this mantra and stay consistent! That is the key! Thank you, Dr.Pillai, for giving this mantra, freely, to the world.”

Nazir Yahshua

I had asked Lakshmi to open doors for me to help me get a job fast, and Friday I start!

““Just wanting to say that I spent last night applying to jobs, and first thing [in] the morning I got a call from a job wanting to interview, and to my surprise i got hired on the spot!
I slept with Shreem Brzee playing on my phone and on my way to my interview kept chanting along while playing the mantra while driving. Shreem Brzee miracles!!!!! I had asked Lakshmi to open doors for me to help me get a job fast and Friday I start!!””

Aurora Sanchez Ruiz

Offered a dream job…

…offered a dream job, all expenses paid house and car and travel.”

Sarah Jayne Scott

My Shreem Brzee manifestations

A year ago, I remember looking at the coins in my hands and wondering if I should buy something to eat or just go surf the internet. For some reasons, I went to surf the internet with the aim of finding some sorts of special teachings that would help me manifest very fast. That’s how I was guided to Dr. Pillai’s Youtube video talking about Shreem Brzee. I decided to spend 8 hours chanting nonstop. You won’t believe it! The very next day, I got several proposals from people for fully funded trips that brought in money and connections that have pushed me up to the material (and spiritual) comfort I’m enjoying now.

Gahizi Siddha Sankalpa

I manifested the amount I needed for my husband’s surgery

Hi Everyone, I’m sharing my experience of chanting Shreem Brzee. My husband had to go through surgery and its cost was huge .His tumour?had?to be operated within 4 weeks and it was difficult for me to arrange the money .I started chanting and got the sum of money we needed for the surgery. The operation is now done he is still in hospital. Thank you?Shreem?Brzee.

Devi Artee Cheekoory

I manifested financial independence.

This mantra really worked for me to have financial independence. Enjoying chanting …Thanks to beloved Baba

Surya Narayan?

I received a gift from my God Father

Thank you so much Dr. Pillai for making this mantra available to us. I chant it every night before I go to bed and I have already felt a positive shift within my thinking and feelings towards wealth. My God Father even randomly gave me 100 bucks just because. He has NEVER done that before and I like to think it happened because of the mantra.

Ahjee Naga Princess

I manifested my dream holiday without spending a penny.

Thank you very much Dr Pillai. I accidentally found the Shreem Brzee chant. I started chanting causally, saying at least there is no harm in chanting. But I can’t believe within one month I got unbelievable results. All my dreams come true in one shot. 3nights 4days in a five-star hotel near the beach, travel by air was sponsored without spending a penny and the free holiday started with a free pickup from our home. I still can’t believe. Thanks, Dr Pillai.

Anjali Patil

I found money in my old clothes

I have been chanting the mantra, at my shop throughout the day, but I started to also chant Shreem Brzee at 4 AM. This morning I was taking some clothes to Goodwill, and I know that I already looked in the pockets, but for some reason I looked this morning and I found a 5 dollar bill, and I shall continue to get up at 4 am and chant Shreem Brzee and every night.

Avatar Store

I received money double what I expected.

So, here’s something interesting that happened. I was expecting a check for a decent amount of money from family. And when I received the check it was double what I was told it was going to be.

Shakti D.

I manifested an overseas client.

I am truly amazed! I was just blessed with a new client! An overseas one at that! No advertisements, just a word of mouth referral. Thank you Dr, Pillai, Lords Ganesha and Shiva, and of course, Shreem Brzee/Maha Lakshmi! Keep chanting! Keep believing! Do the techniques! Sending love to all! Shreem Brzee!

Naki Alaiyo

My job and money miracles.

“I have some good news to report! I have been offered a trial next week for a new job. It was exactly what I was looking for. Whatever happens I feel entirely supported by the Shreem Brzee and Lakshmi is in my heart.
Last time I used Shreem Brzee years ago I asked for 50k. Then realised I couldn’t conceive that so reduced it to £500.That week I got a £500 tax rebate. I also asked to be debt free and despite my Shreem Brzee practice dwindling. I received £8k that covered it and only realised in retrospect that Shreem Brzee had answered my prayer. I see it is much more than financial wealth. Much of the world’s problems are due to lack.”

Sara Bailey

My Diwali gift from Shreem Brzee

Ok, this is wild. I just a minute ago checked my bank balance and there is an extra deposit of $135.00. No idea what it is for, so I will give the company a little jingle to find out what it’s for Wow and wow. Thank you, Goddess Lakshmi. And I know exactly what I’m going to use it for — Hope Centers and Diwali. I’m so excited.

Miriam Sheller

I manifested a new job

My heartiest thanks and gratitude to Goddess Shreem Brzee.Recently, I got a new job with good salary.

Ratan S

Stick to Shreem Brzee

Please stick to Shreem Brzee. It brings me surprising wealth breakthroughs.

Bhaavin Shah

I found money as I walked down the street

Shreem Brzee is life energy. I found on the ground some bank notes, and the next day there were again some bank notes on the ground in the street I walked down. It really works.

Stefan Fischer

“Won another $100”

Helloo… just want to let you guys know that we win another $100 yesterday. Shreem Brzee

Arya Hutama

I won money in the lottery

I have been chanting Shreem Brzee for days now and today I won a money from a lottery ticket. Thank you Maa Lakshmi and Shreem Brzee.

Hemalatha Jayan T

I received money in my mail.

“Went to the mail today and had a $5,000 check !!!!
I’m self employed and operate a live performance theatre. We were down to $9.79 today, if they don’t have money, I don’t get to draw a paycheck, this was huge check for us, and me So humbled and thankful.
Shreem Brzee
Shreem Brzee
Shreem Brzee
Said with joy and gratitude
Give thanks
Give thanks
Give thanks”

Cindy Griffin McCoy

I manifested new clients

“So, I practice driving a lot- I carry a leather Mala with me to keep count. Red lights or long drives are great for this. Of course other times such as early morning or before I lay down for sleep. Times of quiet.
After just a few days I received 2 new clients (my Reiki practice) people buying my lunches and other acts of kindness.
And $200 found in an old purse!!”

Cindy Griffin McCoy

Results are much better than before

Thank you for enlightening me with this mantra I hear it only for 5 minutes in morning but found I’m getting much more success in my work. Results are much better than before.

Riddhi Gadhvi

I received more clients for my services

Since I have been listening to this Lakshmi mantra, my business grew up, I received more orders for my services, more money and my services are received better and better. Om Shanti!

DJ Retro

I landed a dream job

“I started chanting about 2 + years Shreem Brzee and my life has shifted 100%. I was unemployed and going through rough times financially.
Today I have an amazing job and more than enough to pay bills. My abundance has grown in all aspects of my life health, joy, relationships and daily signs that Lakshmi is with me supporting me every day.
I talk to her daily and ask her simple things like “ Lakshmi please find a good parking space for me” and boom there it is!! She gives me signs every day of her presence. She is just amazing.”

Beatriz Ramos

Got $400 unexpectedly

I just want to share my story after continuously chanting. My husband likes to play scratchers and in January- 2018, he got a total of $400 and still counting. A miracle happened, my computer was not working for almost a year and we couldn’t afford to bring it to the repair shop. One day, I had the urge to turn on the computer and then after a while works (I did it myself) and the computer is working again

Arya Hutama

She helped me manifest a dream career…

““I wanted to share that in one month. I have found the perfect place to build my business as a Reiki and Goddess Warrior Life Coach.
I have been searching for a small studio in a particular location for 2 years. 2 weeks into Shreem Brzee I was able to rent this studio for 250.00 a month with no deposit or issues. This is such a blessing from Lakshmi. No I did not win the lottery yet, but she helped me manifest a dream career, location, and the ability to share her gifts and mine to create unlimited abundance.
Shreem Brzee works. Manifest everything you want but start small. Have fun watching your dreams come true. In love and light.””

Kimberlee Meader

I could not have done anything without Her help.

““I accidentally came across this mantra from my news feed on[Facebook]. I basically do not have much knowledge on this. I won’t say am a religious person either. But something attracted me to this.
I am a retired person and survive on my pension. I have gone all out to rescue stray animals starving for food without shelter. I just can’t close my eyes when I come across them. I save them and treat them if they have any diseases. All these have depleted my savings. Was wondering how to proceed with my mission to help them. That’s when I started to chant this mantra.
I am just a beginner. I can’t remember how many days I started chanting. Maybe about 2 weeks. I did not have any intention to count the number of days or to stop chanting too. I just went to get her picture n set up an altar. In my prayers, I just asked Mahalakshmi Ma to forgive me if I am wrong and help me in any way to help the poor animals. I would just turn on Guruji’s voice and go along with it whenever I can and follow the 2-minute meditation too.
To my surprise today, I have received help from a few people to get a shelter done and rental for the place taken care of. Amount of more than RM10k involved. What a [relief], I am overjoyed. I could not have done anything without Her help. My prayers to continue. Thank you, Ma.””

Devakie Nair

Manifested a Job on the 25th Day of Chanting Shreem Brzee

Babaji, I was jobless for five years. After learning your mantra, started chanting 2-3 hours daily if time allowed. Twenty-fifth day I got a nice job. I think Babaji’s teaching will change the entire world. Thank you Babaji!

Raju T.R

Manifested a $5 Bill Miraculously After Chanting

I’ve been chanting the mantra, at my shop throughout the day, but I started to also chant at 4 am and chant Shreem Brzee. And this morning I was getting some clothes to goodwill, and I know that I already look in the pockets, but I for some reason look this morning and I found a $5 bill, and I shall continue to get up at 4 am and chant Shreem Brzee and every night. I thank you my new teacher.


Business Improved After Chanting Shreem Brzee

Yeah that mantra and my own willing to work on my projects really helped me to become a better business! That’s the power of Lakshmi! I have a picture of her over my computer desk in my shop that I always see her and worship her. Now I can – if I want to- eat everyday cake, smoke cigars or something else what earlier I always had to think about before. And it is just the beginning!

Marc Arti

Manifested A Fantastic Deal on a Brand New 2020 Truck and Extra Discount on It Within a Week of Chanting

The first week I started putting a concerted effort into writing Shreem Brzee, every day during Venus Hora. My husband ended up getting a fantastic deal on a brand new 2020 truck. Everything lined up perfectly and he ended up saving $20K off the MSRP (manufactured suggested retail price) for this truck, totally unexpected, rare, and out of the blue. I knew that Shreem Brzee played a massive role in making this happen.

Linda Siva Lata

Manifested Dream Holiday in a Five Star Hotel Within a Month

Thanku very much Dr. Pillai. I accidentally found Shreem Brzee chant. I started chanting causally saying, at least, there is no harm in chanting. But I can’t believe, with in one month I got unbelievable results. All my dreams come true in one shot. 3night 4days, five star hotel near beach, travel by air was sponsored without spending 1rs, right from my house, tour was sponsored. Still I couldn’t believe. Thanks Dr. Pillai. Thanks Shreem Brzee. Thanks God. God is great!

Anjali Patil

Manifested A Raise, Extra Money and Job Leads After Chanting Shreem Brzee

I started doing Shreem Brzee years ago with no results, so I gave up quickly. This week, I started listening while I slept and for thirty minutes on my way to work. On Monday (11/6/17), I received $15 in tips at work, and was given two job leads. Two days after that, I checked my pay stub to find I had gotten $1 an hour pay raise. Then yesterday (11/9/17), a pair of boots I placed for sale on eBay months ago sold for $100. I don’t know if this is all coincidence or what, but since I had been listening this chant more and placed Sri Lakshmi back on my altar and offered her gold dollar coins, I manifested extra money in a few days. I will continue this chant daily. Thank you Dr. Pillai!


“Manifested Checks Worth $5000 and $3337 After Chanting for Two Weeks

I started this about two weeks ago, got two checks: one for $5000 and one for $3337. I’ve been trying, to get this money from my insurance, for a minute, and I have it now.

Truth Tella

Started Receiving Presents Everyday!

Every day, it brings me presents. People donate things: food, clothing, money. I mix all mantras and for removing bad karma and for chakras and mid brain activation Thank you so very much Dr.Pillai for your immense knowledge and goodness. Namaste Sir. Blessings to you in all ways!

Valerija Jurkovic

Started Getting Interview Calls & Got a Job After Chanting Shreem Brzee

I have been practising various visualization meditation for the last six months but not successful in manifesting anything. I am without a job for a few months and not successful in getting the job. I came across Dr.Pillai’s Shreem Breeze: Manifest in Seconds on 8th April accidentally, and Indefinitely it is God’s gift to me.I started chanting Shreem Breeze 1008 times on that day and on the same day I got a call from a job consultant. I keep meditating, practising midbrain activation, Shreem Breeze mantra, AH meditation regularly. I got interview calls one after the another and I got my job confirmed on May 10. It is nothing short of a miracle! Shreem Breeze and AH meditation is very powerful, and I will keep on chanting and meditate.

Chandrashekhar Shastri

Phone Bill Paid Anonymously After Chanting

Started chanting this yesterday, and today, I went to pay my phone bill, the man at the counter told me my bill had ALREADY BEEN PAID! It was paid for anonymously. Free phone for a month! Thank you God for this mantra and to Dr. Pillai for sharing it. This really works. I know a door has been opened for my great abundance, and there’s a lot more on the way.


Manifested $35000 to Pay For a Property!

This mantra really works! I love how you explain this mantra. I’ve been using this mantra for little over a year! The beginning of last year (few weeks after I started the mantra) I received $35,000 to pay for a property I’ve been trying to buy. I’m very thankful!

Hair stylist tiffianyj

Wrote the mantra 108 times two days in a row. Received a $300.00 check (from some unknown lawsuit). It works!

Received a $300 After Chanting with Shreem Brzee

lisa lisa

Manifested More Clients With Shreem Brzee!

My business has been getting MORE clients since I started chanting. This really works!!

Lisa KottonCandy

My Monthly Income Has Nearly Doubled!

So far my experience been that I receive money much easier, and my monthly income has nearly doubled.

Raphie Elle

Won €1200 After Chanting Shreem Brzee

I just want to say “Thank You” for Dr Pillai for that mantra. Last night I’ve won on the lottery €1200 first time in my life. Still can’t believe it’s happening with me. I can tell you anything is possible. Highly recommend to try this mantra for everybody! Thank You! Have a great day all.

Imre Kovács

Won $5000 After Three Days of Chanting

This works! After three days chanting Shreem Brzee, I won 5000 dollars on Second Chance scratch-off tickets. Dr. Pillai rocks!

[email protected]

I Manifested a New Car Within 4 Days

Only 4 days and I manifested a new car!

Karmic Jupiter

It Brought Money Into my Life When I had Zero Dollar!

Shreem Brzee works , I just want to reassure anyone having doubts, it brought money into my life when I had zero dollar. Focus, chant, you will see for yourself. Stay blessed . Om Shreem Brzee Namaha.

Alisha Khan

I Got Three Job Opportunities in a Single Day!

This works. It’s unbelievable. I got three job opportunities in one single day. THREE! I’ve chanting Shreem Brzee for a long time, and now, suddenly, things are starting to come to me very fast.


My Family Cleared 46Lakhs Rupees Loan Within a Few Days!

It really works. I started listening just a few days earlier, and now I cleared my family loan of 46 lakhs rupees. I am so happy. Thank you Dr. Pillai

Online Expert

Got Rs 5000 Within 5 hours of Chanting!

Can’t believe this miracle! Just heard it 5 hours before, got 5k from that person who never wanted to pay back borrowed money. Thanks Dr. Pillai.

Dr Rashmi ranjan samal

My Husband Received Money and Gifted Me Gold Ornaments Within 1 Day of Chanting the Mantra!

This manthra is extremely powerful. I started chanting this mantra, the very next day, my husband received money which was blocked since a few months. Then he gifted me gold ornaments. It was fantastic for me. A big namaste to Dr. Pillai sir who introduced the mantra to the world. It can change our destiny. Blessings from Kerala.

sobhitha shinil

I Went On From Making $40,000 to $135000 a Year Within 4 Days of Chanting

I am extremely grateful with all of my heart. This mantra works. I’ve been trying to move up as the captain of my vessel, I’ve tried every law of attraction exercise here is , and I was losing hope. Within FOUR days of doing this mantra, every night before i go to sleep, I just got that phone call. I now went from making $40,000 to $135,000 a year. Thank you so much Doctor Pillai. Love & God bless.

Capt. Charles

I Got My Dream Job Offer!

I got my dream job offer!!! Thank you Pillai Sir.

Anu Subhash

I Manifested $6500 Within 3 Days of Chanting Shreem Brzee!

After 3 days of chanting and writing down Shreem Brzee, I received a check in the mail for $6500! This absolutely works! Blessings upon you all.

Kevin Kozak

I Won Two Jackpots and $4000 in Two Days!

I won two jackpots in Feb 2017 at a casino, $4000 in two days in a row. You have to be positive and focus; dont let anyone disturb your energy.

Reina Sade

I Won $24000 Lottery, Bought Land and Built 4 Houses Within 10 Months!

Shreem Brzee mantra works. I was broke with no job borrowing money from people sleeping from house to house. now in only ten months I’ve bought land and built 4 houses….quantum leap prosperity, and I won lotto on Christmas day for $24000

Kevin Brown

Shreem Brzee Has Brought Money and Opportunities Into My Life

I have been chanting countless mantras for twenty years. This is the only one that has worked to bring money and opportunities into my life EVER.


I Keep Getting Money From Anywhere After I Started Chanting Shreem Brzee!

Sir, first I would like to thank you during this lockdown, also whenever I chant seriously, I get money from anywhere, even it’s Rs.100. I get that Shreem Brzee is very, very powerful mantra, but I noticed if u really need money it always always helps me.

Sudha Darshini

If you chant without fear, anger, stress and complete faith—She will show up.

““I recently joined a sales job and sales was never my cup of tea, but this job I got after 8 months of being jobless. I was feeling very demotivated at work and started listening to Shreem Breeze by Dr. Pillai’s audio on SoundCloud. I felt better and I bump into this beautiful picture and the first thought was how graceful is Maa Lakshimi.
I dont know if She brings you all the wealth you ask, but if you chant without fear, anger, stress and complete faith—She will show up. That alone is enough to bring positivity and boost to face your challenges.””

Sem Sembuganathan

Attracting Prosperity in All Areas of Life

Day 21 done. Having very prosperous thoughts, vibration and energy. I am attracting prosperity in all area of my life 🙂 Gratitude to Babaji, and Goddess Laxmi

Jamir Shrestha

Something Unusual, Exceptional—a Miracle

My bank prepared to give me a credit of 8000, but during the final meeting for this yesterday,something quite exceptional happened and the bank officer was utterly surprised and baffled, but had to accept: for the same monthly repayment as for 8000 I got 12000 instead. It was a very very unusual technical reason(interest counting made much much faster than normally she said although I do not understand…) behind this, but not a fault and has never happened before, so I conclude I have to thank my Shreem Brzee practise since 2 months for this pure gift of 4000 from the bank. Seems more like a miracle and the bank officer also then got very interested in Shreem Brzee and Dr. Pillai as I explained about this to her.

Stalhandske Rolf

Waking up to Wonderful Things—Every Day

Yes!! My life is now on a huge upswing. I have been chanting Shreem Brzee off and on for about 16 months but I never noticed much happening. However for the last month and a half I have been chanting just Brzee for an hour each day very consistently. While I chant I also review or imagine my body filled with white light plus the key emotions I want to promote. Then I mentally review my 7 primary goals. I also keep a journal and write down every time something good happens small or BIG. Since November 26th I have listed 28 wonderful things that have happened to me ranging from health to relationships to finances. I actually had a check sent to me for $1500 and another for $5100 and I had no idea they were coming! Everyday I wake up now wondering what great thing is going to happen today!! Results keep getting better too. Awesome!!

Rocky Smith

OMG!!! So Much Abundance and Miracles

OMG!!! I am in awe of what’s happening in my life right now. So much abundance and miracles showing in my life… my mom’s visa was granted within a day of submitting her passport to the visa application centre then i sold few of my packages easily so now I have funds to buy plane tickets for my mom and me as I’m picking her up. My lists in poshmark were being sold one after the other and i feel so amazingly pull of energy and sincerely feels abundant. I’m teary eyed while chanting as I can truly feel the Goddess Lakshmi energy in me… Thank you Dr. Pillai for this amazing practice that brings miracle into my life and others. Thank you everyone…I’m doing the all of the practices suggested in the post during venus horas including offering water, flowers, chocolate and incense and candle…What I follow daily during Venus horas including the advanced practices

Ning Cara

Won $1007 in Lottery—Consistent Miracles

On my first day being introduced to Shreem Brzee, I listened to the free download and did the chant for about 20 minutes. Later on that day I played the lottery and matched 5 out of 6 numbers. I won $1007 off of $2 ticket. The miracles have been consistent ever since. I am forever grateful.

Carmen Steele

Manifesting My List: Accomplished Another Goal

I have accomplished another goal on my list. I was able to get the credit for a new car. I have been asking for this for a long time and the time came.Doing all the challenges with faith and strength to God and Lakshmi, did the work. I kept on repeating what I wrote on the paper to help us get a new vehicle that is a necessity to be safe on the road and go to work. The old car gave us too much trouble as well as unexpected expenses and my husband in danger many times. I kept on repeating this in all the challenges.The first goal was back in October 2018. I applied for my mortgage to be modified for a lower payment it took months of obstacles but I kept on it. Ganesha also had his hand full with this one. But we Won and the modification was approved. I had mentioned this in one of then post of one of the challenges. Repeating the affirmations of what is needed without exaggerating. Praying to help us to relax and to have faith and trust and to help us release our fears, and devoting oneself entirely, in time all will come to manifest.My list is long and take it day by day because I know in my heart that each goal I have written will come to pass at the right time for the right purpose. Even though there have been ups and downs, in other issues, In the long run I get some positive results . Always stick to the chants and don’t give up and stay strong.Feeling thankful and grateful


Money lost in scam recovered

I’ve been chanting shreem brzee for 30 days continuously in order to get back my aud 450 as i felt into the scam trap. I’ve called and approached the bank but they said nothing can be done as the transaction has went thru eventough i’ve said that its a scam. I had also received a letter from the bank saying that the bank cannot trace the company and therefore nothing can be done. But miracle happened. Aft er 2 days the bank called and said that they will pay the aud 450 but i just have to be careful the next time. Shreem brzee is a real miracle.

Nandhini Krishnasamy

Shiva Shanti—May New Car

My chanting is going great.Approved for a car loan…my 20year old Volvo died The day after I purchased my car. I received a bonus increase and now I’m receiving commission as Well! I’ve been chanting from the very beginning with Syrah Hong and David Wang.By the way I named my Volvo Lakshmi. I call.my new car Shiva Shanti…im not sure if I’ll keep that name, my car is still deciding.

Lori Shepherd

Money Comes from All Sources!

Shreem Brzee Money comes to me from all sources

Eve Rubin

Honored with the Highest Award; So Grateful!

Thank you Gina! I feel like I won a million bucks today as Delta has honored me with their highest award bestowed to an employee. The Chairmans Club. I was one of 100 employees selected out of over 11,000 nominees. I really am blessed. I’m so grateful!

Eddie Perez

Shreem Brzee Really Works!

I have been practing for about a week now and yesterday I received a tip at work for 20 swiss francs. Shreem Breeze really works!

Oscar Theodros

Since chanting Shreem Brzee…

Let me share what I have notice since chanting Shreem Brzee I light a candle when I do mine I notice the candle flame get more bigger after I chant shreem brzee.. Also since I been chating I had someone to pay for my food two days in a row and I also had someone to pay the remaining balance on some food I had order a few days ago. I got offer a one month and a half job from a family member with pay I start this job in two weeks. I also recieveing money from what someone owe me today so Shreem Brzee works I am so thankful.. I know the amounts is going to get bigger and bigger.


Totally Surrendered Myself to Shreem Brzee!

Totally Totally surrendered myself to Shreem Brzee, following the steps given by Jai Radha and Babaji’s word Commitment and Faith. Doing regular chanting in the morning and evening, things are changing positively, experience 1: got a new big corporate client Thomson Reuters for regular Project Management Training workshops in UK, happened without asking them experience 2: Relocating my house in London by the end of this month finally (shifting my surroundings) experiece 3: My sister is suffering from Lupus and she is always in my prayers and meditations, seeing some positive improvements experience 4: most importantly I am asking the mantra to link with the circle of Dr.Pillai students and its helping to connect with new people. experience5: I used to be more Anxeious at times now its reduced.. the list keeps piling up. My intention is to tell you guys humbly that never loose faith and keep practicing this will help. Thank you Babaji

Vijayan Avula

Blessed with Financial Miracle

I am.blessed my finamcial miracle happened for me before 9th june 2019…. change your words


Husband Got a Job with 6-Figure Income after 2 years of Unemployment…

I want to share my Shreem Brzee miracles with you, but not before I express my gratitude to Dr. Pillai, for this group and everyone in it.So since I recently began a faithful Shreem Brzee practice and worshipping Goddess Lakshmi here’s what has manifested… After 2 years of unemployment my husband landed a job paying a 6 figure income with a commission compensation that could double that income…I received a check in the amount of $4500 for a vocal recording I did last year…and today my stepfather gave me a gift for $2000. I am so thankful!!! Shreem Brzee!!

Jennifer Cella

Shreem Brzee – Facebook

Shreem Brzee is awesome! This sound restores and creates new cells by changing our habits, our limiting beliefs and negativities. I’m thriving in every area of my life! The good mood appears! Limitations and diseases disappear, hair and properity grows, the body rejuvenates. Anyway, love and gratitude celebrate.It’s a continuous process of wellness! God bless you Dr. Braskaran Pillai!

Joli Brasil

Whole Energy of Life Rearranged Itself with Shreem Brzee

Today, I did little Shreem Brzee tapas. At 10 rounds of japa, I started to feel Brzee energy. At 20, I started to become joyful, 30, happiness and abundance, 40, magic, 44, complete satisfaction and oneness with the mantra. I couldn’t do more, but I know that around 60-70 rounds, real miracles will start to happen. This is my testimonial. Even my mother became happy and she is always in a bad mood. Whole energy of life rearranged itself.


Listening to Shreem Bzee Makes Everything Beautiful

Breathing Shreem Brzee, listening to the Shreem Brzee – this makes everything so beautiful and soothing. The connection with Maa Lakshmi is amazing and such a blessing. Thank you, Baba ji, for all you are doing.

Sandip Bangar

Shreem Brzee Resonated with Me Immediately!

I love Shreem Brzee! I’ve tried other practices but this is resonated with me immediately. Thank you for teaching me this method. My abundance has improved dramatically, and I’ll keep doing it even for just the peace I feel.

Marla Jacques

My Thoughts Stopped After Chanting Shreem Brzee!

It’s amazing! My thoughts stopped. Now, I’m filled with positive vibes and my breath regulated well. Thanks Sir, for this wonderful meditation.

Suresh Subramani

I Feel a lot Better and Calmer after Chanting Shreem Brzee

It really works. I was feeling disturbed really for last few days, before I started chanting Shreem Brzee. I did this technique while exercising as well. I feel a lot better and calmer now. Thank you Dr. Pillai.

Anupama Narayanan

Feeling Free and Light After Chanting Shreem Brzee

““Thank you Dr. Pillai!

Easy! Fast and effective!

Really works!!!

Great feeling of freedom and tranquility!

Eternal lightness! The negative

thoughts that appeared are soon gone AWAY.

God bless you!””


Experiencing a Bright Energy Flowing Into the Body While Meditating on Shreem Brzee

I tried it yesterday evening in meditation. I could feel a huge amount of bright energy flowing into my body through my belly area. I agree it’s a powerful mantra because I could feel it as an empath.

Angelic Healer George

Experiencing Shreem Brzee In a More Tangible Way

Wonderful and interesting. I’ve never associated the breath with Shreem Brzee. I just tried it and here are my thoughts. After 6 months of Shreem Brzee I can more easily remember Shreem Brzee. It’s like a little bit more tangible than the previous time. I think that’s what Baba says to just continue to chant it and never stop. So the word “Shreem Brzee” and the thought of Shreem Brzee are more tangible for me. So when I started to breathe in through my nostrils, it was easy for me to visualize Shreem Brzee in my nostrils and up to my third eye and out through my nostrils. But I don’t think I would have had the benefit if I didn’t have the previous six month relationship with Shreem Brzee, especially when I begin writing it and then setting the paper with Agni. I just started that three weeks ago and becoming more consistent with it as well. Truly magical and amazing sound. In fact, if I wouldn’t have started my journey with Shreem Brzee, I wouldn’t have the courage to talk about it on the internet with the entire world. Ok Baba, I will keep chanting it, I promise. Namaste 🕉

Ivancito Reyes

Resonating with the Divine After Chanting Shreem Brzee

Thank you Dr Pillai. I’m blessed and believe that I have been guided by the Divine to watch this life-changing video of yours which resonates with my urge for clarity, simple to understand and follow, detailed guidance of this powerful mantra Shreem Brzee. I am glad to subscribe to receive on-going guidance video of your captivating videos. Thank you. I’m blessed, blessed, blessed.

Marilyn Khan

Having an Out of the Body Experience with Shreem Brzee

Tonight I experienced something I’d call transcendental while chanting this amazing mantra along with Dr. Pillai. First, I could feel some kind of pleasant vibrations all over my body and then everything around me disappeared, even my own body. I was aware of Dr. Pillai’s voice and I became my voice myself. I couldn’t feel my body, there weren’t any thoughts but there was just I as my voice. I “came back” after the chanting stopped, and I could feel a pleasant warmth all over my body, especially hands. Wow! Extraordinary feeling.


Most importantly it has given me inner peace.

“I had a troubled mindset before I started chanting this mantra. I was always worried about something. Now as soon as something bothersome comes into my mind I start chanting the mantra and I feel peace once again. I thank Dr. Pillai every day.”

Sharavdorj Enkhjargal

Shreem Brzee reduced my negative money thoughts

I have been practicing Shreem Brzee for a week and have seen that negative thoughts have reduced in my mind.

Manisha Rawat

Shreem Brzee opened many doors in my life

Shreem Brzee is a miracle-working mantra. Too many doors are opening up in my life that I barely have any time to be ideal anymore. This of course means a hectic pay slip. But the greatest miracle is that I feel even more vibrant, energetic and jovial. I am not tired or stressed and I sleep peacefully. There have not been any more near misses and almost there for the past 3 weeks. I should say my body and brain has made a 180-degree turn towards rejuvenating and I feel very very alive. It is Wow! experience for me now. Thank you x108 Babaji. You are a life saver.

Constance Vega

I feel more at peace

I’ve seen huge changes in the way I think about money, treating others, also feel more at peace with everything the deeper I go

Roger Orcutt

I Feel grateful and abundant

My thought pattern changed from visualization/manifesting wealth to gratefulness with what I’ve already been given. This grateful heart is the even higher treasure than additional wealth. Thank You.!

Joe Kollar

Shreem Brzee miracles at work

I began chanting and silently meditating on Shreem Brzee in June. I feel a strong connection with many archetypes and this lead me to add some more mantras to my spiritual practice but Shreem Brzee remains a constant (even when I am tired of chanting or have a sore throat). I am more of an observer of things but I have to admit that something magical is at work in my life.

Atalante L

Shreem Brzee changed my money thoughts

Everything has changed thank you so much, gifts are coming from everywhere and my whole attitude towards life has gone from negative and always worrying what might go wrong to a knowing life is only going to get better and there is nothing to be scared off. Thank you thank you thank you I am so grateful thank you so much. Always put God first and God will always look after you. May God bless everyone with health, Wealth, and happiness. Shreem is real don’t give up and just watch Thank you.


Shreem Brzee – Facebook

Day 40 May 5: Shreem Brzee. Thank you Maa Lakshmi for removing all my negative money and abundance karma. Thank you for the infinite flow of abundance and prosperity in my life. Eternally grateful to you always Maa Lakshmi

Sakthi Devi

Shreem Brzee – Facebook

I happen to come across Babaji’s talk (on YouTube) about tarpanam during the new moon in the month of Aadi this year (2018). To be exact, 11th August, 2018.As I was listening to his talk, I just felt like my late father was talking to me. Then, I started to listen to Babaji’s talk everyday without fail – it gave me peace in my heart.Then I started chanting SHREEM BRZEE, OM NAMO NARAYANAYA, OM GAM GANAPATHAYE NAMAHA, OM SARAVANABAVA during the specific hora time/moon phases.Since then, life has been very blessed. I am not working but I always have money in my hand. I am a more confident person now. Many things that have been a lot of trouble for me to achieve or get has become more easy to manifest now.Most times, I find myself to be at the right place at the right time…and meet the right people and everything just falls into place correctly just like finding a piece of the missing puzzle.Amazing!Thank you Babaji for blessing me more than I ever thought I would ever deserve!SHREEM BRZEE!

Shri Kohinoor James

Shreem Brzee – Facebook

OMG!!! I am in awe of what’s happening in my life right now. So much abundance and miracles showing in my life… my mom’s visa was granted within a day of submitting her passport to the visa application centre then i sold few of my packages easily so now I have funds to buy plane tickets for my mom and me as I’m picking her up. My lists in poshmark were being sold one after the other and i feel so amazingly pull of energy and sincerely feels abundant. I’m teary eyed while chanting as I can truly feel the Goddess Lakshmi energy in me… Thank you Dr. Pillai for this amazing practice that brings miracle into my life and others. Thank you everyone…I’m doing the all of the practices suggested in the post during venus horas including offering water, flowers, chocolate and incense and candle…What I follow daily during Venus horas including the advanced practices

Ning Cara

Shreem Brzee – Facebook

Practicing the 45 days Shreem Brzee challenge I got my vacation this year.Out of the blue. It was a great experience.


Shreem Brzee – Facebook

I did 1608 Shreem Brezee mantras this morning. Feeling vibrant, beautiful and prosper

Roopa Rajan

Shreem Brzee – Facebook

Well, I was chanting Shreem Brzee in front of my altar and praying for my daughter to get into the sorority she wanted. It was really hard because there were more than a 1000 girls for 580 spots and she got dropped from 4 out of 8 already. Then, the male beads broke and at that time I got a text from her, telling me she had been re-invited. Yesterday she got the house that she wanted to be in. It may be a small thing, but with she had gone through in her life, to me and to her it means the world. Babaji, at your feet as always. OM SHREEM BRZEE!!!

Ruth Smith

Shreem Brzee – Facebook

An electrician came today to help us and didn’t charge us saying he wanted us to be happy. I am so grateful for all the blessings! Thank you.

Marla Halperin

Shreem Brzee – Facebook

I just want to share a miracle that came through to me this morning as a result of doing SHREEM BRZEEs: I was sitting in my car chanting and waiting for the post office to open in downtown San Diego. A car pulled in front of me and stopped and I watched as the driver began hailing homeless persons over and asking if they were hungry and giving them a sandwich and bottle of water. One of then quickly opened the sandwich and threw what I thought was trash right into the street. I got out of the car to pick it up and give example to him to put it into the trash container just steps away. But as I approached I saw that he had not thrown trash –papers–into the street but the meat from the sandwich and some pigeons were already pecking at it. I smiled at my erroneous assumption and took my lesson from the Divine: when you get something good, share it right away! This scenerio came, I felt from my vizualization I try to hold in mind when doing SHREE BRZEE: I see Lakshmi appear immediately as I start SHREEM BRZEE–she is in front of me in all Her Divine Splendor, and beaming with such a compassionate, loving gaze. She comes forward and talks to me telling me she knows all my thoughts , worries, challenges and has been commissioned by BABA to change all of it! She will never leave–and even when my mind forgets to remember her she is here wherever I am in all her effulgence. She explains the process very thoroughly about how she first penetrates and permeates my eyes, my brains, my heart, every DNA all over the body and every particle and subatomic particle with this beautiful luminous cleansing light which feels so healing and soothing and wonderful. After she has cleansed and purified every bit she fills everything with all her gifts of Love, Abundance, Compassion, Generosity, TRUTH, Intelligence, Wisdom, Beauty, Goals/Directions, Purity,Healing… I vizualise the water, pure and clean, foliage lush and beautiful, etc plus her pouring vessels of gold… into my eyes, brain, heart… and these have completely replaced all the old karmic thoughts, feelings, beliefs and attitudes. Then she appears also outward as all the outward conditions: Huge as the world/atmosphere etc. doing the same things into every person and living/nonliving thing and the environment. I try to feel and experience as much Love, Joy and Fullness as I can.Then I try to fill myself with Gratitude to Her and Baba–without whom I never would have had this link and Divine opportunity. I try to strengthen and keep as much of the vizualization and feelings going as I can throughout the day. (As Baba has often said, “Every second counts!) When my mind is tired, it doesn’t all come as strong–but like any muscle my goal is to STRENGTHEN it by persisting. I am SO VERY GRATEFUL for BABA and HIS CHARITY: TRIPURA FOUNDATION! It is simply the MOST WORTHY CHARITY and I can go to it often–whenever I have any extra and even sometimes when I can only make a $5 contribution to these most destitute people, I know this REALLY HELPS! And Lakshmi has told me HER STOREHOUSE of WEALTH is UTTERLY UNLIMITED! But we must keep giving whatever we can, being grateful for what we have, and are able to help those who truly need it! SHE has SO MUCH SHE is most happy and joyful and relieved to be able to shower it out! I am so grateful for this vizualization and now try to see everyone’s DNA being cleansed and remodeled and transformed–and see their bodies, clothes, environment and affairs transforming before me as in watching a motion picture–in incredibly beautiful, divine perfection! THANK YOU Gina for your wonderful work in strengthening Baba’s Wish for the world by sponsoring this group effort right now! Thank you all in the group as well. I am grateful to be in this with you ALL!


Shreem Brzee – Facebook

Shreem Brzee! Thank you Babaji! The miracle I got totally changed my love for live 360.

Kalyani Kasinathan

Shreem Brzee – Facebook

I’ve been chanting Shreem Brzee and listening to Shreem Brzee audio loops for two weeks now. Besides many daily miracles which include free meals, free time, joy-filled experiences, and a positive momentum of joy-filled faith, I had a dream with Dr. Pillai last night. Him and I were on vacation(i think a cruise) staying in a dorm-like room, where we spent much time talking to each other. I don’t remember the conversation, and I didn’t immediately remember the dream when I awoke. All I felt, when I remembered he was in my dream, is a deep reverential love for his spirit. I was automatically inspired to chant the miracle mantra, which I chanted perfectly and with devotion. Dr. Pillai wrote an essay a while back about even the Guru-disciple relationship has to karmically desolve away. I believe this dream means that I have faith in him as a dear friend, who is “catching the fish for me as well as teaching me how to catch a fish”. Our loving friend are our gurus. Thank you everyone! Shreem Brzee

Sachin Kumar

Shreem Brzee – Facebook

ShreemBrzee💟 Magic and 💫Miracles🌺keep on chanting…🌷After I did my abishekam🥛 to my Shreem Brzee yantra🌼 and finished my 108 rice grains offering.. ❣❣ within 5 minutes…👀 I received a knock on my door💎.My package related to a new🏵 financial opportunity just arrived💌.After I finished writing my 108 mantras🌹, I received the text 🍃on further steps 🌱and ☘details about😎 this opportunity.🐝.All of this 🍀happened yesterday🦋.


Shreem Brzee – Facebook

Thanks guru ji Dr.pillai….for giving us such a great & super power full mantra shreem brzee…wow!! It started creating miracles in my life..small but really happening as I wish…so expecting more.& more….big success to come in my life & wish to everyone life also.. Shreem brzee shreem brzee Shreem brzee shreem brzee…May goddess lakshmi blessings to all….with more faith chat shreem brzee….trust it works….

Ravi Kumar

My Life Changed Within 15days of Chanting Shreem Brzee

I have used so many affirmations, visualization exercises. They gave results, but were temporary. But within 15 days of Shreem Brzee, my life changed, which I couldn’t do it for 5 years. Trust me. Nothing else works like Shreem Brzee. Thanks a million Guruji for coming in to my life.


I Feel Great Changes in my Life After Chanting Shreem Brzee

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I think my angels guided me to find you. I have been watching and listening to your videos, especially with Shreem Brzee. I feel a lot of great changes in my life, thank you so much. You are truly God sent to me and my family. God bless you and yours.

Melisa Juana

Chanting and Singing Shreem Brzee Elevate Mankind from Sufferings!

Dr. Pillai you are a great gift to humanity. Shreem Brzee is a powerful word, when chant or sang will elevate mankind from suffering and hardship. I have tried for the pass two days and I have seen the efficacy of the word. I really appreciate you for this SHREEM BRZEE you have exposed to humanity freely. I want you as my spiritual guide. God bless you.


Transforming My Life Magically with Shreem Brzee!

I love Shreem Brzee! Since learning of this mantra four years ago, my life has totally transformed in the most magical ways! Thank you Dr. Pillai. Namaste😘❤

Ruth Brown

Came Across Shreem Brzee Mantra Miraculously In this Tough Time

Thank you so much for this webinar. I am going through financial and emotional changing in my life. Part of my world is in despair, for the past month. I surrender to God and ask for an angel since I can’t do it alone. Last night, I remember the mantra Kleem which I have great experience in the past, but this particular mantra is related to love and this is the only area of my life that is perfect. Today, not only I came across Shreem Brzee mantra and Dr. Pillai’s teaching, but today is Friday and is Nov. I believe my higher self send me the answer to my prayers. Thank you all. Namaste!

Claribel Vicent

This mantra manifests what I want

“Every time I chant, some financial gain happens within a week. Could be as small as a job offer to a few thousand dollars. It all depends on what I need to manifest.

It is truly the quickest mantra to manifest prosperity for me.”

Cindy Griffin McCoy

Shreem Brzee not only helped to manifest wealth breakthrough but also helped me to clear my emotions in the solar plexus

An hour and a half. Brought in many synchronicities rest of the day. But also brought emotions and pain in the solar plexus to surface making it a tough day. Either ways Shreem Brzee is miraculous

Bhaavin Shah

Shreem Brzee has changed my thoughts and my outlook on life.

I do it on average 8-10 hours throughout the day at work/driving /home. I’ve seen huge changes in the way I think about money, treating others, also feel more at peace with everything the deeper I go

Roger Orcutt

Shreem Brzee empowered me to take control of my life

“I wish to share an achievement today! I could do it just because of Shreem Brzee and Babaji’s Blessings! I took the Shreem Brzee Challenge one month back and had some unique and powerful spiritual experiences in the process. Hence, I continued the practice.

Shreem Brzee empowered me and led me through the thought that I should take control of my life. I should write a book on all achievements that I had in life. This was on 21st July 2017 when I decided to write book. Today on 8th August 2017 I am extremely delighted to share that Shreem Brzee Challenge has manifested in my life in the form of completing my first book related to Psychotherapy. The almost 140 pages book is completed with first written draft from first page to last page with 15 chapters in it, each dealing with all different techniques and tools related to conventional psychology and modern-day psychology. Within 18 days!!!! This is too fast! Because to write a book of 15 chapters normally takes more than 45 days!!! Because I have [seen]people doing it. But my speed was almost like I was writing one chapter a day! Now that is a miracle! Even all writing was consistent as if it was given to me by higher beings and beloved Dr. Pillai!!! I am glad to share this with all you Shreem Brzeers’!!!

Please keep on chanting the mantra as it going to certainly help you a lot. This will change your life”

Arjun Mahajan

Manifestations through unexpected sources.

I have manifested several things through unexpected sources. I strongly believe that this is because of chanting/writing ‘Shreem Brzee’ and practicing Gratitude.

Hari Kondaparthy

Shreem Brzee blessings

So happy & blessed to find this mantra. Have received many blessings in the past 2 weeks, very grateful to Dr Pillai, His voice & mantra resonates a healing vibration.

Jules Otis

Shreem Brzee protected me

I have chanted consistently for over six months now and inconsistently for six months before that. I had two main miracles. First in July the Goddess chanted with me. The second was protection (Shreem Brzee protects as well). I won’t go into detail because it is a long story, but definitely miraculous. These two things give me enough to continue chanting to break stubborn financial karma. I pray for all of you to succeed because I heard the Goddess is pleased when her children pray for each other. I feel peace although I am going through a financially disturbing upheaval that has continued for nearly 14 months so bad I can’t afford essential medication. I think I would be homeless and mentally broken if it were not for Dr Pillai and this mantra as there have been little miracles such as food arriving without me asking.


My Success journal is filling faster after chanting Shreem Brzee

I found that since I chant SHREEM BRZEE my goals manifest much faster. That is a great gift from Dr. Pillai. I love my success journal because it shows me, how I evolve. So, If you feel inspired, just start now. You will love it.

Agata Janik

I received blessings all around

I’ve been doing this mantras for two weeks, 6 am and 6:30 pm daily. I have blessings coming from everywhere. I picked up an extra hour with a client that I see twice a week. I took my daughter to see a counselor and she didn’t charge me. That’s just to name a few. Dr. Pillai is truly a blessing from God. Namaste

Missty Hoo

Another Goddess Lakshmi Victory for me

I have been listening to the mantra Shreem Breeze for two months now. I need physical therapy due to an accident I was in. This month I got 3 sessions and then I was told by the therapist that I couldn’t come anymore because my insurance had yet to approve the sessions. Last week I got a letter from my insurance stating that some things on the paperwork were inaccurate and I needed to resubmit the request. Today I was going to call and try to clear this up, but before I would do this I got a call from the therapist saying that my request for the therapy sessions have been approved and we set a time for my next visit.

Shreem Brzee Wall of Success:

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