
8 Priest Individual Ashta Bhairava Homa (Fire Lab to Invoke 8 Forms of Bhairava) With Bhairava Statues Set

US $ 2125.00
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Fire Lab to Invoke 8 Forms of Bhairava


Ashta Bhairava Homa

According to Shiva Purana, Shiva created Bhairava from his third eye to destroy the pride of Brahma. Bhairava, ordered by Shiva, severed Brahma’s fifth head, which falsely testified witnessing the flame’s origin. The sole purpose of the birth of Bhairava was to annihilate falsehood, negativity, and evil forces. According to Rudrayamala, there are 8 prominent forms of Bhairava, known as Ashta Bhairava, guarding the 8 directions. Maha Swarna Kala Bhairava (The Supreme Ruler of Time) governs these eight forms of Bhairava.

Unique Traits of Ashta Bhairava Homa

Sacred Homa (Fire Lab) to the 8 forms of Bhairava can bestow you with the corresponding blessings of each unique form of Bhairava. Our fully qualified priests will perform a single powerful homa for Ashta Bhairava on Ashtami – 8th Waning Moon, the most auspicious day for archetype Bhairava. Performing this fire ritual can bless you with good time management skills, relieve you from debts, improve your ability to multitask efficiently, and gain the combined blessings of all the 8 forms of Bhairava.

Why Ashta Bhairava Homa?

Bhairava, the fierce manifestation of Shiva, has the power to annihilate negativities and destroy evil forces. Each of the 8 forms of Bhairava can confer unique blessings and hence appease them on Ashtami (8th Moon), the most auspicious day for Bhairava to gain several benefits of each form of Bhairava.


Benefits of Ashta Bhairava Homa

As per Ashta Bhairava Moola (Seed) Mantra, the eight forms of Bhairava can bestow the following blessings:

Form of Bhairava

Blessings of Ashta Bhairava

Asitanga Bhairava

  • Improve creativity

  • Remove curses

  • Gain success in all efforts

Ruru Bhairava

  • Overpower enemies 

  • Get people under control

Chanda Bhairava

  • Gain self-confidence

  • Win over competition and enemies

Krotha Bhairava

  • Make use of your maximum potential 

  • Give clarity while taking crucial decisions in life

Unmatha Bhairava

  • Gain control over words

  • Powerful speech

Kapala Bhairava

  • Put an end to all unproductive work and actions

Beeshana Bhairava

  • Overcome all negativities and evil spirits

Samhara Bhairava

  • Dissolve evil forces

  • Overcome bad consequences of past actions

What will I receive?

You will receive energized 5-Metal Bhairava Statues Set and sacred grey ash powder from the homa, blessed in the ritual. You can keep it in the meditation altar and duly apply it on the forehead as and when required to invoke the divine blessings of the deity.

Prasad and energized product will be shipped from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, within a week after the entire set of rituals are performed. Please allow 2 - 4 weeks for international delivery.

Energized 8 Forms of Bhairava Statues Set

Energized 8 Forms of Kala Bhairava Statues Set

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