
(CI) Sounds for Karma Busting

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US $ 7.00
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                                                         (CI) Sounds for Karma Busting

The CD contains the original version of the Sounds for Karma Busting. Dr. Pillai presents the powerful sounds for removing karma in a lecture, in a chant, and in a meditation. Listen to these three tracks with the sounds ‘Thiru Neela Kantam’ to dissolve karma from all areas of your life. This item ships from USA office and may come separately from other items you may order in our Store which may ship from India. Quantities are LIMITED. First come, first serve.

Note : "All Clearance Items will ship from the United States and will arrive separately from any other product purchased through the Pillai Center. ALL INTERNATIONAL ORDERS FOR CLEARANCE ITEMS WILL BE CHARGED A $16 USD SHIPPING FEE UPON SHIPPING OF THE ORDER."


E-Book: Life Changing Sounds: Tools from the Other Side (by Dr. Pillai)

This is not just another book. This book will change your destiny. It carries secret sounds and other tools used by enlightened beings in ancient times from the esoteric teachings of India. These sounds are for anyone who seeks Light and higher consciousness, regardless of any particular religion. It has 12 simple techniques and powerful sounds, which can empower you to change 12 significant areas of your life forever. To read further, click on ‘More…’

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Proxy Mantra Writing for OM NAMO NARAYANAYA 1008 times

Proxy Mantra writing is basically a kind of spiritual outsourcing, outsourcing your personal chore to India. You are benefited spiritually and materially as well. We will hire Indian people who live in villages and suffer even for their daily bread, please be assured that we are choosy about people who are worthy of this service!

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Smash 27 Coconuts to Ganesha & Smash Your Obstacles

This divine technology involving smashing 27 coconuts on the 4th Waning Moon, a Power Time for the elephant-faced archetype Ganesha, who can eliminate any obstacle in your life. This technology disseminates the energy that holds back your progress and makes you move to a higher plane of achievement. Note: It will be done at the Viruthagiriswarar vortex in Tamil Nadu, India on the next 4th Waning Moon. To read further, click on ‘More…’

US $ 29.16

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