
Ganesha Empowerment Webcast

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                                                   Ganesha Empowerment Webcast

Ganesha is the elephant-headed archetype who removes obstacles both inside and out. When you merge with Ganesha, he can take away difficulties of all types and open a path to achieve your goals and find success. Dr. Pillai teaches most powerful techniques for Karma Removal.

Join the Webcast by Dr. Pillai on October 6th at 9:30 pm IST/9 am PDT/12 pm EDT.

Webcast with Dr. Pillai


  • How To Access the Various Forms of Ganesha
  • Insights into Siddhas Who Use Ganesha and Why
  • Meditation to Connect with Ganesha
  • Which Divine Technologies are Best for Contacting Ganesha
  • Powerful Karma Removal Technique

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