
Night of Wisdom Initiation Webcast

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US $ 90.00
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You will join Dr. Pillai to Receive Guided Teachings and Empowerment Techniques during the very special time of Kalki, Avatar of Vishnu descending into this earthplane. Kalki symbolizes Wisdom coming into the Earth plane, enlightening the world and ending human suffering

In this special webcast, Dr. Pillai will give Initiation to Awaken 5 Different Parts of the Brain for Wisdom, Enlightenment and Unlimited Thinking. Using these techniques, you can reprogram your brain and your brain gets prepared to received Sounds to created Miracles.

These ancient secret techniques are revealed by Dr. Pillai for the first time ever.

These Mantras can awaken Wealth Consciousness, Ability to Perform Miracles & Achieving Ultimate Enlightenment.

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  • 30 Days Seminar Replay Access
  • Full Webcast Audio
  • Meditation Audio Download
  • Mantra Loops
  • Transcript Of The Seminar
  • Guided Meditation Practice

Join Dr. Pillai's Initiation into Wisdom, Enlightenment & Abundance


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