
13th Moon Spiritual Technology for Clearing Your Past

US $ 20.00
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Karma: The Reality You Created in the Past

Why a person without a college degree goes on to become the richest man in the world, while another person with a PhD can’t make money at all? The answer is - poor money karma.

Dr. Pillai explains, “Karma is a very important concept. It is like Newton’s law of motion - ‘every action has an equal and opposite reaction’. So, life itself is a reaction to your own thought process. That is why karma is often called the Law of Causality. You create a thought and it manifests, that’s what karma is.”

If you have good money karma, money will keep flowing to you. The same thing with health karma or relationship karma, all these things are karmic.

Destiny-Changing 13th Moon: Divine Time for Karma Removal

“If you don’t change your destiny, then destiny will run its own course. But, if you make an attempt to change your destiny and learn how this can be done, then you can change your destiny”, says Dr. Pillai.

13th Moon phases (waxing or waning) are the special times when the earth plane receives concentrated energy for the dissolution of stubborn karmic thoughts and negative psychic impressions imprinted in one’s consciousness.

Siva, the Archetype for destroying negativity, and Nandhi, the Sacred Bull of Siva, are especially active during the 13th Moon phases, and their potent energy can be accessed through Pradosham (removal of sin) rituals.

13th Moon Ritual Anointation to Siva and Nandhi for Karma Removal

It will involve bathing the idols of Siva and Nandhi with milk, while invoking their energies through the recitation of their quantum sounds. It can bring blessings of great fortune and remove the karmic limitations that cause disappointments and failure.

Note: It will be performed in Pillai Center, India by Vedic Specialists on the next 13th Moon phase as per IST timings.

What Will I Receive?

You will receive energized sacred grey ash (Vibhuti).

Keep this on your meditation altar and wear on your forehead during meditation or other times and expand the beneficial energies in your life.

Note: These will be shipped from Pillai Center, India. Please allow 2 weeks for delivery.

Ashtalakshmi Pooja

Ashtalakshmi Pooja

Ashtalakshmi refers to the 8 divine forms of the Lakshmi, the supreme Goddess of wealth, fertility and fortune. Lakshmi is the divine consort of the supreme God of protection, Vishnu and the compassionate universal mother. She remains as an embodiment of prosperity and auspiciousness, while her name Lakshmi itself is said to symbolize the understanding of the real purpose of our existence.

US $ 11.00

Spiritual Weight Loss Package

Register for the Spiritual Weight Loss Package and lose the excess weight! It's a win-win Situation! You feed the most needy- they are satisfied and you are blessed. Spiritual Weight Loss Package: This includes daily feedings, Karappusamy fire labs on new and full moons, and audio downloads of the Karuppusamy mantra and Weight Loss CD. (This is a free one-time download with the purchase of the package) To read further, click on ‘More…’

US $ 90.00

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