
200% Life Remedy Package - 3 Months

US $ 426.00 You Save: US $ 69.00  (16%)

US $ 357.00
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This Soul-Cleansing Remedy Package is designed to remove any obstacles preventing both spiritual and material success in your life.

The monthly remedies include: 2 Karma Removal anointing rituals to remove negative karma prohibiting prosperity and higher evolution; 1 Fire Lab for New Moon to clear negative energy and receive divine protection; and 1 Fire Lab for the Full Moon to access energy of manifestation and abundant creation; 1 New Moon Tarpanam ritual to appease your ancestors.
We recommend at least 3 months of remedies to clear the path for a 200% life.

13th Moon Spiritual Technology to Cleanse the Past - 3 Month

13th Moon Spiritual Technology to Cleanse the Past


Group Fire Ritual to Karuppasamy - For Full Moon and New Moon : 3 Month

Group Fire Ritual to Karuppasamy - For Full Moon and New Moon : 3 Month


New Moon Ancestral Ritual performed in Kerala - 3 Month

New Moon Ancestral Ritual performed in Kerala - 3 Month


Shreem Brzee Group Fire Ritual - For Abundance Consciousness : 3 Month

Shreem Brzee Group Fire Ritual - For Abundance Consciousness : 3 Month

Ashtalakshmi Pooja

Ashtalakshmi Pooja

Ashtalakshmi refers to the 8 divine forms of the Lakshmi, the supreme Goddess of wealth, fertility and fortune. Lakshmi is the divine consort of the supreme God of protection, Vishnu and the compassionate universal mother. She remains as an embodiment of prosperity and auspiciousness, while her name Lakshmi itself is said to symbolize the understanding of the real purpose of our existence.

US $ 11.00
Kukuta Fire Lab

Kukuta Fire Lab (Homa For Success And Removing Negativity)

Kukuta Fire Lab- Muruga's divine rooster has the ability to destroy negativity and the ability to ward off evil. It is not a very well-known Fire Lab in India, but extremely powerful in nature, and should only be performed by sanctified and qualified priests to ensure the authenticity and correctness of the ritual's performance.

US $ 154.00

Om Aim Shreem Kleem Namaha: 10008 Proxy Sounds Writing for Wish Fulfillment

On your behalf, we will get a proxy person to write the sound 'Om Aim Shreem Kleem Namaha' 10,008 times. Om’ is the primordial sound of the Divine, ‘Aim’ for Saraswati, ‘Shreem’ for Lakshmi and ‘Kleem’ for Parvati (Durga). Together, these sounds represent the powerful sound frequency of the Trinity Goddesses for fulfillment of desires. Sound Writing is a simple, yet very effective technique to ground the energy of this sound into the writing. To read further, click on ‘More…’

US $ 60.00

Prosperity Remedy Package - 3 Months

This Soul-Cleansing Package is designed to release negative patterns and create more financial success and prosperity. The monthly remedies include: 2 Karma Removal anointing rituals to clear harmful influences financial situation; 1 Fire Lab for Lakshmi & Kubera- the archetypes of Wealth and Material abundance; 1 Fire Lab for the Full Moon- to access the energies of the unlimited creativity and manifestation. We recommend at least 3 months of remedies to dissolve the most stubborn money karma.

US $ 336.00 US $ 291.00
Saraswathi Fire Lab(Homa)

Saraswathi Fire Lab (Homa To Improve Intellect Memory Power And Communication Skills)

Saraswathi Fire Lab- This Fire Lab is targeted to enhance intelligence, memory power, logic and reasoning skills. It can help remove impediments that block successful accomplishments in academics.

US $ 154.00

To fix my Finance with OM SHREEM BRZEE written 10008 times

On your behalf, we will get a proxy person to write the sound 'Om Shreem Brzee' 10,008 times. While ‘Shreem’ is the seed sound for accessing the energies of Goddess of Wealth Lakshmi, ‘Brzee’ is the new name for Lakshmi as revealed by Dr. Pillai. Together, these two sounds represent the ultimate sound frequency for accumulating wealth. To read further, click on ‘More…’

US $ 65.00

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