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Dr. Pillai is freely sharing many teachings and practices as part of his commitment to more openly share with the world the results of his own research and experiences. He encourages people to be practical and to experiment and use what works for them.

Many of these teachings and practices can be done at anytime. Some are targeted for special times of the year while others are targeted for specific needs or concerns. Dr. Pillai suggests people use them as they deem appropriate within their own lives.


Dr. Pillai suggests everyone use the tools of the modern age such as email and Twitter to speed up the unleashing of people's full potential. He is committed to sharing MindScience teachings through these avenues for FREE with the world.

Dr. Pillai encourages everyone to receive FREE Daily M essages as well as staying connected via Twitter.

These two sources of daily communications can accelerate your positive transformation through MindScience teachings and support your manifestation goals.

Step 1: To receive FREE Daily Messages, please click on Register in the upper right of PillaiCenter.com screen.

Step 2: To receive Tweets from Twitter, please keep reading!
Did you know you can receive FREE "Tweets" from Twitter right into your email box? It’s so simple!

Step 3: Sign up for an account at Twitter. Go to this page: http://twitter.com/PillaiCenters and click on Join Today and follow the directions.

This will both sign you up with a Twitter account and cause you to be "following" Dr. Pillai's Twitter account which is PillaiCenters. NOTE: You will need to do a click within a confirmation email that Twitter sends you to activate your Twitter account.

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