
Jan IFL 2016: Hanuman "Impossibility-Buster" Birthday Interactive Fire Lab on Jan 8/9

US $ 36.00
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Hanuman, the monkey-faced Archetype, was a human being who evolved to the level of God, acquiring omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence. His Archetype represents total service to humanity, and a life free of pain, suffering, and impossibility. Hanuman is also one of only two Archetypes who can control Saturn, and give relief from his negative influences. Do you have an impossible problem or desire? Join us for this interactive fire lab and ask Hanuman to make the impossible possible in your life.

Join us for this Interactive Fire Lab via LIVE Webcast on Jan 8th, at 7 pm PT / 10 pm ET / 8:30 am IST (Jan 9th).
Ayush Fire Lab(Homa)

Ayush Fire Lab (Homa For Longevity And Good Health)

Ayush Homa is performed to invoke the blessings of the archetype Ayur Devata, who can bestow you with longevity, good health, and grant relief from mental trauma. The ritual is recommended for those who are suffering from severe health ailments.

US $ 154.00
Swayamvara Parvathi Fire Lab(Homa)

Swayamvara Parvathi Fire Lab (Homa For A Happy And Harmonious Married Life)

Lord Shiva himself gave the Swayamvara Parvati Mantra to Goddess Parvati Devi. This enabled her to reunite with her divine consort. By performing the Swayamvara Parvati Homa, various obstacles that delay marriage are removed. The eligible bride or groom is blessed with a suitable spouse.

US $ 175.00
Uma Maheshwara Fire Lab(Homa)

Uma Maheshwara Fire Lab (Homa For Marital Harmony And Bliss)

Uma Maheshwara Fire Lab- This special Fire Lab is dedicated to Lord Shiva (Maheshwara) and his counterpart Shakti (Uma) to resolve problems between married couples. It is strongly believed that the Union of Lord Shiva and Goddess Shakti is the epitome of Divine Love. The marital harmony between these celestial beings is considered the most inseparable and exceptional.

US $ 154.00

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