
Bharani Nakshatra Incense 6 Pack

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US $ 22.00
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Bharani is an extremely hot star, containing a tremendous amount of fire energy. Those born under this star have the potential to rule due to their fire-burning energy. Bharani born can connect daily with the energy of their Nakshatra or Birthstar through their personal Nakshatra Incense. This incense is formulated with specific herbs mentioned in the Ancient Vedic texts and is sacred to their Birthstar. They would enjoy the experience of the unique, divine scent! 

Product Specifications Information:
Weight 242
54 bead mala necklace

54 Bead Mala Necklace with All the Gemstones Sacred to the 9 Planets

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Rahu Pooja

Rahu Pooja

Rahu is a Nodal planet. It does not own any sign in the natural zodiac. However, it acts as an agent for the owner of the sign in which it is places and also as an agent for the overlord of the star in which it is placed. Rahu when placed in a fiery signs would render a fierce nature and will exploit all subjects with an aggressive thirst of quest.

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Vaidhyanatha Pooja

Vaidhyanatha Pooja - Stay Hale and Healthy Why Vaidhyanatha Pooja Vaidhyanatha Pooja will encircle you with positive vibrations and shield you against all health disorders. This powerful Pooja will be a remedy to all your illnesses. If health ailments are your worries, then this Pooja is the spiritual therapy to cure it! Vaidhyanatha

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