
The Secret of Tapas

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The Secret of Tapas
 This exposes my spiritual experiences at the peak of Tapas in a state beyond Thuriya where the Sadak becomes one with the Divine in total wrap of omniscience intelligence. It is a super state of Tapas witnessed with mighty 18 Siddhas of yore in general and super souls like the great Agastiya, Sri Sadasiva Brahmam, and other like Veda Vyasa. I rank first in its series to reveal the cosmic truths of man vs. cosmic intelligence in the context of human presence on earth as autobiography highlighting and detailing various prerequisites for direct communion with God to terminate in record of cosmic truths dictated by the divine.

 Please Note: Your book will be shipped from Chennai, Tamil Nadu. For international shipping, please allow 2 – 4 weeks for delivery. (Price Includes it Shipping and Handling Cost)

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