
Dancing with Siva (Get 2 Tracks Free )

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Dancing with Siva (Get 2 Tracks Free )
This collection contains a set of 12 timeless sounds from the Tamil Siddha tradition. Set to contemporary music, each extraordinary sound invokes the energy of an important archetype from Vedic mythology. Dr. Pillai introduces each sound, explains its meaning, and guides how to use the sound to attract blessings of health, wealth and enlightenment.

6 Pradoshams - 3 months/2 per month

6 Pradoshams: 3 months (2 per month)

Karma, Pradosham and Saturn: The Inextricable Link Pradosham literally means Removal of Sins. Pradosham times are the windows of opportunity to remove karma or karmic energies that limit our potential in this current life. It is the time that Shiva absorbs the karma from people. The twilight, pradosham, marks the end of the day light and beginning of night. Day is ruled by Gods, angels and saints while night is ruled by evil spirits.

US $ 117.00 US $ 88.00

Connect with Durga - Destroy Negativity- Audio Package

Connect with Durga – Destroy Negativity- Audio Package This special audio meditation track helps you access the energies of the Warrior Goddess, Durga. This powerful meditative audio package contains 3 tracks. The three tracks contain Teachings of Durga Archetype, guided Meditation and 108 chants of "Om Dum Durgayai Namaha

US $ 10.00

Jai Jai Radha Ramana Hari Bol: 10008 Sounds Writing for Effortless Creation

On your behalf, we will get a proxy person to write the sound 'Jai Jai Radha Ramana Hari Bol’ 10,008 times. These sounds invoke the united energy of Radha and Krishna, the divine couple, for unlimited wealth, rejuvenated health, beauty, and ecstasy. Sound Writing is a simple, yet very effective technique to ground the energy of this sound into the writing. This can empower your manifestations and bring the consciousness of creating an effect without a cause. To read further, click on ‘More…’

US $ 60.00
Navagraha Yantra

Nine Planet Yantra 3 Inch

Navagraha represents the nine celestial influencers in Vedic Astrology. The seven days of the week are named after the seven visible celestial bodies. The “Navagraha Yantra” – Mystical Diagram of the Nine Planets – is a talisman of unique importance. A yantra can both amplify and improve the beneficial effects of your planets. The Navagraha Yantra is even more special because it works on all nine planets at once and in a mutually harmonious fashion!

US $ 47.00 US $ 44.65

Shreem Brzee: Prosperity Meditation by Dr. Pillai (20 Minutes)

Shreem Brzee: Prosperity Meditation by Dr. Pillai (20 Minutes) Dr. Pillai teaches that your five senses are the gateways to your consciousness. The simple Shreem Brzee meditation involves Dr. Pillai chanting the sound ‘Shreem Brzee’ continuously for around 20 minutes. With each chant, you need to imagine the sound being spoken into your sensory organs (eyes, ears, nostrils, and tongue).

US $ 3.00 US $ 2.00

Sounds of Ganesha - Audio Empowerment Package

Sounds of Ganesha - Audio Empowerment Package This package contains 2 sound tracks to enhance within you the consciousness of effortless success. Track 1 contains repetitions of powerful obstacle-removing sounds for Ganesha and Track 2 contains a guided meditation on Ganesha in Dr. Pillai’s voice. As you listen to the sounds, experience your body and mind being filled with the energy of the elephant-headed archetype.

US $ 10.00

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