
Enhanced Warrior Ganesha Program

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US $ 197.00
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Ganesha, the leader of Warrior Angels known as "Ganas," wields God's power to destroy negative forces. He is is renowned for slaying powerful demons that no one else could. His power and might are equally as profound as his intelligence and wisdom. Dr. Pillai has revealed he is very active at this time.

Dr. Pillai will teach you the secrets of how to enlist this powerful divine force, Ganesha, as your personal Guardian angel to watch over and protect you, and destroy the negative forces in your life that block success.


Dr. Pillai's Warrior Ganesha Program on Pillai Center Academy Membership Site
Energized 1-inch Ganesha Statue
Energized Ganesha Amulet with Herb and Yantra
Ganesha Powertime Chart and Practice Guide
Energized Pocket-Sized Divine Ganesha Weapon
14th Moon Group Durva Grass Ganesha Fire Lab x2
14th Moon Karma Smashing (4 Coconuts) x2
14th Moon Ganesha Grass Garland x2

14th Moon Ganesha Grass Garland x2

14th Moon Ganesha Grass Garland x2

14th Moon Group Durva Grass Ganesha Fire Lab x2

14th Moon Group Durva Grass Ganesha Fire Lab x2

14th Moon Karma Smashing (4 Coconuts) x2

14th Moon Karma Smashing (4 Coconuts) x2

Dr. Pillai's Warrior Ganesha Program on Pillai Center Academy Membership Site

Dr. Pillai's Warrior Ganesha Program on Pillai Center Academy Membership Site

Energized 1-inch Ganesha Statue

Energized 1-inch Ganesha Statue

Energized Ganesha Amulet with Herb and Yantra

Energized Ganesha Amulet with Herb and Yantra

Energized Pocket-Sized Divine Ganesha Weapon

Energized Pocket-Sized Divine Ganesha Weapon

Ganesha Powertime Chart and Practice Guide

Ganesha Powertime Chart and Practice Guide

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