
Higgs Boson Audio Tracks

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Sound for Higgs Boson-Track 1 (Introduction) Dr. Pillai's audio for Higgs Boson (Duration 3:27) Introduction about Higgs Boson. Dr. Pillai provides an introduction and explanation of the sound vibration "Om Higgs Boson Aadhi Sivaya Namaha."

Sound for Higgs Boson-Track 2 (Mind Process) Dr. Pillai's audio for Higgs Boson (Duration 7:50) Higgs Boson meditation. Dr. Pillai leads you through a clearing and a meditation using the sound vibrations on specific areas of the body. During the mind process you will move from the gross level of the human mind to a very powerful subtle level, experiencing endless bliss.

Sound for Higgs Boson-Track 3 (Chant) Dr. Pillai's audio for Higgs Boson (Duration 13:36) Higgs Boson Chant. Dr. Pillai leads you through 108 repetitions of the sound vibration "Om Higgs Boson Aadhi Sivaya Namaha."

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