
Awaken Your Wisdom Interactive Fire Lab on March 12th

US $ 36.00
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“Muruga came out of the third eye of Shiva. What is the third eye? The third eye is the pineal gland. What can the pineal gland do? The pineal gland can take you to a different dimension of understanding. The third eye is the “eye of wisdom”, and it gives you Omniscience. You can know everything if the third eye is open. If you have Muruga’s Grace, you will get into Miracles instantaneously.” ~ Dr. Pillai

This Interactive Fire Lab will be performed during Spiritual Warrior Archetype Muruga’s 6th Waxing Moon powertime. Muruga is a specialist in ushering in an era of global enlightenment. Muruga is an archetype who can inhibit our stupid thoughts. His brilliant Pleiadian light has power to awaken the total brain. On this day, the Moon will be in Krittika, a star of truth and a bright star within the Pleiades constellation with strong association with Muruga. The special combination of 6th Waxing Moon plus the Moon in Krittika on a Tuesday (a day ruled by Mars whose overlord is Muruga) is most excellent for invoking the brilliance of Muruga. This Fire Lab will invoke Muruga as one who can help open our third eye and bless us to live with truth and wisdom.

Join us for Live Interactive Fire Lab on March 12th at 4:30 AM PDT / 11:30 AM UTC / 5:00 PM IST

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