
Enrich Peace and Prosperity Interactive Fire Lab on August 10th

US $ 36.00
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“The 11th Moon brings a lot of prosperity energy that you will be able to access, when you are alert on this day. There is a spiritual energy that comes directly from Vishnu, who is the ruler of the 11th Moon.” ~ Dr.Pillai

This Interactive Fire Lab will be performed during Wealth Archetype Vishnu’s 11th Waxing Moon powertime. On this day the Moon will be in in Jyestha, an enormous, powerful star of courage and conflict resolution. This Fire Lab will invoke Vishnu in his form as Lakshmi Narayana, a form in which Vishnu (Narayana) is depicted with his consort (Goddess Lakshmi). As Lakshmi Narayana, the divine couple is said to give complete blessings for peace and prosperity. Thisis an auspicious day to seek Lakshmi Narayana’s blessingsand compassionate grace to live a life of goodwill and harmony. We can ask to be freed of disturbances that interfere with affluence and success. Lakshmi Narayana can grant complete victory and perfection in our projects and businesses.

Join us for Live Interactive Fire Lab on August 10th at 4:30 AM PDT / 11:30 AM UTC / 5:00 PM IST

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