
Fulfill Honest Wishes Interactive Fire Lab on January 24th

US $ 36.00
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“Ganesha never fails. If there is a doubt, then he’ll clear the doubt also in a miraculous way.” ~ Dr. Pillai

This Interactive Fire Lab will be performed to invoke Ganesha in his form as Kshipra Ganapanti, the quick rewarder. The fire prayer will be done during the beneficial obstacle removal energies of 4th Waning Moon phase. On this day, the Moon will be in Purva Phalguni, a star of material prosperity, rest and relaxation. As Kshipra Ganapati, Ganesha often sits on a kusha-grass throne. His big belly is said to symbolize the visible universe. He is often depicted holding a noose, a goad, a tusk, a lotus, a pomegranate and a twig of a wish-fulfilling tree. Kshipra Ganapati is said to be a kind and responsive form of Ganesha who acts speedily and gives immediate satisfaction. He rewards true devotion. He is sometimes shown with his trunk in a curl at the end. His trunk holds a pot of jewels and precious stones, and this pot of gems is called Ratna Kumbha. We can invoke him to fulfill our honest wishes.

Join us for this Interactive fire lab via LIVE Webcast on January 24th at 3:30 AM PST / 11:30 AM UTC / 5:00 PM IST

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