
January 2019 Interactive Fire Lab Half Month Bundle

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Join us for 4 live interactive Fire Labs in January. Please find the details below:

Renew Positive Relationship with Prosperity Consciousness Interactive Fire Lab on January 20th: “When you practice Shreem Brzee it is not only going to give you material wealth, but the primary goal of Shreem Brzee is bring you a greater wealth of consciousness, understanding of knowledge and seeing beyond matter. Material wealth will only be a byproduct of Shreem Brzee.” ~ Dr. Pillai

This Interactive Fire Lab will be performed to honor Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth, during her Full Moon powertime of creativity, abundance and manifestation of desires. She will be invoked with Shreem Brzee, an ultimate mantra for spiritual and material wealth consciousness. The Moon will be in Purnarvasu, a star of material prosperity and a great love of freedom. Purnarvasu means “good again, light again, prosperous again.”

This is a good day to invite Shreem Brzee to continually resonate in all parts of our being so that we ourselves are broadcasting Shreem Brzee vibrations to others on subtle levels. Today’s Fire Lab is excellent for joining with others in community with the use of Shreem Brzee to improve personal as well as global economics and to offset emerging difficulties in the world that have affected so many people's finances and material assets.

Join us for Live Interactive Fire Lab on January 20th at 4:30 AM PST / 12:30 PM UTC / 6:00 PM IST

Fulfill Honest Wishes Interactive Fire Lab on January 24th: Ganesha never fails. If there is a doubt, then he’ll clear the doubt also in a miraculous way.” ~ Dr. Pillai

This Interactive Fire Lab will be performed to invoke Ganesha in his form as Kshipra Ganapanti, the quick rewarder. The fire prayer will be done during the beneficial obstacle removal energies of 4th Waning Moon phase. On this day, the Moon will be in Purva Phalguni, a star of material prosperity, rest and relaxation. As Kshipra Ganapati, Ganesha often sits on a kusha-grass throne. His big belly is said to symbolize the visible universe. He is often depicted holding a noose, a goad, a tusk, a lotus, a pomegranate and a twig of a wish-fulfilling tree. Kshipra Ganapati is said to be a kind and responsive form of Ganesha who acts speedily and gives immediate satisfaction. He rewards true devotion. He is sometimes shown with his trunk in a curl at the end. His trunk holds a pot of jewels and precious stones, and this pot of gems is called Ratna Kumbha. We can invoke him to fulfill our honest wishes.

Join us for this Interactive fire lab via LIVE Webcast on January 24th at 3:30 AM PST / 11:30 AM UTC / 5:00 PM IST

Make Good Choices with Upcoming Decisions Interactive Fire Lab on January 27th/28th: “Fire is the real wealth because fire produces Gold.” ~ Dr. Pillai

This Interactive Fire Lab will be performed during 8th Waning Moon phase, a time to connect with some of the intense qualities of the divine. The Moon will be in Swati, a star of divine blessings. This fire prayer will invoke Kala Bhairava, archetype of time management, in his form as Krodha Bhairava. As Krodha Bhairava, he can bless us with power to make good choices with upcoming decisions in life. He can also help subdue any challenges we may be experiencing from Saturn. He is said to give blessings to prevent unwanted arguments, assist with safe journeys, demolish influences of evil eyes and protect us from accidents. Krodha Bhairava can make us more alert with our use of Time, especially at critical crossroads. He can help reorient our use of Time so we receive maximum benefit from our efforts and stay on a right path.

Join us on Live on January 27th 7:30 PM PST / January 28th at 3:30 AM UTC / January 28th 9:00 AM IST

Enjoy Friends, Material Comforts and Happiness Interactive Fire Lab on January 29th/ 30th: This Interactive Fire Lab will be performed during the first morning after Venus has entered Sagittarius, the most noble-minded of all the Zodiac signs. Venus rules material comforts and happiness. The Moon will be in Anuradha, a star of abundance and friendship. Anuradha is ruled by Venus, and Venus is ruled by Lakshmi (Goddess of Wealth). So there is further connection to gentle and favorable influence of Venus as well as prosperity in this particular Fire Lab. This fire prayer will invoke benefic blessings of Venus so that we may enjoy our friendships, enhance our material comforts and experience happiness in our daily lives.

Join us LIVE for the Interactive Fire Lab on January 29th at 4:30 PM PST / January 30th 12:30 AM UTC / January 30th 6:00 AM IST

Fulfill Honest Wishes Interactive Fire Lab

Fulfill Honest Wishes Interactive Fire Lab on January 24th

“Ganesha never fails. If there is a doubt, then he’ll clear the doubt also in a miraculous way.” ~ Dr. Pillai

Make Good Choices with Upcoming Decisions

Make Good Choices with Upcoming Decisions Interactive Fire Lab on January 28th

“Fire is the real wealth because fire produces Gold.” ~ Dr. Pillai

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