
Energized Muruga Statue: Divine Tool for Breakthroughs (6 inches)

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US $ 177.00
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This 6-inch tall idol is an exquisite piece of craftsmanship, and shows Muruga in a standing pose with 4 hands, along with vehicle peacock and weapon Vel.

Place it on your altar to connect with Muruga and receive blessings for breakthroughs in health, career, and relationships.

It will be energized in Muruga Birthday rituals on May 24 (IST) at Pillai Center India.

What Will I Receive?

Along with the Muruga statue, you will receive sacred powders (grey ash and/or red vermillion powder) energized in the ritual. You can keep them on your altar and wear them on your forehead during meditation or prayers.

NOTE: These will be shipped from Pillai Center India. Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery after the energization.

Usage Guidelines

1) Hydrate the statue by pouring water or milk. Clean the statue with a soft cloth. Collect the poured water in a bowl and sprinkle on your head. You can also mix it with the water used for bathing. Avoid drinking this water.

2) Light up lamp, and show it to the statue, while visualizing the archetype's presence in the statue.

3) Offer fragrant red flowers to the statue, while chanting the sound ‘Om Saravanabavaya’. You can also offer sweets, raisins and incense to Muruga.

4) Make a request to Muruga for breakthroughs, and offer your gratitude to the archetype for coming into your life.

NOTE: Dr. Pillai recommends that we emotionally connect to the archetype and relate to them as we would to a loved one.

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