
Mystery School 2019: Invoking Gods Saints Angels Essential: Payment Plan

US $ 150.00
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In Dr. Pillai’s 2019 Mystery School, he revealed a comprehensive collection of teachings for both practical and spiritual benefits, including manifestation, protection, karma removal, enlightenment, and much more.

The overarching theme of the program is to transform you, step by step, from living a limited human identity to walking the earth as a God-man/woman.

The teachings Dr. Pillai shared to accomplish that are organized into four primary categories, including:

1. Working with Archetypes (Gods/ Goddesses/ Angels/ Saints)

2. Overcoming Limitations of Ego, Karma, & Maya

3. Understanding Illusion versus Reality

4. Experiencing Soul/ Bliss Consciousness

In Mystery School 2019, Dr. Pillai delivered twelve teaching modules. Each module contains new and exclusive techniques for gaining divine protection, intelligence, enlightenment, and more.

The program is scheduled to begin on June 1st.

Your Mystery School 2019 Essential Program includes

  • 12 Teachings from Dr. Pillai
  • 12 Recorded Calls from Dr. Pillai
  • 54 Weekly Group Teaching Calls
  • Private FB group
  • Special Pillai Center Discounts

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