
Mystery School Year 2 Monthly Payment Plan

US $ 600.00
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Program started on Jan 1st, 2018. Registration closes on Jan 15th, 2018. This exclusive yearlong program will focus on 4 specific themes and Dr. Pillai will provide teachings and meditations (in real time) to guide you in exploring each them for up to three months.

Dr. Pillai gave a brief description of each theme below:

1st Quarter: How To Move Beyond Robot Thinking & Action

Our lives have not changed dramatically because of our robot thinking patterns. This robot thinking is autonomous and is based on one’s karma. How to change into a purposeful and clear autonomous thinking? We have to change our mindset or karma.

Brahma Vidaya is the ultimate practice of the yogis for changing the limited mindset to an unlimited mindset. The teachings include decreasing the number of breaths in nostril breathing and learning to breath from the navel chakra, throat chakra, and the third eye chakra.

*Apps will be provided to assist with this module.

2nd Quarter: Lucid Dreaming & the Creation of a New Reality

Lucid dreaming is conscious dreaming. It is the most effective way of creating an unlimited reality. During lucid dreaming, you get into theta waves, which lead to creative ideas unavailable to the normal beta or even alpha waves.

Although lucid dreaming can be practiced at any time, the best time of day is 4:30 am to 5:30 am. You will write down the revelatory ideas emerging. Participants will be given training for lucid dreaming over the three months.

*Apps will be provided to assist with this module.

3rd Quarter: Conscious, Sub-Conscious, and Unconscious Attraction & Manifestation

Attraction and manifestation of what you want is a prerequisite for a fulfilled life. Lack of resources will hamper progress. In the first Mystery School Program, I introduced some profound mantras with fives sounds of Namacivaya as tools for attraction. These sounds become active at certain time slots in combination with directional energy and special yantras made with 5 metals.

You will learn about principles for:

1) Conscious attraction directed toward particular goals.

2) Becoming a magnet to attract without your conscious intention.

4th Quarter: Communicating with Gods & Goddesses

There are different kinds of spiritual technologies for communicating with gods and goddesses. Within the Indian tradition there is a time, place, and password to call on the divine. One can even channel the energy of gods.

Participants will be given both theory and practice of three technologies.

In addition to Dr. Pillai’s teaching on these 4 themes, the program will include:

1) Mystery School Intense Karma Busting Technologies (25+ remedies done on your behalf to remove karma in all areas of life.

2) Two Vedic astrology consultation with an astrologer (20-30 minutes each)

3) Copper yantras of your personal birth chart – 1 to use at home and 6 included in the yearlong remedies done in India.

4) Dr. Pillai’s birth chart inscribed on a yantra (copper plate) and placed into a copper amulet.

5) Access to the Shreem Brzee – Wealth Creation Program website and community calls. *This is a special bonus gifted by Dr. Pillai for all Mystery School members to experience a 200% life.

11th Moon Ekadasi Fire Lab for Vishnu: Archetype of Prosperity

11th Moon/Ekadasi Fire Lab for Vishnu: Archetype of Prosperity

13th Waning Moon Pradosham Archetypal Activation

13th Waning Moon Pradosham Archetypal Activation

13th Waxing Moon Pradosham Archetypal Activation

13th Waxing Moon Pradosham Archetypal Activation

8th Moon (Waning) Feeding of Dogs

8th Moon (Waning) Feeding of Dogs

8th Moon* (Waning) Activation of Bhairava: Archetype of Time

8th Moon* (Waning) Activation of Bhairava: Archetype of Time

Birthstar Yantra to be shipped to members

Birthstar Yantra to be shipped to members


Daily Activation of the 9 Planetary Archetypes

Daily Elemental Invocation for Health and Light Body

Daily Elemental Invocation for Health & Light Body

Daily Elemental Invocation of Archetypes

Daily Elemental Invocation of Archetypes

Daily Pradosham Archetypal Activation

Daily Pradosham Archetypal Activation

Daily Soul Genetics Technology

Daily Soul Genetics Technology

Full Moon* Birth Star Activation

Full Moon* Birth Star Activation

Full Moon* Elemental Invocation of Archetypes

Full Moon* Elemental Invocation of Archetypes

Full Moon* Fire Lab for Lakshmi** Archetype of Wealth

Full Moon* Fire Lab for Lakshmi** Archetype of Wealth

Full Moon* Fire Lab for Parvati** Archetype of Attraction and Manifestation

Full Moon* Fire Lab for Parvati** Archetype of Attraction & Manifestation

Full Moon* Fire Lab for Saraswati**Archetype of Learning and Wisdom

Full Moon* Fire Lab for Saraswati**Archetype of Learning & Wisdom

Full Moon* Fire Lab for the 9 Planetary Archetypes

Full Moon* Fire Lab for the 9 Planetary Archetypes

Full Moon* Shreem Brzee Fire Lab for Abundance Consciousness

Full Moon* Shreem Brzee Fire Lab for Abundance Consciousness

Horoscope yantra placed under Dr. Pillai empowered statue in India

Horoscope yantra placed under Dr. Pillai’s empowered statue in India

Monthly Birth Star Activation

Monthly Birth Star Activation

Monthly Birth Star Feeding of Ants

Monthly Birth Star Feeding of Ants

Monthly Birth Star Feeding of Poor

Monthly Birth Star Feeding of Poor

Mystery School Year 2 - Monthly Payment Plan: Installment

Mystery School Year 2 - Monthly Payment Plan: Installment

Mystery School Year 2: Two 30 Minutes Live Astrology Consultation

Two 30 Minutes Live Astrology Consultation

New Moon* Birth Star Activation

New Moon* Birth Star Activation

New Moon* Chrono technological Activation

New Moon* Chrono-technological Activation

New Moon* Fire Lab for Karuppasamy: Archetype of Justice

New Moon* Fire Lab for Karuppasamy: Archetype of Justice

New Moon* Soul Genetics Technology

Weekly Friday Feeding of Cows

Weekly Friday Feeding of Cows

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