Learn The Secrets to Control Your Reality and Transcend Human Limitations

Are you ready to make a commitment to change your life?

Dr. Pillai’s


Join Dr. Pillai on this year long ‘Mystery School Program’ as he teaches his most advanced and practical findings that can help you to break through and experience a true transformation in your current life.

This program will be divided into six separate two-month segments to enable you to delve deep into the teachings Dr. Pillai will impart. The program is sure to evolve as time progresses and Dr. Pillai receives new revelations.

Dr. Pillai has been a speaker for the United Nations Conference of World Religions and the World Knowledge Forum, and has hosted forums on Religion and Science.

He is the author of several books including Life Changing Sounds: Tools from the Other Side, Miracles of the Avatar, and One Minute Guide to Prosperity and Enlightenment, and the DVD program The Grace Light. He was also editor of the Encyclopedia of Hinduism for the India Heritage Foundation.

Take a virtual walkthrough of the ever-evolving Mystery School curriculum, which represents Dr. Pillai’s most recent, most profound discoveries.

Below is the current program outline in Dr. Pillai’s own words. Click each topic to learn more.

Communicating with Gods and Goddesses

Archetypes (gods and goddesses) live in different space dimensions as well as in the subtle body-mind. There are different spiritual technologies to communicate with them. Within the Indian tradition there is a time, place, and password to call on the them. Divine support is everything.

Lucid Dreaming a New Reality

Lucid dreaming is conscious dreaming. It is the most effective way to create an unlimited reality. During lucid dreaming, you are in theta waves, which open doors to creative ideas unavailable to the normal beta or even alpha waves.

Thomas Edison is the best example of a person who used these theta waves. He used to practice lucid dreaming to create new inventions from the theta realms. The yogis are adepts in lucid dreaming and induced the state through the help of mantras and angels.

Mystery School members will be given training for lucid dreaming over a three-month period. Although lucid dreaming can be practiced at any time, the best time of day is 4:30 am to 5:30 am. You will wake up during this time and will combine the use of sleeping and waking states to induce lucid dreaming. You will also write down the revelatory ideas emerging during lucid dreaming.

Creating an Unlimited Mindset

Our lives have not changed dramatically because of our robot thinking patterns. This robot thinking is autonomous and is based on one’s karma. I was watching a documentary on Warren Buffet and how he thinks and does his work. His thoughts are also autonomous, like the thoughts of most people, but there is a big difference – his thoughts are focused, clear, and purposeful. This contrasts with the autonomous thinking of others, which are unfocused, unclear, and purposeless. How to change into a purposeful and clear autonomous thinking? We have to change our mindset or karma. Brahma Vidya is the ultimate practice of the yogis for changing the limited mindset to an unlimited mindset. The teachings will include cutting down the number of nostril breaths and learning to breathe from the navel chakra, throat chakra, and the third eye chakra.

Manifesting Instantaneously

Attraction and manifestation of what you want is a prerequisite for living a fulfilled life. In the first Mystery School Program, I introduced fives versions of NA MA CI VA YA as tools for attraction. These sounds become active at certain time slots in combination with directional energy and special yantras made with 5 metals.

There are two types of attraction principles:

  • Conscious attraction directed toward particular goals
  • Becoming a magnet to attract without your conscious intention

Developing a Super Brain and Mind

People succeed in life based on their brain-mind functionalities. It is a top priority for everyone to take care of their neurology. What controls your intelligence? Genetics? Environment in which you grow? Cultural and traditional conditionings? Parental influences? Education? All of them.
We can delete their bad influences and keep the good ones.


  • Genetics: Performance of tarpanam and suppression of beta brain waves through meditation techniques
  • Changing the bad environmental influences: You will receive karma burning meditations and tips to get clear of your karma

Accelerating and Decelerating Time

Life is made of deadlines with time from birth to death. From birth to death we pass through pleasant and unpleasant experiences. Everyone wants to keep the pleasant times (Deceleration) and deplete bad times (acceleration). The question is how to accomplish the goal. Here we have to understand the biological time, psychological time and spatial time continuum. Biologically, our cells age influenced by the clock time. Aging is a decay process. Reprogramming the body cells through conversation with them is an important technology used by the yogis and siddhas and approved by modern science. Resetting the psychological clock of joy and sadness is a matter of neuronal training through manipulation of brain waves and thought modulations.

Understanding the space-time continuum is important to changing adverse time energy (loss of money, relationship, & health) created by space. Meditations using certain directional energy in association with distinct time periods is key to creating desirable results in daily life. Everything can happen in a few seconds.

Living the NOW is not philosophy, but rather neurology and psychology. You can learn to get in the NOW by:

  • Meditating on the gap in between two thoughts
  • Meditating on the gap between exhalation and inhalation
  • Understanding prana and apana

You can bypass Human Clock Time for Instant Manifestation by:

  • Using secret mantras chanted at specific time slots that are based on solar and lunar rhythms along with other planets
  • Understanding how different parts of the brain process slow and fast time
  • Understanding the different brain locations for conventional human logic and a concept-free super logic
  • Understanding Siddha Sankalpa

You will understand:

  • How thoughts can be altered by the Archetypes
  • How the brain can be empowered by a change in the quality of the neurons and the neuro-transmitters
  • How you can become the goddess, god or angel just by understanding certain sound frequencies called “nada” frequencies

What You Receive as a Mystery School Initiate

Spiritual Technology and Energized Items

25 Karma Clearing Technologies: You will receive *25 + Karma Clearing Technologies (Remedies) performed on your behalf in India each month using 7 surrogate yantras. Surrogate yantras are small copper plates inscribed with your personal natal birth chart, which capture your energetic signature and enable the remedies to reach you via proxy.

Dr. Pillai’s Birth Chart and Copper Amulet: You will receive a rare copper amulet containing an inscribed copper plate (yantra) of Dr. Pillai’s birth chart. This special amulet will transmit Dr. Pillai’s energy, and will be used to remain connected to Dr. Pillai throughout the 12 months.

Click Here for a Detailed List of All Remedies

Dr. Pillai has personally selected 25 types of karma-transmutation technologies to be performed on your behalf at specific power spots in India, with a monthly total average of 175 and approximately 2,100 for the whole year. Specialized proxy technology using a surrogate yantra, unique to your birth chart, will be used to transmit their benefits to you. The type, times and locations of each technology to-be-performed are carefully selected to give you maximum benefits.


A special hydration technology (abishekam) will be performed to the Bull Archetype Nandi, the Vehicle of Siva, at one of the most powerful vortices of Siva in Chennai.

BENEFITS: Peace, prosperity, and enlightenment.


A specific karma-transmutation technology will be performed at a karma-removal vortex during “Pradosham,” a daily karma-removal powertime.

BENEFITS: Relief from negative habits, thought-forms, and circumstances.


A special offering will be made on your behalf to your deceased ancestors at one of the most powerful vortices in India to remove ancestral karma.

BENEFITS: Relief from negative ancestral influences and acquisition of their highly-impactful blessings.


A special hydration technology (abishekam) will be performed to the Siddha Master of Light, Swami Ramalingam, at Dr. Pillai’s empowered remedy center in Chennai.

BENEFITS: Helps activate the light body, compassion, and the blessings of Swami Ramalingam.


An offering ceremony consisting of specific materials (pooja) will be made to the 9 Planetary Archetypes at Dr. Pillai’s empowered remedy center in Chennai.

BENEFITS: Helps unlock the ability to create a new destiny.


Every Friday, a powertime associated with the feminine Archetype of Wealth, Lakshmi, a cow will be fed on your behalf at Dr. Pillai’s empowered remedy center in Chennai.

BENEFITS: Helps attract wealth-blessings and miracles.


An offering ceremony consisting of specific materials (pooja) will be made to your personal Birthstar (nakshatra), during it’s time, at Dr. Pillai’s empowered remedy center in Chennai.

BENEFITS: Helps unlock your unique gifts and bring good fortune into your life.


This unique technology will be performed during your individual birth star (nakshatra) at a specific ant-feeding powerspot in India.

BENEFITS: Helps attract protection and increased intelligence.


Food will be given to severely impoverished people on your behalf during your birth star (nakshastra).

BENEFITS: Helps in activating the light body, removing suffering, and attracting miracles.


A specialized ancestor offering will be made on your behalf during the New Moon at Dr. Pillai’s empowered remedy center in Chennai.

BENEFITS: Relief from negative ancestral influences and acquisition of their highly-impactful blessings.


A special offering will be made on your behalf to your deceased ancestors during the New Moon Powertime at Dr. Pillai’s empowered remedy center in Chennai.

BENEFITS: Relief from negative ancestral influences and acquisition of their highly-impactful blessings.


A Fire Lab will be performed to the “Performer Archetype,” Karuppasamy during his powertime of the New Moon at Dr. Pillai’s empowered remedy center in Chennai.

BENEFITS: Helps clear out all negativity, unrighteousness, and solving problems fast.


An offering ceremony consisting of specific materials (pooja) will be made to all the birth stars (nakshatras), during the New Moon time at Dr. Pillai’s empowered remedy center in Chennai.

BENEFITS: Helps access the unique gifts given by each of the 27 different birth stars.


An offering ceremony consisting of specific materials (pooja) will be made to the Archetype of Time, Kala Bhairava, at his powerful vortex in South India.

BENEFITS: Helps in overcoming delays, lethargy, confusion and poor time-management.


Food will be given on your behalf to stray dogs in India during Kala Bhairava’s 8th Moon powertime. The dog is the vehicle of Kala Bhairava.

BENEFITS: Helps attract the blessings for positive time and negativity removal.


A Fire Lab will be performed to the masculine Archetype of Wealth, Vishnu, during his powertime at Dr. Pillai’s empowered remedy center in Chennai.

BENEFITS: Helps access royalty-consciousness, protection, and all-around success.


A karma-transmutation technology will be performed to the Archetype of karma-removal, Siva, during his powertime at Dr. Pillai’s empowered remedy center in Chennai.

BENEFITS: Relief from negative habits, thought-forms and circumstances in all areas of life.


A Fire Lab dedicated to the ultimate sounds of spiritual and material wealth, Shreem Brzee, will be performed during the wealth powertime of the Full Moon at Dr. Pillai’s empowered remedy center in Chennai.

BENEFITS: Helps enhance spiritual and material wealth.


A Fire Lab will be performed to the feminine Archetype of Wealth, Lakshmi, during her powertime at special wealth vortex in India.

BENEFITS: Helps enhance wealth-consciousness, and in attracting beauty and all-around prosperity.


A Fire Lab will be performed to the feminine Archetype of Wisdom and Creativity, Saraswati, during her powertime at her special vortex in India.

BENEFITS: Helps enhance intelligence, intuition, and creativity.


A Fire Lab will be performed to the Archetype of Love and Attraction, Parvati, during her powertime at a special vortex in India.

BENEFITS: Helps bring love, positive relationships, and all forms of beauty into your life.


An offering ceremony consisting of specific materials (pooja) will be made to the masculine and feminine Archetypes of purification and health during their powertime, at their special vortex in India.

BENEFITS: Helps purify the body, mind, and soul of all diseases.


A Fire Lab will be performed to the 9 different Planetary-Archetypes at a powerspot in India.

BENEFITS: Helps unlock the ability to create a new destiny.


An offering ceremony consisting of specific materials (pooja) will be made to all the birth stars (nakshatras), during the Full Moon time at Dr. Pillai’s empowered remedy center in Chennai.

BENEFITS: Helps unlock your unique gifts and bring good fortune into your life.


A coconut will be smashed on your behalf to Ganesha, during his two 14th moon powertimes each month, at Dr. Pillai’s empowered remedy center in Chennai.

BENEFITS: Helps remove obstacles, enhance clarity and the ability to see all shortcuts.

Vedic Astrology Consultations

2 Personal Astrological Readings: The program includes two 30 minute Vedic astrological consultations with an AstroVed astrologer. The first one will be towards the beginning of the program to help prepare you for 2018, and the second will be towards the end of the program.

Private Group Events and Interaction

Weekly Group Meditations: Weekly Group Meditation sessions provide a powerful experience of group synergy when coming together to share Dr. Pillai’s teachings and practices, as well as provide a space for personal discussion and questions.

Guided Workshops on Special Topics (TBA): Pillai Center teachers will hold special workshops on specific topics related to the theme of the quarter. These will be developed based on the teaching materials provided by Dr. Pillai, as well as member needs.

Community Connection: There will be opportunities to interact and share with other people dedicated to this yearlong program through Facebook, online forum, small group discussions and member-led calls.

Complimentary Enrollment in the Wealth Rising Program

Free Access to Dr. Pillai’s Premier Wealth Program: As a member of the new Mystery School Program, you will receive the Wealth Rising Program as a gift from Dr. Pillai. This is a six-month program that started on October 1, 2017 with a focus on increasing prosperity consciousness and obtaining financial growth.

There are two different options for the program: Silver and Gold. As a Mystery School member, you can select either the Silver or Gold Program. You will have access to the program materials from the website, emails, and weekly calls.

*This does not include any Shreem Brzee products or rituals.

Exclusive Member Discounts

As a Mystery School Member, you will receive and exclusive 20% discount off select Pillai Center Academy courses and Pillai Center services, including spiritual technology packages, webcasts, and more. In addition, you will receive a 15% off discount if you choose to join Dr. Pillai in India for his 2018 Birthday Trip. For more information about the birthday trip, please visit this page.

Mystery School TV

Coming together as a group creates a powerful synergistic effect. Mystery School TV is a community event platform which will host weekly live group events.

In addition, to-be-announced workshops on module-related topics will be included periodically throughout the year.

Mystery School Forum and Facebook Group: In addition to Mystery School TV, you will have more opportunities to interact with teachers and members through both a private Facebook group and community forum hosted on your private membership portal.

View Mystery School TV Weekly Schedule
  • Time Technology Wednesdays: join an astrologer to learn about how to understand and benefit from the celestial timeline.
  • Practice Sundays: experience a group meditation with the current module’s teachings, and participate in a live community discussion with facilitated by a Mystery School teacher.

“If someone told you there was something that could improve your health, could improve your relationships, and could even improve your finances, and that a certain practice would be able to bring all these elements we have in our material world together, would it pique your interest? What I found for myself was self-mastery. Dr. Pillai taught me to not be a victime to the circumstances around me. He taught me to have a self-mastery in all aspects of my life. I found a much deeper, more profound connection into who I am, my latent abilities, and who I can be.”

Pedro Jose | Laywer, Entrepreneur, and Founder of Zen Gardens Consulting

“In terms of materialistic benefits, things have been looking upwards on a more and more positive note ever since I had the opportunity to study with Dr. Pillai, but it’s much more than that. To me, the single most important thing is that Dr. Pillai takes us through this whole process in such a pleasurable manner. What more can you ask for? You get 100% spiritual growth and 100% material growth…what more can you ask for?”

Dr. Vish Iyer | MD, PC, Family Physician, Director of Medicine, St. Barnabas NH, USA

“I met Dr. Pillai several years ago at a time when I felt I reached my limits as far as understanding consciousness, awareness, and awakening. He uses sound technology, this ancient wisdom he brings as Siddha Master as well as a Scientist to the western world. I being a student of the mind/body, psychoimmunoneurology, and neuroplasticity, was fascinated from a scientific perspective of what he brought to the table.”

Dr. Guldal Caba | Ph.D, NMD, Psychologist, Naturopath, New York, USA

“Dr. Pillai is one of the most Enlightened beings on the planet... It was pretty clear to me that this sublime being was sent to me so that I might get on with the next stage of my own personal dharma.”

Dr. Wayne Dyer | Best Selling Author

“The information one gets from Dr. Pillai is not something you can learn anywhere, it's not written in textbooks, you can't go and study it. He's imparting this knowledge to you that you can't find anyplace.”

Dr. Lionel Bissoon, M.D. | Chairman, Bissoon Institute of Mesotherapy, New York USA

“I've always been a spiritual seeker of some time, but it started perhaps around 11 to 12 years ago. I had seen Dr. Pillai's material; I believe they've really made a difference in my practice of medicine. It's increase my intuition, my ability to be empathetic with my patients, my ability to see where they are going, what to do for them, and how best to take care of them.”

Dr Becky Prostko, M.D. | Florida

“I became very prescient! Dr. Pillai is absolutely right, you do become more masterful and more powerful in controlling the material side of things...I think about something and it happens.”

Josephine Magnani | Business Professional, UK

“I had a practical experience of Einstein's equation E = Mc2 while witnessing Dr. Pillai's physical body transforming into light. I became standstill and my eyes didn't blink for the next 40-45 minutes.”

Dr. Anbarasu Gowthaman Annamalai, M.D. | Sydney, Australia

Our Commitment

If you’re not happy with your experience in the Mystery School program, we invite you to contact us within 30 days of your original registration for a refund in order that you may continue your search to find the right program for yours spiritual and material fulfillment.

Learn The Secrets to Control Your Reality & Transcend Human Limitations With

Dr. Pillai

“The Program is going to reflect the consciousness I am currently living. I have access to revelations that I have never had, secrets on how to change reality, and ultimately transcend human limitations. My goal is to change human psychology and biology so that we are able to control everything in our lives. I’m going to put out a lot of my own energy in the form of blessings. Blessings are everything, and the blessings will change karma and will change the hardships that you go through... ... all can be changed through blessings.”

Join Mystery School

Option 1

Monthly Payment Plan
  • Dr. Pillai’s most advanced teachings and energetic empowerment
  • Karma-clearing spiritual technologies
  • Special energized items
  • Vedic astrology consultations
  • Private group events & interaction
  • And complimentary Wealth Rising Program
"Registration is closed,
contact us at office@pillaicenter.com
if you would like to join"

Option 2

Save $1,200
  • Dr. Pillai’s most advanced teachings and energetic empowerment
  • Karma-clearing spiritual technologies
  • Special energized items
  • Vedic astrology consultations
  • Private group events & interaction
  • And complimentary Wealth Rising Program
"Registration is closed,
contact us at office@pillaicenter.com
if you would like to join"