
On-Demand Awakened Warrior Teachings and Initiation

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US $ 120.00
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Join Dr. Pillai on 6 days Journey as he provides the empowerment, unique to each day of Skanda Sashti to empower your inner warrior. You will understand and experience higher state of consciousness through the practice of various techniques that Dr. Pillai will be teaching in these 6 days.

6 Initiation Webcasts

Each Night, Dr. Pillai will be teaching divine technique for different Purpose.  

Topics covered by Dr. Pillai during the 6 webcasts are:

•    How Can You Really Open Up Yourself to Muruga, so that He Can Play A Vital Role in Guiding You As He Has Been Guiding Dr. Pillai?
•    How Can You Connect With Him and What Are The Useful Methodologies?
•    How Can You Remove Your Stubborn Karma – Financial, Relationship, or Health Karma?
•    How His Vel Can Help with the Process?
•    How Can You Attract Relationships?
•    How Can Muruga Help You With Maya, Dissolution Of Maya?

You will also receive

•    Webcast Audios
•    Webcast Meditation Audios
•    Mantra Loop Audios
•    PDF containing teachings and how to use them

Skanda Sashti Day 3

Skanda Shasthi Day 3

Skanda Sashti Day 4

Skanda Sashti Day 4

Skanda Shasthi Day 1

Skanda Shasthi Day 1

Skanda Shasthi Day 5

Skanda Shasthi Day 5

Skanda Shasthi Day 6

Skanda Shasthi Day 6

Skanda Shasti Day 2

Skanda Shasthi Day 2

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