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8 Priest Ashwamedha Chanting Followed By Grand Bhagya Suktam Homa on March 18, 2017 at 5:30 pm IST
Archana (Light and Sound Ceremony) to archetype Rama, incarnation of Lord Vishnu at his powerspot
Energized Product: Bracelet

Ashwamedha chanting is one of the oldest and the greatest set of Vedic mantras. When chanted by qualified priests, these mantras can bestow power, royalty, purity, prosperity and grace, the qualities represented by a horse. Bhagya Suktam Homa is a Vedic fire ritual which invokes the archetype Bhaga, who can bestow wealth, luck and fortune. Invoke the Blessings of Archetype Bhaga and Lord Vishnu to acquire high status, luck, wealth and fortune.

8 Priest Ashwamedha Chanting Followed By Grand Bhagya Suktam Homa on March 18

8 Priest Ashwamedha Chanting Followed By Grand Bhagya Suktam Homa on March 18

Archana (Light and Sound Ceremony) to archetype Rama incarnation of Lord Vishnu at his powerspot

Archana (Light and Sound Ceremony) to archetype Rama incarnation of Lord Vishnu at his powerspot

Energized Bracelet

Energized Bracelet

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