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Soul Cleansing Remedies

Health   |   Wealth   |   Relationships   |   Spiritual Evolution   |   200% Life   |   Daily Karma Removal

Spiritual Technologies to Transform your Mind, Body and Spirit

What are your biggest goals in life? Is it to have a successful career? Or to be in a loving relationship filled with joy? Perhaps you want to own a luxury car or your own home? Are you seeking spiritual evolution?

Whatever your true desires may be, you must first remove the old patterns and limitations holding you back. Once your karma has been dissolved and your negativity released, the quality of your health, wealth and relationships can drastically improve.

Dr. Pillai has revealed unique technologies to cleanse the soul and connect with a higher level of consciousness. These ancient practices work on the particle level, where there is unlimited intelligence and power.

The Soul-Cleansing Remedy Packages are designed to help you move beyond the limitations of the human mind and achieve your highest potential.

"Make a commitment. Commit to changing everything in your life. This should be an incredible year!"

– Dr. Pillai


The state of your health directly impacts the quality of your life. The physical body and mind require proper nourishment, exercise, and sleep to remain clear and vibrant.

This Health Remedy Package activates healing energy to restore balance and wellness to your physical, mental and emotional health.

  • 2 Karma Removal Abishekams (anointing rituals) to dissolve all negative health karma and deeply rooted ailments
  • Dhanvantri Fire Lab to invoke the energies of this divine archetype who is aligned with healing principles and the knowledge of a healthy lifestyle
  • Muruga Fire Lab to invoke the divine energy of this warrior archetype who can destroy all diseases and restore the body to its natural state of vitality

Health Remedy Package Monthly Options


Money is a basic necessity in life that allows you to acquire food, clothes, shelter, transportation and enjoyment. Bad money karma can generate negative thought patterns which prohibit you from creating a prosperous and abundant life.

As you release the karmic energy blocking your path to financial success, you will begin to awaken prosperity consciousness and move into the realm of unlimited manifestation.

The Prosperity Remedy Package includes:

  • 2 Karma Removal Abishekams (anointing rituals) to dissolve your most potent financial karma
  • Lakshmi-Kubera Fire Lab to invoke the divine feminine archetype of prosperity consciousness and the banker of the celestial realm
  • Full Moon Fire Lab to invoke the energy of the unlimited abundance and creativity

Prosperity Remedy Package Monthly Options


Relationships are a vital part of the human experience as friendship, love, and passion are strong forces that bring people together.

Supportive and nurturing relationships allow you to achieve your goals and freely express yourself. Too often, however, we continually repeat karmic relationship patterns, which lead to disappointment, regret and heartbreak.

The Relationship Remedy Package is designed to clear your negative relationship karma so that you may experience genuine love and compassion.

  • 2 Karma Removal Abishekam (anointing rituals) to release the most challenging relationship karma
  • Parvati Fire Lab to connect with the archetypal energies of attraction and divine relationships
  • Mars Fire Lab to appease the celestial energies of passion and courage

Relationship Remedy Package Monthly Options


Spirituality is a personal journey that unlocks the door to your true identity and to your greater purpose in life. This process of spiritual evolution awakens your consciousness and enables you to connect with the energy of the Divine.

The Spiritual Remedy Package is designed for people who are ready to embrace the possibility of a new reality.

  • 2 Karma Removal Abishekam (anointing rituals) to destroy the karma of fear and open the door to higher consciousness
  • New Moon Fire Lab to release negativity that no longer serves your highest purpose and acquire divine protection for your journey
  • Rudra Fire Lab to awaken the fierce archetypal energy for destroying the ego and purifying the soul

Spiritual Evolution Package Monthly Options

200% LIFE .

People on a spiritual path often feel that they must choose between a spiritual life and that of the material world.

Dr. Pillai teaches the path of the 200% life, which enables you to create your heart’s deepest desires in the material world and, at the same time, pursue your interests in spirituality.

The 200% Life Remedy Packages includes:

  • 2 Karma Removal Abishekam (anointing rituals) to remove the deep karmic patterns inhibiting material and spiritual success
  • Full Moon Fire Lab to connect with the energies of material prosperity and unlimited wealth creation
  • New Moon Fire Lab to transform your consciousness and receive protection from negativity
  • New Moon Tarpanam to offer your ancestors assistance crossing into the light so they may give blessings of success

200% Life Remedy Package Monthly Options

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