
5th Moon Interactive Fire Lab for Relationships

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US $ 36.00
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Join us for this special 5th Moon Interactive Fire Lab for relationships. Lord Shiva and Shakti are the chief deities of this ritual. The celestial couple is well known for the marital accord they share. Their blessings will enrich the relationship between the husband and wife and also add to their marital delight. This puja is considered to be best for relationships. 

You will be guided in chanting mantras, praying at the appropriate times and when to perform certain actions at home. It is the next best thing to sitting with the Vedic Specialist right in front of the fire.

Your intentions and prayers will be magnified by the participation and prayer of fellow group fire lab members. 

Join us for this Interactive 5th Moon Homa via LIVE Webcast November 26th at, 7pm PST / November 27th at, 8:30am IST.

uma maheshwara Homa

uma maheshwara Homa

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