
Blessings Of The Devas Interactive Firelab on Dec 25th

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US $ 36.00
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Join us for this special Interactive fire lab as Priest Premaraja will invoke Radha and Krishna. Krishna is the ultimate enigma, an embodiment of Love, and a supreme Warrior. His life was intensely spiritual and intensely material. Radha Krishna holds the secret of unconditional love and instant manifestation. Be infused with Love by connecting with the Archetype of Love.

Krishna spread love and wisdom throughout his life, which is now celebrated and followed all over the world. Radha Krishna, a divine form of Krishna, blesses couples to live in peace and harmony and to progress in spirituality. 

Krishna is against pain and sufferings of all forms. He is very compassionate to His devotees. Archetypal Being Brahma addressed Krishna as Acyuta, meaning eternal, who is never forgetful of the service and devotion rendered by His devotees.

Your intentions and prayers will be magnified by the participation and prayer of fellow group fire lab members.

Join us for this Interactive Fire lab via LIVE webcast December 25th.

Radha Krishna Homa

Radha Krishna Homa


Spiritual Weight Loss Package

Register for the Spiritual Weight Loss Package and lose the excess weight! It's a win-win Situation! You feed the most needy- they are satisfied and you are blessed. Spiritual Weight Loss Package: This includes daily feedings, Karappusamy fire labs on new and full moons, and audio downloads of the Karuppusamy mantra and Weight Loss CD. (This is a free one-time download with the purchase of the package) To read further, click on ‘More…’

US $ 90.00

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