
Enlightened Living Planner

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US $ 19.00
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The key to a successful material and spiritual life is to use your time wisely. The Pillai Center Enlightened Living Planner is the daily planner that empowers you with tools that can help you take the right actions at the right times.

The Enlightened Living Planner Can Help You:

  • Organize Your Activities
    Once you know your intentions and goals for the day, you can create a to-do list within your planner.

  • Use The Most Appropriate Mantra for Each Day
    Choose, from a number of mantras, the one most likely to help you achieve your daily goals.

  • Align Yourself with the Stars, Planets, and the Moon
    According to Vedic Astrology, each day comes with a certain energy. That energy is decided by the Moon conjoining with a certain star. The day is known by the star and Moon phase. Having this information in your planner will help you know what the energy of the day will be, and what is best to do during that time.

  • Keep a Journal for Self-Awareness and Improvement
    This feature allows you to check in with yourself and note your dominant thoughts. From there, you can decide whether your thoughts are helpful or harmful. Your karma is determined by thoughts. When you are aware of your thoughts, you can change them and master your destiny.

  • Reinforce Your Manifestations with Gratitude
    By writing down what you are grateful for, you are reinforcing that energy so you can attract more of what you appreciate.

To manifest wealth, a happy relationship, supportive friends, or anything else, you must know what you want in detail. You’ll accomplish things more easily if you create achievable goals every day that move you closer to what you truly desire. Your Enlightened Living planner makes this process easier.

Immediately upon purchase, you will receive a PDF file containing the March Enlightened Living Planner, along with instructions to download and print it. PDF files of the April through December planners will be made available and sent to you at a later date.

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