
Hanuman Birthday Interactive Firelab on Dec 21st

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Birthdays of the Archetypes are special as the Archetype is close to the Earth on that day and it provides you with an opportunity to establish a heart connection with the Deity. A heart connection means the archetype is alive for you and can help you in tangible ways. 

Hanuman is a deity with magical powers and the ability to conquer evil spirits. He is a true epitome of devotion and dedication. Hanuman is a perfect example of how humans can evolve to life free from ignorance, pain and suffering. According to Vedic Mythology, he has the power of inducing fear in enemies and of destroying fear in friends.

He is the symbol of strength and steadfastness and his divine power will provide you with courage and inner peace. He can assume any form at will, dart through the air and possesses the ability to move rocks and mountains.

Join us in this special Hanuman Birthday Live Interactive Fire Lab to destroy courage and fear, free your life from sufferings and get more power and peace.

Join us for this Interactive Full Moon Homa via LIVE webcast December 21st at, 5:30 pm PST /8:30 pm EST/ 7 am IST (Dec 22nd).

December Hanuman Homa

December Hanuman Homa

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