
Timeline Jumping Interactive Fire Lab on April 25

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US $ 36.00
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Every month, the 8th Waning Moon is observed as Kala Bhairava's power time. By accessing the energy of Kala Bhairava, you completely take charge of the moments in your life and avoid future delays, lethargy, poverty, missed opportunities and unfortunate events. Join us in the 8th Moon Fire Lab as this is a power time to accelerate the timeline Jumping.

Kala Bhairava is the archetype who represents time, and governs a world of timelessness beyond reason, logic, and ideas. He is said to manufacture Time Energies for different dimensions of reality. He is the one who can help you to alter your bad time and also boost up the good time you undergo.

You will be guided in chanting mantras, praying at the appropriate times and when to perform certain actions at home. It is the next best thing to sitting with the Vedic Specialist right in front of the fire.

Your intentions and prayers will be magnified by the participation and prayer of fellow group fire lab members. 

Join Interactive Fire Lab on April 25, 7 pm PT / 10 pm ET / 7:30 am IST (April 26)

April Kala Bhairava Homa

April Kala Bhairava Homa

Mercury Pooja

Mercury Pooja

According to Vedic Astrology, Mercury is regarded as the most wise and youngest of Navagraha. Mercury is regarded as the planet of knowledge, intellect, and wealth. Also called as Budha, it denotes how you make sense of the world, originate ideas and communicate them with others. Hailed as Buddhi Karaka, the ruler of wisdom and hence is called as Budha. With the blessings of Mercury, one can improve thinking capability, communication skills, idea formulation, strategy planning, and execution.

US $ 14.00

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