
Kleem Haam Swaha: 10008 Proxy Sounds Writing for Protection and Miracles

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US $ 60.00
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                                Kleem Haam Swaha: 10,008 Proxy Sounds Writing for Protection and Miracles

On your behalf, we will get a proxy person to write the sound 'Kleem Haam Swaha' 10,008 times. These sounds invoke the energy of Karuppasamy (the Dark God), whom Dr. Pillai revealed as the archetype of the Golden Age. He symbolizes righteousness and is the ultimate guardian from evil. This is one of the powerful sounds that can enable you to bring results very fast and do the inconceivable.

Writing sounds involves focus and dedication, and the constant repetition is known to transform the sponsor's consciousness. When you sponsor this service, not only do you benefit, but also receive the good merit of providing livelihood to the proxy sound writers from rural and semi-rural areas and help them sustain their families.

Note: The written sheets will then be included in fire labs to further amplify the benefits.

6 Pradoshams - 3 months/2 per month

6 Pradoshams: 3 months (2 per month)

Karma, Pradosham and Saturn: The Inextricable Link Pradosham literally means Removal of Sins. Pradosham times are the windows of opportunity to remove karma or karmic energies that limit our potential in this current life. It is the time that Shiva absorbs the karma from people. The twilight, pradosham, marks the end of the day light and beginning of night. Day is ruled by Gods, angels and saints while night is ruled by evil spirits.

US $ 117.00 US $ 88.00

To fix my Finance with OM SHREEM BRZEE written 10008 times

On your behalf, we will get a proxy person to write the sound 'Om Shreem Brzee' 10,008 times. While ‘Shreem’ is the seed sound for accessing the energies of Goddess of Wealth Lakshmi, ‘Brzee’ is the new name for Lakshmi as revealed by Dr. Pillai. Together, these two sounds represent the ultimate sound frequency for accumulating wealth. To read further, click on ‘More…’

US $ 65.00

To fix my Health with OM RUM HUM HORUS VISHNUVAI NAMAHA mantra written 10,008 times

10,008 Proxy Written Quantum Sound Frequencies for Health, Well-Being and High Self-Esteem Accessing the Egyptian Archetype of Horus and the Vedic Archetype of Vishnu. Access the energies of these Archetypal Beings who can support and activate your ability to connect to the vibration of health, royal well-being and success. See MORE...

US $ 60.00

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