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Proxy Sound Writing

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Proxy Mantra Writing for OM NAMO NARAYANAYA 1008 times

Proxy Mantra writing is basically a kind of spiritual outsourcing, outsourcing your personal chore to India. You are benefited spiritually and materially as well. We will hire Indian people who live in villages and suffer even for their daily bread, please be assured that we are choosy about people who are worthy of this service!

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10008 Kleem Krishnaya Proxy Written Sounds: Om Kleem Krishnaya Namah

10,008 Proxy Written Sounds for Power of Attraction:'Om Kleem Krishnaya Namah' is the mantra for attraction, and it belongs to Krishna. Writing the mantra involves focus and dedication, and the constant repetition of the sound starts to bring about a positive transformation in the person's awareness. The vibrations are said to produce good karma and pave the way for opportunities to attract prosperity and loving relationships

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10008 Isis Parvati Proxy Written Sounds: Om Ee Sa Isis Parvatiye Namaha

10,008 Proxy Written Quantum Sound Frequencies for Attracting Gracious and Loving Relationship Accessing the Egyptian Archetype of Isis and the Vedic Archetype of Parvati. Access the energies of these Archetypal Beings who can support and activate your ability to connect to the vibration of attraction, sensual energy, power and procreation so that you can attract and increase loving and gracious relationship. See MORE...

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10008 Isis Lakshmi Proxy Written Sounds: Om Ee Sa Isis Lakshmiye Namaha

10,008 Proxy Written Quantum Sound Frequencies for Wealth Accessing the Egyptian Archetype of Isis and the Vedic Archetype of Lakshmi. Access the energies of these Archetypal Beings who can support and activate your ability to connect to the vibration of wealth and abundance so that you can attract all that you need in life and have plenty to share with others. See MORE...

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Kleem Haam Swaha: 10008 Proxy Sounds Writing for Protection and Miracles

On your behalf, we will get a proxy person to write the sound 'Kleem Haam Swaha' 10,008 times. These sounds invoke the energy of Karuppasamy (the Dark God), whom Dr. Pillai revealed as the archetype of the Golden Age. He symbolizes righteousness and is the ultimate guardian from evil. This is one of the powerful sounds that can enable you to bring results very fast and do the inconceivable. To read further, click on ‘More…’

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Sri Moola Ramo Vijayathe: 10,008 Proxy Sounds Writing for All-Round Victory

On your behalf, we will get a proxy person to write the sound 'Sri Moola Ramo Vijayathe' 10,008 times. ‘Moola’ means primordial, ‘Rama’ is an aspect of Vishnu, and ‘Vijayathe’ refers to triumph. Together, these sounds invoke the energy of Vishnu for victory in all endeavors, including material goals. This is one of the powerful sounds revealed by Dr. Pillai for creating miracles. To read further, click on ‘More…’

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10008 Life Changing Proxy Sounds: Om Vayanamasi Dattatriya Siva Baba

"Om Vayanamasi Dattatriya Siva Baba" - The quantum sound frequency to access benefits, attract life-changing experiences, higher intelligence and happiness. These sounds will be written on your behalf 10,008 times. See "More" for explanation of the sound.

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Om Hram Kala Bhairavaya Namah: 10,008 Proxy Sounds Writing for Good Times

On your behalf, we will get a proxy person to write the sound 'Om Hram Kala Bhairavaya Namah' 10,008 times. These sounds invoke the energy of Kala Bhairava, the archetypal being who governs Time Energies. He has the power to create favorable time & put an end to your bad times. Sound Writing is a simple, yet very effective technique to ground the energy of this sound into the writing. This can enable you to acquire the consciousness to achieve more in less time. To read further, click on ‘More…’

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10,008 Sekhmet-Durga Proxy Written Sounds: Om Sem Sekhmet Durgaya Namaha

10,008 Proxy Written Quantum Sound Frequencies for protection, removing negativity and High Self-Esteem Accessing the Egyptian Archetype of Sekhmet and the Vedic Archetype of Durga. Access the energies of these Archetypal Beings who can destroy and nullify negativity. See MORE...

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10,008 Birthday of Shiva Proxy Written Sounds: Va Ya Na Ma Si

10,008 Birthday of Shiva Proxy Written Quantum Sound Frequencies of Va Ya Na Ma Si. Access the energies of the Archetypal Being Shiva who can support and activate your ability to connect to higher evolution, greater consciousness, increased wisdom and compassion as well as ecstatic bliss. See MORE... Also see http://www.pillaicenter.com/practicelibrary/vayanamasi/

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10,008 Amun-Siva Proxy Written Sounds: Om Um Amun NamaSivaya Namaha

10,008 Proxy Written Quantum Sound Frequencies for Power, Grace and Vitality Accessing the Egyptian Archetype of Amun and the Vedic Archetype of Siva. Access the energies of these Archetypal Beings who can support and activate your ability to connect to the vibration of the life energy of the sun and the power of the king as well as infinite compassion and intelligence. See MORE...

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Jai Jai Radha Ramana Hari Bol: 10008 Sounds Writing for Effortless Creation

On your behalf, we will get a proxy person to write the sound 'Jai Jai Radha Ramana Hari Bol’ 10,008 times. These sounds invoke the united energy of Radha and Krishna, the divine couple, for unlimited wealth, rejuvenated health, beauty, and ecstasy. Sound Writing is a simple, yet very effective technique to ground the energy of this sound into the writing. This can empower your manifestations and bring the consciousness of creating an effect without a cause. To read further, click on ‘More…’

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Om Aim Shreem Kleem Namaha: 10008 Proxy Sounds Writing for Wish Fulfillment

On your behalf, we will get a proxy person to write the sound 'Om Aim Shreem Kleem Namaha' 10,008 times. Om’ is the primordial sound of the Divine, ‘Aim’ for Saraswati, ‘Shreem’ for Lakshmi and ‘Kleem’ for Parvati (Durga). Together, these sounds represent the powerful sound frequency of the Trinity Goddesses for fulfillment of desires. Sound Writing is a simple, yet very effective technique to ground the energy of this sound into the writing. To read further, click on ‘More…’

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10,008 Jhooti-Brahma Proxy Written Sounds: Om Jhooti Brahmani Namaha

10,008 Proxy Written Quantum Sound Frequencies for Creativity, Knowledge and Good Fortune Accessing the Egyptian Archetype of Jhooti (Thoth) and the Vedic Archetype of Brahma. Access the energies of these Archetypal Beings who can support and activate your ability to connect to creative energies such as writing, science (including celestial science) and material abundance. See MORE...

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Proxy Sound Writing For Benefits from Hanuman - 10,008

OM SRI RAMA JAYAM. These sounds bring benefits from Archetypal Being Hanuman. Trained sound writers will write the sounds 10,008 times in your name.

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To fix my Health with OM RUM HUM HORUS VISHNUVAI NAMAHA mantra written 10,008 times

10,008 Proxy Written Quantum Sound Frequencies for Health, Well-Being and High Self-Esteem Accessing the Egyptian Archetype of Horus and the Vedic Archetype of Vishnu. Access the energies of these Archetypal Beings who can support and activate your ability to connect to the vibration of health, royal well-being and success. See MORE...

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10008 Proxy Written Sounds for Om Makaral Sivaya Nama

This quantum sound frequency was recently given by Dr. Pillai for karma removal. It invokes energies of a form of Siva that resides in a special vortex that has a special energy to remove significant amounts of karma. You can also use this sound for relatives who have passed away in order to help their passage.

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10008 Shreem Proxy Sounds: Om Shreem Dattatriya Siva Baba

Shreem is the sound that accesses the power and energy of Lakshmi - Archetypal Being of Wealth - whose energies bestow, wealth, material abundance and joy. Dr. Pillai has recently been suggesting the use of Shreem to improve personal as well as global economics and offset the emerging difficulties in the world that has affected so many people's finances and material assets.

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10,008 Muruga Proxy Written Sounds: Om Saravanabava Dattatriya Siva Baba

Access the quantum sound frequencies of Muruga and Dattatriya Siva Baba for higher intelligence, greater strength, vitality, freedom from debt, protection from enemies and reduction of ego.

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Om Gum Ganapataye Namah: 10008 Proxy Sounds Writing for Obstacle Removal

On your behalf, we will get a proxy person to write the sound 'Om Gum Ganapataye Namah' 10008 times. These sounds invoke the energy of Ganesha, the elephant-headed archetype with the special intelligence to foresee hidden blocks and dangers even before they arise. Sound Writing is a simple, yet very effective technique to ground the energy of this sound into the writing. This can remove obstacles in life and bring the consciousness of success in your endeavors. To read further, click on ‘More…’

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To fix my Finance with OM SHREEM BRZEE written 10008 times

On your behalf, we will get a proxy person to write the sound 'Om Shreem Brzee' 10,008 times. While ‘Shreem’ is the seed sound for accessing the energies of Goddess of Wealth Lakshmi, ‘Brzee’ is the new name for Lakshmi as revealed by Dr. Pillai. Together, these two sounds represent the ultimate sound frequency for accumulating wealth. To read further, click on ‘More…’

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To fix my Finance with OM SHREEM BRZEE written 10008 times

On your behalf, we will get a proxy person to write the sound 'Om Shreem Brzee' 10,008 times. While ‘Shreem’ is the seed sound for accessing the energies of Goddess of Wealth Lakshmi, ‘Brzee’ is the new name for Lakshmi as revealed by Dr. Pillai. Together, these two sounds represent the ultimate sound frequency for accumulating wealth. To read further, click on ‘More…’

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