
Sri Moola Ramo Vijayathe: 10,008 Proxy Sounds Writing for All-Round Victory

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       Sri Moola Ramo Vijayathe: 10,008 Proxy Sounds Writing for All-Round Victory

On your behalf, we will get a proxy person to write the sound 'Sri Moola Ramo Vijayathe' 10,008 times. ‘Moola’ means primordial, ‘Rama’ is an aspect of Vishnu, and ‘Vijayathe’ refers to triumph. Together, these sounds invoke the energy of Vishnu for victory in all endeavors, including material goals. This is one of the powerful sounds revealed by Dr. Pillai for creating miracles.

Writing sounds involves focus and dedication, and the constant repetition is known to transform the sponsor's consciousness. When you sponsor this service, not only do you benefit, but also receive the good merit of providing livelihood to the proxy sound writers from rural and semi-rural areas and help them sustain their families.

Note: The written sheets will then be included in fire labs to further amplify the benefits.

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