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We are sometimes able to offer special bracelets which both look nice and contribute to higher energy for you when you wear them. Enjoy!

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Radiation Bracelet

A guardian of well-being in the modern world, crafted with innovation and purpose. This bracelet harnesses the power of natural elements to shield against the harmful effects of radiation emitted by electronic devices. Embedded with specialized minerals and crystals, it creates a protective barrier, deflecting and neutralizing electromagnetic frequencies that can disrupt the body's energy balance.

US $ 15.00 Enter Your Amount US $
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Green jade triple layer bracelet

Green Jade is a powerful natural stoe known to transmit healing energy. Wearing a bracelet made of green jade can help protect against threats and danger, negate negative energies, bestow good luck, establish strong spiritual connections, and rejuvenate health.

US $ 22.00 Enter Your Amount US $
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New Shreem Brzee Breacelet

New Shreem Brzee Breacelet

US $ 49.00 Enter Your Amount US $
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