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Sounds for Material Prosperity

Sounds for Material Prosperity Dr. Pillai teaches that accessing the energy of Rama and Krishna is important for they are aspects of Vishnu, the archetype in charge of material wealth. They embody both royal consciousness as well as spiritual perfection. Dr. Pillai has recommended this chant which combines the potency of the divine names ‘Rama’ and ‘Krishna’ to attract prosperity

US $ 3.00 US $ 2.00 Enter Your Amount US $

Shreem Brzee: Prosperity Meditation by Dr. Pillai (20 Minutes)

Shreem Brzee: Prosperity Meditation by Dr. Pillai (20 Minutes) Dr. Pillai teaches that your five senses are the gateways to your consciousness. The simple Shreem Brzee meditation involves Dr. Pillai chanting the sound ‘Shreem Brzee’ continuously for around 20 minutes. With each chant, you need to imagine the sound being spoken into your sensory organs (eyes, ears, nostrils, and tongue).

US $ 3.00 US $ 2.00 Enter Your Amount US $

Sundara Maha Lakshmi Explanation and Extended Chant

Sundara Maha Lakshmi Explanation and Extended Chant Dr. Pillai explains the history, significance and impact of the most powerful sounds for attracting wealth, a special chant for Sundara Maha Lakshmi. Extended chanting of Sundara Maha Lakshmi for you to use in your daily practice. The chants can be played in the background as you do your daily activities.

US $ 3.00 Enter Your Amount US $

Gayathri Sounds with Sun Moon Meditation Tamil New Year 2009

Gayathri Sounds with Sun Moon Meditation Tamil New Year 2009 Chanting of the Gayathri sounds by Dr. Pillai to use in your daily practice to harness the power sounds of the sun to manifest your best year ever. This chant can be played in the background as you do your daily activities. Dr. Pillai also gives a sun/moon meditation that implants the Gayathri sounds deep within the body-mind for more profound results.

US $ 3.00 Enter Your Amount US $

Thiru Neela Kantam / Makaral Sivayanama Meditation

Thiru Neela Kantam - Makaral Sivayanama is one of the most powerful Meditation techniques for removing karma. On this audio track, Dr. Pillai guides you through a 9-minute meditation to cleanse and release your most stubborn karmic patterns. These sounds can be used on a daily basis to clear away negativity and old patterns. This recording was taken from a live seminar with Dr. Pillai.

US $ 3.00 Enter Your Amount US $

Meditation and Affirmations with a Master: 3 Tracks

Meditation & Affirmations with a Master - 3 Tracks Dr. Pillai's Meditation and Affirmations includes the following tracks: 1) Morning Process: Chaotic breathing used to release your tensions, anxieties and negative thoughts. The ‘Ah’ Meditation manifests your desires and guides your emotional energy. 2) Evening Process: Yogic Sleep is a concentrated technique that Dr. Pillai developed over twenty years

US $ 6.00 US $ 5.00 Enter Your Amount US $

Sounds to Control the Nine Planets (30 Minutes)

Sounds to Control the Nine Planets (30 Minutes) Sounds to Control the 9 Planets as recorded by Dr. Pillai. It took 10 years to release these sounds. Dr. Pillai's voice gives explanation and recites the sounds while music plays in the background. Listening to these sounds by Jnanasamundar is one of the most important remedies for balancing the 9 Planets.

US $ 6.00 US $ 5.00 Enter Your Amount US $

One Minute Meditation: 4 Tracks Consolidated

One Minute Meditation – 4 Tracks Consolidated This package contains all 4 tracks of One Minute Meditation including introduction, instructions, Extended Meditation and Causal Plane. Dr. Pillai introduces the most powerful and energetic quantum sounds on this Universe, OHM & NA-MA-SI-VA-YA.

US $ 6.00 US $ 5.00 Enter Your Amount US $

Sounds for Protection and Miracles - 2 Tracks

Sounds for Protection and Miracles – 2 Tracks Dr. Pillai reveals the powerful chant for ‘Kalki Karuppasamy’ and explains the archetype’s significance in the Golden Age. Track 1 explains the meaning of each sound in this chant in the context of the archetype’s role. Track 2 consists of 54 repetitions of the chant in Dr. Pillai’s voice.

US $ 5.00 Enter Your Amount US $

Dancing with Siva (Get 2 Tracks Free )

This collection contains a set of 12 timeless sounds from the Tamil Siddha tradition. Set to contemporary music, each extraordinary sound invokes the energy of an important archetype from Vedic mythology. Dr. Pillai introduces each sound, explains its meaning, and guides how to use the sound to attract blessings of health, wealth and enlightenment.

US $ 10.00 US $ 8.00 Enter Your Amount US $

Guided OM Kleem Meditation for the Goddess

Guided OM-Kleem Meditation for the Goddess Dr. Pillai reveals the creative energy of the Divine Feminine and guides you through a meditation using the sounds ‘OM’ and ‘KLEEM’ to activate the energy centers (chakras) of the subtle body. These sounds bring the creative power, particularly the creation of loving, harmonious relationships. This package includes a guided meditation and 3 mantra loops with

US $ 10.00 US $ 8.00 Enter Your Amount US $

Ara Kara: Sounds for Manifesting

Ara Kara - Sounds for Manifesting Ara Kara is the sacred sound that busts the ‘impossibility’ concept in our mind. It is the ultimate manifesting sound, cognized by Siddha Master Thirumoolar in deep meditation. ‘Aa’ is the primordial energy, ‘Ra’ is the energy of fire, ‘Ka’ is the first principle of matter, and ‘Ra’ again is the energy of fire. This audio pack contains 3 tracks in Dr. Pillai’s voice – Lecture, Chant and Meditation on Ara Kara.

US $ 10.00 US $ 8.00 Enter Your Amount US $

Connect With Lakshmi: For Wealth Consciousness: Audio Package

Connect with Lakshmi – For Wealth Consciousness – Audio Package This special audio meditation track helps you access the energies of the Goddess of Wealth, Lakshmi. This powerful meditative audio package contains 3 tracks. The three tracks contain Teachings of Lakshmi Archetype, guided Meditation and 108 chants of "Shreem Brzee

US $ 10.00 US $ 8.00 Enter Your Amount US $

Radha Krishna Meditation: For a Life of Perfection

Radha-Krishna Meditation – For a Life of Perfection Invoke the energies of the archetypes of the Golden Age Radha-Krishna. Together, Radha & Krishna bring a 200% life of spiritual growth and material comforts. This special video contains 2 tracks – Track 1, a special teaching by Dr. Pillai on the archetypes Radha-Krishna & Track 2 contains a guided meditation by Dr. Pillai on the powerful chant 'Hari Bol, Radhe Bol' for 31 mins.

US $ 10.00 US $ 8.00 Enter Your Amount US $

SiVaYaNaMa: Light Body Technique for Personal Mastery

SiVaYaNaMa: Light Body Technique for Personal Mastery Dr. Pillai reveals a Light Body technique that uses the powerful sounds 'SiVaYaNaMa' to prepare you for the Golden Age. Track 1 introduces the importance of these sounds. Track 2 is a guided meditation by Dr. Pillai using these sounds. Track 3 consists of 108 repetitions of the sounds in Dr. Pillai’s voice. Use these sounds to empower yourself in the Golden Age.

US $ 12.00 US $ 9.00 Enter Your Amount US $

Sounds of Ganesha - Audio Empowerment Package

Sounds of Ganesha - Audio Empowerment Package This package contains 2 sound tracks to enhance within you the consciousness of effortless success. Track 1 contains repetitions of powerful obstacle-removing sounds for Ganesha and Track 2 contains a guided meditation on Ganesha in Dr. Pillai’s voice. As you listen to the sounds, experience your body and mind being filled with the energy of the elephant-headed archetype.

US $ 10.00 Enter Your Amount US $

Secret Yogic Techniques for Weight Loss

Secret Yogic Techniques for Weight Loss This 40-minute audio contains 4 highly-effective meditation for Weight Loss. Dr. Pillai explains how weight is karmic and caused by addiction to food. He shares the psychological and spiritual insights into thirst and hunger, and reveals the secret techniques and special sounds used by Yogis (inner scientists) to overcome them.

US $ 10.00 Enter Your Amount US $

Connect with Durga - Destroy Negativity- Audio Package

Connect with Durga – Destroy Negativity- Audio Package This special audio meditation track helps you access the energies of the Warrior Goddess, Durga. This powerful meditative audio package contains 3 tracks. The three tracks contain Teachings of Durga Archetype, guided Meditation and 108 chants of "Om Dum Durgayai Namaha

US $ 10.00 Enter Your Amount US $

Connect with Saraswati - Divine Wisdom- Audio Package

Connect with Saraswati – Divine Wisdom- Audio Package This special audio meditation track helps you access the energies of the Goddess of Wisdom, Saraswati. This powerful meditative audio package contains 3 tracks. Track 1 contains teachings of Dr. Pillai on Saraswati, Track 2 is a powerful guided meditation session with Dr. Pillai & Track 3 contains chants of 108 quantum sounds of the Goddess.

US $ 10.00 Enter Your Amount US $

Your Daily Practice Package

Your Daily Practice Package This audio package includes a one hour description from Dr. Pillai on what your daily practice should consist of. It also includes a one hour audio of the practice itself. This one hour audio includes a 30 minute stream of Karma Busting Chants, a 30 minute stream of the sounds Shreem Breeze and an additional 5 minutes of the Radha chants.

US $ 15.00 US $ 11.00 Enter Your Amount US $

I Command You Karma Removal Audio

“I Command You” Karma Removal Audio Dr. Pillai delivers a direct command to your soul to give up miserable thought patterns, repetitive behavior and negative Karma. Listen to this intense audio of Dr. Pillai invoking the presence of Lord Siva, helping you diffuse all negative, repetitive thought patterns or Karma. 45 minutes.

US $ 19.00 US $ 14.00 Enter Your Amount US $

Power of Super Thinking

Power of Super Thinking Dr. Pillai teaches how to activate your ability to manifest instantaneously by bypassing logic, cause and effect, and time. Track 1 (17 mins) introduces the concept of Super Thinking. Track 2 (23 mins) contains a powerful technique to empower your mid brain. Track 3 (32 mins) contains another powerful technique to activate your heart intelligence. This package contains a PDF to help you with your practice.

US $ 25.00 Enter Your Amount US $

Connect with Muruga - the Divine Warrior

Connect with Muruga – the Divine Warrior Invoke the warrior’s consciousness with this extraordinary empowerment by Dr. Pillai. Receive the complete set of teachings, sounds and meditations to connect with the Pleiadian archetype Muruga. You can download the audios for each day of the Six Nights of Pleiadian Power (Skanda Shashti).

US $ 60.00 Enter Your Amount US $

SIX: The Perfect Power Package

SIX: The Perfect Power Package Six is the number of Muruga, the archetype of war and victory. This package will empower you to vibrate with Muruga's victory consciousness and tap the power of six. It includes – audio and transcript of the 6 transformative Muruga calls with Dr. Pillai; audio of 6 powerful sounds revealed by Dr. Pillai.

US $ 60.00 Enter Your Amount US $

Audio Seminar Spiritual Tools for Abundance and Bliss

Audio Seminar – Spiritual Tools for Abundance and Bliss This audio seminar contains Dr. Pillai’s breakthrough teachings. This is a priceless recording that will introduce you to a new paradigm for the Golden Age. You can understand the importance of archetypes Radha-Krishna, and listen to new practices designed by Dr. Pillai for karma.

US $ 249.00 US $ 187.00 Enter Your Amount US $
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