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Birthstar - Nakshatra


Our Rituals are usually performed in Chennai, India at the AstroVed Fire Lab Center unless Dr. Pillai directs them to be done at another location. All rituals are performed by highly trained Vedic specialists according to ancient instructions. Rituals are scheduled as per directions from Dr. Pillai's Vedic celestial science team in India.

A ritual is a wonderful technology to help one experience a personal inner connection with an Archetypal Being. Within the vortex of the AstroVed Fire Lab Center, qualified Vedic specialists do rituals with precision and proper timing using energized statues to focus the ritual and intensify the prayers. Offerings are made of fresh flowers, incense, a lighted ghee lamp and other items. The specialists recite specialized Vedic quantum sound frequencies appropriate for the particular ritual and say the name and birthstar (if known) of the person(s) the ritual is being performed for. This simple, yet joyful, ritual brings in the immediate presence of the Archetypal Being. Just as rain helps seeds to grow, rituals help increase our receptivity to an Archetypal Being's benefits. Many people schedule rituals regularly to enliven the flow of benefits into their lives

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