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Daily Practice


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SiVaYaNaMa: Light Body Technique for Personal Mastery

SiVaYaNaMa: Light Body Technique for Personal Mastery Dr. Pillai reveals a Light Body technique that uses the powerful sounds 'SiVaYaNaMa' to prepare you for the Golden Age. Track 1 introduces the importance of these sounds. Track 2 is a guided meditation by Dr. Pillai using these sounds. Track 3 consists of 108 repetitions of the sounds in Dr. Pillai’s voice. Use these sounds to empower yourself in the Golden Age.

US $ 12.00 US $ 9.00 Enter Your Amount US $

Birth of Time - Audio Empowerment Package

This package contains 6 sound tracks to enhance your mastery of time for instantaneous manifestation. Track 1 contains Dr. Pillai’s teachings & guided meditation on Kala Bhairava. Track 2 contains repetitions of Bhairava Gayatri mantra by Vedic Specialist. Track 3, 4 & 5 contain repetitions of powerful sounds for Kala Bhairava in Dr. Pillai’s voice. As you listen to the sounds, experience your body & mind being filled with the energy of the archetype of time.

US $ 10.00 Enter Your Amount US $

Your Daily Practice Package

Your Daily Practice Package This audio package includes a one hour description from Dr. Pillai on what your daily practice should consist of. It also includes a one hour audio of the practice itself. This one hour audio includes a 30 minute stream of Karma Busting Chants, a 30 minute stream of the sounds Shreem Breeze and an additional 5 minutes of the Radha chants.

US $ 15.00 US $ 11.00 Enter Your Amount US $

Vedic New Year Webcast Audio Downloads

Dr. Pillai shares sounds to invoke the power of the Sun during the Vedic New Year webcast. These audio downloads are taken from meditation given in the webcast and put into mantra loops (repetitions) for your daily practice. Dr. Pillai recommends using these sounds every day to empower the Sun within.

US $ 14.00 Enter Your Amount US $
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Deepam Initiation Audio Package

Karthigai Deepam, when the Full Moon coincides with the Pleiadian star Alcyone (Krittika), is considered the most blessed time of the year for inner transformation. On this day, as the Deepam (sacred flame) is lit atop the Arunachala hill in South India, the earthplane is said to receive vast divine light. Dr. Pillai gave a powerful Deepam initiation via 2 LIVE Calls for unprecedented evolution. Includes: Audios of Calls & Meditation on Light, and Mantra Guide.

US $ 15.00 Enter Your Amount US $

Jupiter Transit Audio Package

This package contains 5 sound tracks to invoke the power of archetype Jupiter or Guru, the Supreme Teacher. Track 1 & 2 contain audio loops of destiny changing sounds. Track 3 contains audio loop of Moola Mantra of Dr. Pillai. Track 4 contains Dr. Pillai’s guided meditation during Jupiter Transit. Track 5 contains Dr. Pillai’s teachings on Jupiter. As you listen to the sounds, experience your body & mind being filled with Jupiter’s transforming energy.

US $ 23.00 Enter Your Amount US $

Midbrain Empowerment Audio Package

This package contains 4 sound tracks and companion PDF to empower your midbrain for miracle consciousness. Track 1 contains Dr. Pillai’s teachings on midbrain. Track 2 & 3 contain Dr. Pillai’s guided meditation on top of brain and pineal gland. Track 4 contains Rudram Chant for Siva by Vedic Specialist. As you listen to the sounds, experience your body & mind being filled with the energy of inner transformation.

US $ 187.00 Enter Your Amount US $
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